DREAM - LEDGE (Official video)

The video opens up on the side of a bed in a pink room hanging over the bed we see some long blonde hair and two hands outstretching then we see the fingers begin to intertwine anything beyond this point in the background is out of focus the camera stays focused on focused on the two hands for a few seconds in silence before we finally hear DREAM speak in a soft monotone voice finally breaking the silence "
I love you" the silence comes back for two seconds before a small kiss is heard after the kiss we see the camera pan out a little bit to where we can see two girls laying on the bed together one being DREAM who has her hair in up in a bun we then see the other girl reply to DREAM she speaks in the same soft monotone voice that we heard from DREAM repeating the words "
I love you" to her before we hear the beat to DREAM's song LEDGE begin to play

After the song finally starts we see the scene change this time we see two different quick shots of the girls the first is DREAM and the girl's hands fingers intertwined as DREAM moves her hand slowly up the girls thighs before it cuts to a scene of the two holding hands moving in two kiss each other which fits with the lyrics DREAM sings "
Start a little fire (hotter)/In between you and me (ooh, ooh)" however after these two scenes we see the video switch over to a lake for a few seconds in the lake stand four dark figures three men and one woman the woman being DREAM together they dance to the beat in the water in a synchronized odd style as the lyrics are now speaking on a bad part of the relationship "
Say my name then curse it (ah, ah)/Then tell me that you love me (ooh, ooh)"
Start a little fire (hotter)
In between you and me (ooh, ooh)
Say my name then curse it (ah, ah)
Then tell me that you love me (ooh, ooh)

As the pre-chorus begins to kick in we see the girls in a different setting this time in an arcade room with video games all around it however the lighting remains pink from the bedroom as the pre-chorus is sung "
Gone off the tracks/From light to dark then back/(It keeps getting hotter, it keeps getting hotter)" we see the girls in a few different quick shots the first being a close up of the other girls face looking in the distance seductively, the second from behind DREAM shows the two girls walking towards each other before the girl grabs DREAM, the third shows the girl holding DREAM's hands against the wall, the fourth is a close up of their lips only inches apart before it zooms out to show both the girls faces, and finally we see DREAM place her hands on the girls hips/bottom as the two are now extremely close to each other after the build up we finally get to the chorus where we see DREAM turn around and take control kissing the girl before moving down to kiss her neck as the chorus plays out in the background
Gone off the tracks
From light to dark then back
(It keeps getting hotter, it keeps getting hotter)
This ledge you've got me on
The same old song, it never stops
This ledge is what I want
The same old song, I love it though
I wanna feel you feel me
I wanna feel you feel me

after the chorus we're brought back with the second verse where this time we see a few scenes of DREAM and the men dancing in the lake the men serve as a representation of DREAM's insecurity, anger, and doubt she dances with these negative emotions the emotions dance along with her following her every move seeming as though she currently had these emotions in check and is leading them as the lyrics "
Keep me high up on the (wire)/Tensions running high for me (ooh, ooh) are heard we also se her dancing in the lade on her own after this part we see her once again with the girl this time back on the bed DREAM lays over her as the two stare into each others eyes seeming in happy and in love as the second half of the verse "
Kiss me like you've never (ah, ah)/Never hated me (ooh, ooh)"
Keep me high up on the (wire)
Tensions running high for me (ooh, ooh)
Kiss me like you've never (ah, ah)
Never hated me (ooh, ooh)

As the pre-chorus goes on we now see DREAM miming the lyrics to the song for the first time in the video as the shot remains with DREAM laying over the girl she does this in a more playful way as the other girl can be seen laughing at DREAM's over acting going along with the miming of the song to her before it cuts over to a scene where DREAM is once again dancing with her emotions in the lake however this time the emotions and DREAM seem totally out of sync with with each other it almost seems as though they're attempting to drown her she's once again seen dancing by herself however these scenes quickly cut back to the pair in the room they seem to be getting along well here as we see them smiling at each other and laughing once again despite what we had just seen for a few split seconds with DREAM and her emotions as the chorus arrives we once again see the girls kissing and expressing their love for one another throughout the chorus
Gone off the tracks
From light to dark then back
(Keep me on this wire, keep me on this wire)
This ledge you've got me on
The same old song, it never stops
This ledge is what I want
The same old song, I love it though
I wanna feel you feel me
I wanna feel you feel m-
The music suddenly comes to a complete stop after the girl is seen turning of the radio out of frustration we now see the two in a car the silence fills the air the tension between the two girls can now be felt just by the looks they're giving each other they seem to be in an argument at this moment after three seconds of complete silence we finally hear the two girls yelling over one another the girls are yelling so loud at this point that neither of their words can really be heard finally though the argument comes to an end as we hear DREAM scream at the top of her lungs "
I hate you!" which the girl seems to be extremely upset by she then leaves the car DREAM seems to immediately regret letting those words slip out of her mouth though she's still looks frustrated we see her also run out of the car to go chase after the girl

After DREAM leaves the car the music once again starts we now see the girls outside arguing however it's unclear what either girl is saying as the music is playing over their argument towards the end of the bridge we see the girl move in to kiss DREAM as the bridge begins to build up back into the chorus DREAM doesn't seem to take too well to this and stands there looking like an emotional wreck as the girl walks away bringing the bridge to an end
Further then closer to you
Do we make love or fight?
Building then crumbling on
Your kiss, your lips, your bite
Further then closer to you
Do we make love or fight?
Building then crumbling on
Your kiss, your lips, your bite

Throughout the chorus we see a few more scenes the first of the girls sitting together both still looking clearly upset DREAM's love interest's mascara seems to be running from her tears we then see the girl hugging DREAM however looking at DREAM she seems to be emotionally detached from the girl we see another scene of the girls this time the girl is kissing DREAM's neck as she lies on one of the arcade machines DREAM still has that emotionally detached look on her face there are a few more scenes like this showing that the relationship is nowhere near as happy as it once was there are no more smiles in their moments shared no more laughs everything just seems to have died out the love seems to be gone
This ledge you've got me on
The same old song, it never stops
This ledge is what I want
The same old song, I love it though
I wanna feel you feel me
I wanna feel you feel meI wanna feel you feel me
I wanna feel you feel me

After the song finishes we see one final scene in the video the camera is focused on the lack for a few seconds the only sounds that are heard are that of whatever wild life is around there this goes on for about two seconds before we hear the crunching of leaves and sticks which gives the listener a clue that someone is walking towards the lake finally we see it we see one of the dancers who played one of DREAM's emotions walking towards the lake facing away from the camera with DREAM in his arms DREAM seems to be unconscious almost looking dead as soon as he takes her half way into the lake the video turns to black bringing the music video to an end