Sara Daniels
Director: Rochelle Markasin
Length: 4:00
The video opens up with a black screen and soon as the soft twinkling synths that soon is aided with a throbbing beat mixed with zips of electro that kick in seconds into the song. The actual video opens up in a club seen, and it's packed, it's a hot and sweaty occassion as people fist pump and dance on eachother, the camera's then focus in on Sara who's walking around the club soon as the beat kicks in Sara wastes no time bringing her unapologetic vocals to the track as the dance pop beat slams through the baseline and Sara spots the guy of her dreams. He looks saddened, hanging out on the wall of the club or warehouse. When Sara spots him, her eyes focus on him hard, as she walks up to him, seductively

If she broke your heart, heart, heart
If she tore you apart
I'll make you feel new again
When she says those words, she moves closer to his face, pushing him into the back area of the club, they then end up in a hallway as the camera's follow them.

Sara then looks at him deeply as she starts singing the next lines of the song, she then moves onto him as they engage into a long and drawn out french kiss session as the song continues to blare. As they finish making out, Sara grabs the male protagonists hand and proceed out of the club.
This addiction, this friction
Is burning me alive
So illegal, so much evil just soars through my eyes
I don't care if you don't want it
So care for your will
This is no secret
Don't care if its wrong!The camera's then cut to the guys house, they are laying together as things turn from sweet to dark especially after Sara yells out "wrong". The guy can't see the danger of his situation since he's so in awe of Sara's beauty. The song breaks down into a stellar post chorus breakdown adorned with massive synths that escalate through the hook, with occasional rave beats tapping across the breakdown. For the breakdown, Sara sings the words straight to the male, but he still doesn't understand that she has a growing obsession to him. They smile together, and Sara looks completely into the camera as she yells out "never!".
I am your leader
You'll love, and you'll keep her
Say when we're together
You'll love me forever
You're my possession
You're my obsession
Don't tell me never
Please don't tell me never!The camera's then cut to a room that can't exactly be made out.
OrThis obsession will go over the top
I'll slit your f*cking throat open (uh)
Slit your f*cking throat open (uh)
Slit your f*cking throat open (uh)As the song breaks into a surprising dance pop/dubstep influenced breakdown with a robotic like voice murmuring: This obsession will go over the top| I'll slit your f*cking throat open (uh)| Slit your f*cking throat open (uh)|Slit your f*cking throat open (uh). Sara moves psychotically as she twists her head and throws her body around as she stares into the camera, and in some cuts she has a whip in her mouth making her all the more scary, or sexy. As she mouths out the words of the song. When the breakdown is finished the song cuts away from the scene.
I'm happy you seen from the start
There's no keeping us apart
Everywhere you turn I'm trapped to your arm
I'm making it visible, that this is no game
The thought of you just goes and goes through my veins
There's no escape, there's no running away
And certainly no one to come save your dayThe next scene as comes immediately after the breakdown scene. Now, the boyfriend of the female protagonist is shopping in a retain clothing store. As he's giving the cashier money for the items he has just brought, the camera's flutter to see Sara Daniels following him in the store, looking around for him in a stalking manner. She spots him. As the guy turns to leave, he sees Sara turning the corner of the store. He follows after, but when he the turn to see what she's doing there, she isn't even there. The guy looks totally freaked out because he knew he just saw her. Was she there, or was it all in his mind? He rubs his eyes and looks around, and shakes his head as he scopes the area one more time.
Oh isn't this exciting, am I breaking you down ?
I'll let you make you a comeback
And I'll be tearing you down
In the next scene, the camera's cut to them laying in bed together. Sara is saying the words of the song, but in her "sleep". As the lyrics say: All these evil thoughts I keep whispering in my sleep| Has you convinced that I'm officially off the deep. The boyfriend looks at her scared by the words she said. In the video, the words of the song aren't said to the man, but instead another evil thought that we can't make out. He looks at her freakishly but soon falls asleep back asleep as Sara does too. But seconds later, her eyes pop back open as she looks evil and psychotic.
All these evil thoughts I keep whispering in my sleep
Has you convinced that I'm officially off the deep
Now your trying to leave me too seep
But you forgot that very important speech!
As she opens her eyes, she says the obsessive next lines as he's sleeping as the song builds up. Once more. She says the words laying in bed
I am your leader
You'll love, and you'll keep her
Say when we're together
You'll love me forever
You're my possession
You're my obsession
Don't tell me never
Please don't tell me never!The camera's then cut to a room that can't exactly be made out, the same room of the scene earlier in the video.
This obsession will go over the top
I'll slit your f*cking throat open (uh)
Slit your f*cking throat open (uh)
Slit your f*cking throat open (uh)Sara does the same movements as she did before as the songs breakdown roars. She moves her head around quickly and her body. She does movements that would make the typical person think she is completely crazy. She moves closer to the camera to say the words of the breakdown. As she say the next few words starting with "Always stay close to me". The camera's focus on on Sara in the room as she twitches and sits on the floor, saying the words. Until the last line "This is no secret, no secret". She puts her finger on her mouth as if she's saying "shh" as the video cuts to the next scene.
Always stay close to me
Don't think you'll leave now
I won't promise I'm okay
This is no secret, no secret
Sara in a very dirty looking room, the walls are rotting. Sara is crying as her boyfriend tried to leave her, she seems to be having a crazy, psychotic tantrum. She throws her hands up in the air to sing the last hook of the song as lights start coming through the walls and fluttering throughout. Sara looks as if she's about to go completely off the deep end. The burning lights soar throughout the room. As the chorus comes up, Sara walks to another part of the room as the scene breaks into the most disturbing scene of the video.
I am your leader
You'll love, and you'll keep her
Say when we're together
You'll love me forever
You're my possession
You're my obsession
Don't tell me never
Please don't tell me never!
The room Sara was doing her psychotic craft in was actually a torture chamber as the camera's move over to find the male protagonest is tied up to a machine. He is screaming trying to break free. There is a countdown on the chamber going 10...9...8...7....6....5....4... The male is screaming for his life, as Sara stares at him evilly. The chorus breaks onto the video as the countdown is happening. The guy is still yelling out.
This obsession will go over the top
I'll slit your fucking throat open (uh)
Slit your f*cking throat open (uh)
Slit your f*cking throat open (uh)Sara just stares at him as a tear rolls down her eyes, as she walks to the room's exit door, she looks back one more time.....3...2....1. The song just goes into it's instrumental, you can't actually see the fate of the male protagonist, but everyone can assume. It was not good.
The video ends with Sara being taken out by the police as she's arrested, she looks around at the thousands of paparazzi and the media frenzy that's going on around her as the police walk her into the police car as they drive off the video comes to an end.