β’ ππΈβπππ π½πΈπβ INTERVIEW β’

"So how is it going? 5 months since your proper comeback with your second single 'Meet Me At Soda Pop' and you guys seem steady in the music industry"Zafari: It's our valeur, that's it.
David: We are extremely proud of ourselves. You know, despite all the madness, all the bad things... I can say we've been through a lot now. But here we are.
Natasha: Nothin' can break us down.
Zafari: Honestly ain't just about how much we work or how we never give up. It's also about how we get along and just understand each other. We are good friends.
David: Yes, that is a great power and energy. It's something that drives us far together.
Zafari: And we ain't that kind of group that is forced to do something or has a member that forces another one, we are free in this project and that's it, we just like it.
"Do you guys think that your message on equality and difference being a strength is what made you standout in the end?"David: Yeah, it did. There are billions of people out there who need to feel liberated. whether it is a gay man, a woman feeling suppressed in a machist world, a black person, someone feeling left out for a disability, all of that! We want everyone to know that what makes you different makes you special and makes you the way you are, that nobody else can be. But at the same time if there wasn't that difference how boring the world would be? We'd be machines done to do all the same thing, wear the same thing, listen to the same type of music and more. We like difference.
Rose: That is actually the main theme on our new song 'Valeur'. We just talk about this - being different or feeling different should not mean that you are inferior! We try to say that you should feel like everybody else, because everybody is different.
Natasha: The only difference we don't accept is ignorance and racism and all this closed-minded type of stuff. That's what makes the world stuck at one point. No progression.
Do you feel like an example for people out there?Zafari: Well I do, man. I like myself, like we said who cares if they ain't liking my skin. I like to have fun, enjoy myself. If they do too, great!
Rose: Mmh, I think everyday we try our best to inspire others and if we are an example, I do hope for good!
Natasha: Yes, exactly. We are definately an example for the young people that follow us, but we aren't perfect. We also have flaws so it's better they'd follow the example to be themselves, not get inspired by our flaws as well.
Rose: Yes, this was what I mean! I hope we can make them better but sometimes we aren't that perfect that you should follow what we do to get that better yourself.
"So encouraging everyone to be themselves is what you aim for and it's a good message. What would your advice be to, let's say, young fans who get bullied at school for whatever reason. How would they show their valeur?"Natasha: Just by thinking that bullies are young insecure pricks who were taught by Vikings how to live. Their life isn't so great like they make it appear, sadly.
Rose: Oh I would say stay strong, keep studying, keep doing your thing and get help as soon as you can. Don't ever be messed up in your life by that... I know it's hard, but it will get better, you will grow up understanding that!
David: You know, calling for help is really important and can save you. Just tell anyone you trust, get help and the nightmare will end.
Fabriano: Getting help is definately the thing to do here. They should tell a teacher, a principal. Anyone who could help.
David: Sadly we know bullying is a cause of many suicides today, many people ruining their own lives and many other bad things just because of...
Natasha: Because of some insecure pricks.
David: Yeah well, it's something we should fight, not fear.
"And to women living with a violent husband or boyfriend? How would they show their valeur in your opinion?"Zafari: I'd say kill 'em in their sleep. Ya know, with a pillow!
Natasha: Ohhh, maybe poison them? How liberating it would be.
Rose: Oh, no! No violence. Just like we said, ask for help. Don't ruin such a beautiful and precious thing that is life!
Zafari: ...Yah, just kiddin'. Ask for help, don't let that sucker win on ya. Ain't deserving it in the end.
Fabriano: In my opinion it is also definately easy to speak and give advice until you are in a situation. So I am pretty sure whatever advice we are giving, it won't be heard. Fear plays hard. We as others can have a role in staying close to these victims and understanding them when in need, speaking about it is as important.
"These are definately important themes that celebrities like you should be vocal about. What would you do if you had anyone of your close people in situations like these?"Natasha: You don't even wanna know. Trust me.
David: Yes, Natasha can be quite scary. I would simply be very supportive. I would fight for them like I do for other real things happening right now.
Zafari: I think I would be as scary as Natasha, only without makeup.
Natasha: Zafari loves to be scared by my madness.
"Did you guys ever find yourself in a similar scenario? Not exactly bullying or a violent partner, but something similar that made you feel oppressed like that."David: Oh I was, imagine a gay man trying to hide it in a class full of young men harrassing you with questions about who's the actress you'd take to bed with you.
Natasha: I also have differently, with some people in my family, people probably already know what I mean if they read newspapers. I won't be telling you details but yeah, I have. It sucks but then it sucks more for them when you show them the balls. That must really suck.
Zafari: Natasha's balls are her valeur. Did you know?
Natasha: Yes and my balls are really big, especially in this period.
Fabriano: I believe that as much as we can be shook by this statement, some media can be the current oppressor for some or all of us. It never ends to feel oppressed. Old people feel oppressed by some young ones. It is a perspective thing, really.
Natasha: Yeah, also about how you react and learn from it.
David: And this is why we want to empower everyone up! Don't feel oppressed, show your valeur!
Zafari: Oppress who oppresses ya.
"So changing theme now back to your music, there was a rumor last month about you recording your new album. How true is that?"Zafari: Very true, we are recording new music man. Get excited.
Rose: Oh yeah! Some very good music, I'm so excited for it!
David: I think we have never stopped writing, or at least I never have. But now we are actually bringing some new tracks to life, like properly. And they sound very, very, very good.
Rose: Yes, a bit different, but sound is evolving! It's exciting.
Natasha: We are in the very early stages though, so you can imagine. You will have to wait, sadly.
"And the news about your Netflix documentary? You will talk about your individual lives and life as a group.Zafari: Also true. We will announce something soon. Get double excited.
Rose: Yes, I mean, I'm also a bit nervous... Some private things will be talked about but we are going to do that to inspire other with our stories, like we just said.
Natasha: I can say it will be hard for me to speak easily. I hate talking about my things, but for a greater good, I'll do this.
So I want to ask you who do you look up to? We talked about being an example, but who is an example for you?Rose: Mmh, good question. I think my mum does inspire me so much... We've had a strong bond in my life, you will find out why in the documentary. I'm also very inspired by them, my friends and people I love.
Natasha: And Disney and Jesus, say it Rose.
Rose: Oh yes, definately!
Natasha: I actually said it before. Many artists especially women have inspired me, but Stephanie Fierce has been a role model. The drive she has, the strength, the attitude. Ask her like you asked us what she'd do if anyone tried to oppress her , I can imagine the answer already.
Zafari: I actually don't have one person to look up to. If I like someone, then great, teach me that something. I'm liking people like Payton, Orion, our boss Billy who got things to say. So yeah, look up to that.
David: Well, I've had many inspirations in the past growing up, popstars like Miss Vanity, Girlspice, Isabel, Weekend who's now back and I'm so happy for that, wow. My uncle and my boss Dustyn also inspired me a lot in coming out, you know. But one person who'll always stay with me and inspired me a lot recently was my Spoons. Yes, he taught in a few months so many things you would never guess. Things like tricks at cooking, hobbies I didn't know about, seeing things from a different perspective. It's been so important.
Fabriano: For me I like to look up to people with strong roles, like political people, billionaires like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs that have so much power, many people trying to get them down or use them, but they know what to do. They surely knew how make it in life.
And last question, what would you say inspires you in your style? What inspires you in choosing some outfits instead of others?David: Ah just choosing what makes me feel more liberated and expressive. You know, outfits with quotes, colorful outfits, rainbows, symbols. I like to say what's on my mind.
Zafari: I like that wild swag kinda thing. Don't ya ever put me in controlled monotone boring clothes.
Natasha: I also like something a bit wilder, but it has to be comfortable too. I like to be sexy but I also like that sporty look. My style is be free, comfortable and edgy.
Rose: Well they say I wear doll type of clothes, that I like to be a Disney princess and all of that, but I only do love simple cute clothes! I like pink, I like skirts, dresses, I love to feel feminine.
Fabriano: I do like to be elegant. It's what makes me feel like I standout. I don't like casual clothes, colorful things. I'm more of a serious person.
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