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#1381 Posted : 05 December 2019 06:07:46(UTC)
erich hess
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The battered blue Chevy van pulled up to the address given. The van already had a sold as scrap title and the tag was technically valid for a few more days. Nobody would miss it,or whatever happened to be inside when it was dumped offshore. The interior light was turned off as the three passengers exited. Juro had personally sent his two assistants to take care of this,akira and kaneada. Why akira didn't just call himself tetsuo to complete the pairing was a mystery. The two looked completely unremarkable in every way. The best kind of people for their work. Mariko tagged along. She was wearing an oversized hoodie and very loose jeans. Unless she spoke,she'd pass for a male. Unknown to her,her interest in this wasn't business. It was personal. Tyron had made her look foolish. He'd caused her to fight with vara..and most importantly: she was convinced he hurt Nina and that's why she was hiding.

"C'mon." Kaneada tells his partner and temporary partner. He wasn't keen on having Mariko here. She was an unknown factor.
The trio walk up the steps and to the door. Tetsuo knocks. As the moments pass,Mariko turns more and more pale.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline freestylechamp  
#1382 Posted : 05 December 2019 07:28:38(UTC)
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Alvaro walked to the front door and open the door for them to come in and then he walked them to the living room and had them sat down and wanted them to look around. He waited as they were looking over the place. "This is part of the problem that I have. This guy came in here and made this house look like this. I wanted you guys to see this so you can know that this was all done by one person he killed my nephews and cousins and in this bedroom in the back, he killed my brother. I want the guy in front of me and I want to see him die. I also want you to pick up my daughter and bring here as well. I don't care you you get them here but bring them here and make sure anything that is connected to this new life of my daughter sees the ends of theirs."

Offline erich hess  
#1383 Posted : 05 December 2019 09:16:24(UTC)
erich hess
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tetsuo gives a little nod of greeting and slips into the doorway. he has no reaction,but takes everything in. back in japan,it was rare things went this far but he was still no stranger to what the house looked like. kaneada firmly grabbed mariko's hand and tugged her inside as well. she may have been like a niece to juro,but the trio had an appearance to keep up. its possible the man before them had no idea the connection between the small person in the room and his daughter. all the more reason for her not to gasp in horror.
tetsuo scratched his ear lazily before speaking. the story alvaro tells is impressive. this target wasnt to be taken lightly. this wasnt part of the description mariko had given juro. tetsuo furrowed his brows and sighed. "shit. yeah.we werent told all of this. we were under the impression it was a wannabe gangster." he tells alvaro with a hint of anger in his voice and a dart of his eyes towards mariko. danger was part of the business,but he didnt want to be killed in the usa.

"i can see why you want him gone." kaneada says quietly. he had the heaviest accent of the trio. his voice sounded like a yakuza badass. soft but with enough weight that every word had meaning. he looks to tetsuo and shrugs towards mariko. kaneada moves mariko towards tetsuo but trying to not seem obvious that this third person is purposefully being passed off.
"we better split. these two will take care of your...house guest problem and i will be under retrieval."

mariko closes her eyes and focuses on why she had went to juro. she hadnt known what tyron had done to nina's family. she hadnt known that tyron was as psychotic as he seemed. this made her all the more certain in her being right about this. tyron had hurt nina. that is why she was in spain. tyron was cruel and he could have hurt vara. " please dont hurt nina." mariko tells kaneada. " just bring her." mariko sighed. she hadnt expected nina to be involved in this. she couldnt face her like this. what if nina is bitter about the big brother thing?! she will have something over mariko that could ruin her life...mariko felt the panic raise.

kaneada gave a noncommittal grunt. mariko was in no position to give orders. he only had to listen to juro.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline freestylechamp  
#1384 Posted : 06 December 2019 01:19:56(UTC)
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Alvaro smirked hearing that this guy was a typical wannabe "This isn't a normal person, he is both reckless and fearless." He closed his eyes and he could see this guy going into a firestorm without a plan and somehow coming out alive, he was either lucky or good and from how well he been keeping alike he was starting to think this wasn't luck. "When it comes to my daughter don't kill her, I will handle her myself but I don't care what happens to him if he is a risk kill him I just want to make sure that he is dead. That why I want to see him in person but I lost a lot already if it can't be helped so be it and end him." Alvaro stands up and gives them a recent picture of what Tyron looks like. His thin frame is replaced with bulk and muscle. He has on a modify training mask and goggles with some kind of bodysuit on. "That's the more recent picture that we have of him. He knows how to fight and is pretty good with a gun and he curries two daggers in his back. Be cautious when you approach him."

Benito gave Tyron a heads up a few days after the meeting Alvaro had about his father sending people his way but he didn't know when or what they looked like. So Tyron was sitting on the ledge of an apartment building. It was sunset around this time and on this ledge, he had a sniper rifle with a scope on it but he was more thinking about what he should do about the people coming after him. He was good with the cops, for the most part, and he didn't hear anything in the gangs about a hit being put on him. This must have been someone on the outside so he didn't have a clue what to expect. The whole hitman vs hitman thing was something that he was excited for. This was going to be a chance to put his skills to the test he checked his watched and got by the gun. Steady it taking aim and fired hitting a mob boss in his safe house as he just finishes taking shower in his bathroom. He had a habit of opening the window in his small bathroom so the steam messes up with windows and the paint. with it being an old place.

Offline erich hess  
#1385 Posted : 06 December 2019 02:03:19(UTC)
erich hess
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Mariko didn't like hearing tyron was capable. She preferred when she thought he was just a scary idiot. She frowned while thinking this all wouldn't be happening if he had died on big brother. Nina would also be safe. This whole thing definitely made her rethink what she knew about nina. Had Nina every considered like this for her?! Mariko desperately wanted to be back to having a pleasant breakfast yesterday morning.

Kaneada gives a slight nod to alvaro. " i can't say that no harm will come to her. But nothing more than a dart." He replies nodding his head towards the van. Kidnapping and ransom was somewhat a speciality of kaneada. Damaged hostages were no good. He had a twisted in pride in treating his targets well. Like capturing animals for a zoo,a tranquilizer gun was very handy. He imagined the dart hurt like hell though.

Mariko doesn't look at the picture. She's seen tyron on instagram. He looked every part a real life action figure. There was no flab on him anywhere. He sort of reminded her of her ex husband. He had had that sort of build. The more she thought of tyron,the more and more he became a hybrid of his true self and the memory of Mariko's ex husband. The ex husband whom went to his grave not paying for what he did To her. Still, she says nothing. Tetsuo speaks up though. " he's probably going to be a real mother fucker to bring back here. But either whole or in pieces, I'll get him." Tetsuo says coldly. It was going to be harder than he expected. Back in Japan a few full auto ak47s smuggled out of North Korea made all the difference. Here? That edge wasn't so sharp. Juro had a US military contact he might be able to hit up. They were going to need better equipment.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline freestylechamp  
#1386 Posted : 06 December 2019 02:30:56(UTC)
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Alvaro nods and gets up to shake Tetsuo's hand as an agreement. He then got a closer look at Mariko "You," he said in cold voice like he was trying to remember something. He really did let Nina, for the most part, let her do what she wanted we it came to dating but she had a long list he wasn't going to remember every person she has been with. If fact the only really he heard of this one was Benito going to the hospital. Otherwise, it wouldn't have mattered to him. Still getting a better look at her he feels like he has seen her before but he couldn't place his name on it. "Your friends with my daughter right? She is lucky to have someone like you."

Offline erich hess  
#1387 Posted : 06 December 2019 03:18:31(UTC)
erich hess
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Tetsuo returns the shake firmly. " I'll keep you posted." He states and goes to leave,grabbing mariko by the jacket. He still wasn't sure where she stood and felt like he needed to guide her. He knew she didn't have this in her. But he'd humor juro by keeping close until she couldn't handle it any more.

Mariko's blood ran cold when alvaro spoke to her. She had to force herself not to snap the hood closed and ignore him. This was bad. She had been recognized. She could be pointed out in a police lineup now. Did Japan have an extradition agreement? She had left her phone with hitomi, whom would post things placing her in Japan. Mariko had an alibi, right? Was that even what it was called? Fuck. Also..what did he want. At first she meekly nodded her head and took a step behind Tetsuo. " yes. I....was? I don't know how she feels about me anymore. But i owe her this." Mariko said with increasing bravado. Not being berated by alvaro was a relief and proved to her she was doing the right thing.

Tetsuo had made a few stops before the van came to be parked alongside the street. Mariko had no urge to look at or be looked at by the people Tetsuo visited. Sighing, he turned off the van.
"Here. If you insist on being along, take this." He tells Mariko sternly while placing a large pistol in her hands.
Mariko looked at it for a moment. It was heavy.
"It's a revolver. No safety. No preparation. Just pull the trigger." Tetsuo explains.

Mariko nods and places it in the pocket of her hoodie."right..will it..do it?" She asks softly.

Tetsuo chuckles and puts his hand on her shoulder. "Mariko, its a 44. It kills at both ends." He grins at her. He desperately wanted to see Mariko try and shoot the thing. It would probably knock her on her ass. But it was powerful. So even if she caught an arm or leg, someone was going down. Tetsuo,himself tucked the stockless mp5 into his own jacket.

The pair stepped out of the van and walked down the sidewalk towards where he heard tyron might be.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline freestylechamp  
#1388 Posted : 06 December 2019 03:42:09(UTC)
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Tyron was at Starbucks drinking a nice cup of whatever the cute girl recommend for him, he got a lot more attention from the ladies now but he was still very much in his own world and he also knew that he wasn't meant for relationships in this line of work. In fact, he hasn't gotten laid in a while, all that energy was going into other stuff like working and getting centered and killing people. He was looking through the newspaper just to see if anything talked about the guy showing up dead in his bathroom but he didn't see anything on it so he just looked at other things like the funnies. It's been a minute since he got a chance to read printed comics. He also had beats headphones that were connected to his phone.

Offline erich hess  
#1389 Posted : 06 December 2019 04:44:21(UTC)
erich hess
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Mariko and Tetsuo stolled down the sidewalk. Mariko tried to not look at any one they passed. She didn't want to give away their purpose.

"So you cheated on that man's daughter..on tv. Now you're coming along to give her boyfriend a vacation? You've got balls,Mariko." Tetsuo says as they walk. It was doubtful any around them spoke Japanese, but it was still a good idea to speak in vague terms.

Mariko shoved her hands in her pockets and looked at the cracked sidewalk and her shoes. " you wouldn't understand." She snapped. A few moments ago, the idea of snapping at someone she knew was a killer would have been absurd. But the more Mariko thought about tyron, the more she hated him.

"Ok, betty bad ass" Tetsuo jokes to Mariko;holding his hands up in surrender.

Mariko was getting antsy. She could go for a drink but wanted a clear head. She needed a clear head. "You want to get a coffee?" She asks Tetsuo.

The man shakes his head. " I don't have any cash."

"It's my treat,you goof" Mariko laughs softly and heads towards the cafe. The door had opened and the smell was wafting out.

"Fine. But don't use a card. You're supposed to be in Japan right now. Paper trail."Tetsuo says wisely,Tapping the side of his head.

Crap. Mariko just about busted herself. She had to be careful. If her mental wallet was right, she still had 20 in cash on her. "We'll get smalls." She grins and opens the door. Once inside, she feels an elbow in her ribs. About to scold Tetsuo,she sees his furrowed brows. Following his gaze, she sees what he sees. There is no mistaking tyron. The man is huge and seemingly has an aura of menace about him.

"That him?" Tetsuo asks in Japanese. Mariko gives a slow nod. "You go speak with him. Get a feel for things. I'll be right here." Tetsuo says,hammering out a plan. Nobody was going to do anything in a public place like this. Perhaps Mariko could get some information or lead him somewhere isolated. Tetsuo didn't expect Mariko to actually do IT, But she would make good bait.

Mariko takes a deep breath and starts walking. She feels Tetsuo's grasp and hears him tell her to be cool. but Mariko was already in motion. She was more scared of tyron than ever. He wasn't just a loony. He was dangerous. She takes the long way to get to Tyron's table. When she does get there,she she doesnt offer a greeting. She merely opens with. " I owe you an apology. Nina is alive and well."
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline freestylechamp  
#1390 Posted : 06 December 2019 05:38:04(UTC)
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Tyron was enjoying his comics and then Mariko comes in with someone, not odd considering when he got out of jail and went to something to eat she was in a diner eating a hot dog. He saw her coming over to his table and say something to him but he took his headphones off and hear it again. "No, you don't owe me anything. I don't want your pretend apologies anyway." He said thinking that she was going to leave after but she stayed in front of him.

He had a similar feeling of when Nina came and met him at a bar only to take him away but mariko...she isn't the type to get her hands dirty like that but they over there must be for the protection or the killing which ever is first. With a sigh he kick the across from him for her to sit down, "I can only imagine what else you blame for so what's up what's making you come over to say you are "sorry" to a guy like me?" If their was one thing that interested Tyron it was how Nina and Mariko somehow destroyed his music career.

Offline erich hess  
#1391 Posted : 06 December 2019 06:05:51(UTC)
erich hess
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Mariko narrowed her eyes slightly at tyron's words. This is one reason she disliked him. When She was genuine,he didn't buy it. Tyron was even more frightening close like this. If she sat down,she would be within his grasp. She glances outside but lets her eyes confirm Tetsuo is nearby. Feeling semi safe, she takes up the offer of the seat.

"I was wrong." Mariko says simply. She didn't really think about it, but this was very much her way of saying goodbye to a strangely always present part of her life. " you didn't ...hurt Nina." She continues. She doesn't say the word she really wanted to say instead of hurt. It may draw too much attention to their conversation. Mariko scoots the chair closer so she can place her hands on the table. " but...i know you're capable." She says looking up from her hands.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline freestylechamp  
#1392 Posted : 06 December 2019 06:37:47(UTC)
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This was something new that he didn't expect she sat down and said she was wrong. This was something he didn't expect from that is was a little off-putting. Part of him wanted to just 'Your damn right I didn't hurt her, I wouldn't have cheated on her on national TV either.' but he wanted to change and he did change he put his paper down and looked at Mariko

"I did a lot of things when I was mad at you and Nina, the only one that I was physical with was Aikya but you two I wanted to show what I was capable of. I could have done those things to Vara and I could have hurt Nina and I could have hurt you. I don't regret that because that was how I got to be this person now but I do regret not handling how we started differently. As an artist, you spend time building up this persona and you have these ideas of what you want and can be, but then you have a big-time artist and their girlfriend tell you that you are trash and a gimmick that hurts. Coming from the biggest studio and you are unsigned hurts a lot and I tried to do things that would keep me in the public eye cause if not I would never make it. I know that I wasn't the one you expected to be with Nina and there is a lot of things that went on that we didn't want other people to know even you. I already know that Nina is fine I talked to her brother and he says she is happy and that is all I need to know. I haven't spoken to her and I don't plan to go and look for her because of what we talk about in private. If you want to know I'm sure you can reach out to her and talk to her better than me."

Tyron didn't want to get too deep about the relationship that he had with Nina but he wanted to let Mariko know that he did care about Nina, Sure they both tried to kill each other but he needed that to be stable. "I like Nina as a person, and as a friend and if she needed me I would be there for her. Still, I'm not going to control her she is free to live her life where ever she sees fit, and I don't think it is fair to me to try and hold her close to me when she wants to be away from us. You saw her did she seem better being away from all this shit?"

Offline erich hess  
#1393 Posted : 06 December 2019 09:17:22(UTC)
erich hess
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mariko listened as tyron spoke. the first part of what he said made this all the more correct in mariko's mind. her ex husband said similar things. the potential to hurt those mariko loved quote unquote kept her in line. she hated tryon for what he appeared to have done with vara. it hurt all the more because mariko had experienced it for real from her ex husband. "maybe music isnt your thing. acting however...you have presence." she says with a slight tilt of her head. tyron was an interesting person and something he had said before and previous times made its presence known to mariko in her mind. that she was fake. tyron was many things,but he could never be called fake. she didnt really think he had future in movies. hell, he doesnt have a future at all at this point. they were just words to fill space. "maybe there isnt anyone else for nina,but you." mariko says slowly before continuing. "the thing is,i know more about you than i ever did nina. i didnt know until today she even had a brother. i happened to meet her recently,purely by chance." mariko tells tyron almost sadly. "truthfully,i dont think we were ever that close and you probably were better for her than i ever was." mariko tells tyron,clasping her hands on the table.

ugh.mariko hate the times tryon made sense. if she forgot all the crazy shit he did,he would be a decent man. she shakes her head and laughs. "tyron,it took me years to learn not to try to hold on to someone too tight. it only lead to heartbreak. " mariko says with a shift in her chair. she couldnt speak to tyron much more. he was becoming human to her. it was far easier to see him as someone who needed to be gone. even if she backed out,tetsuo and kaneada would not. "you mentioned a brother of nina's earlier. i...met her father before coming here." mariko says,leaning away from the table and putting her hands in the hoodie's large front pocket.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline freestylechamp  
#1394 Posted : 06 December 2019 09:58:15(UTC)
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"Well, when you like someone you want to get to know them. I think that's why I don't it, this whole fakeness that comes with everything. I'm just tired of it all so I'm just done, I'm done with all of it and I can't see myself in that anymore." Tyron felt like he matches Nina well and the fact that while Mariko kept everything in arms-length Tyron pulled a lot of stuff in early even to his determent and even now he had a feeling that she might have been the one but still he allow it because he wanted to. "I'm sure her father didn't have nice things to say about me, so I'm sure that what spar this talk. It's been a few years so are you going to pull the trigger? There no hidden cameras, no people filming without you knowing this is a chance to set things right."

He still remembered handing her a loaded gun and putting it to his head telling her to pull the trigger and she just didn't have it in her to do it. While he wanted to poke the bear they were in a public place and it would be reckless, dangerous and out of his mind. She can do it, I believe in her she just needs a push." Don't do this calm down, You don't need this mess people could get hurt for real, FUCK PEOPLE! Listen, all that shit before was just filler to drop your guard, you remember she was packing last time she just needs a little tap, She thinks she is in the right. this fucking bitch messed our life up, have her pull the trigger causing panic and then make your get away Tyron put his hands over his head and rub it he shook his head and stood up from the table. He wasn't going to hurt Mariko, he wasn't about to go through that rabbit hole again "Come on, you don't want to do it here. I know a place where it can be better, and so your friend can do the fighting."

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#1395 Posted : 06 December 2019 10:32:58(UTC)
erich hess
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"yeah..you do want to get to know them,but some people dont wish to be known." mariko says softly. she wished things had went different for her and nina,somewhat. the end result would have been the same though. mariko craved warmth and nina had little warmth. maybe that is what drew her to tyron. the two were alike. she sighed and looked over at normal people enjoying their coffees and muffins. it was a normal day. her eyes fell on the paper tyron was reading. a small smile formed on her face at the sight of family circus. nobody liked family circus. she leans back on the table when tryon doesnt instantly lunge for her. "no. he doesnt seem to like you one iota. maybe its because i'm doing this,but he seemed ok with me." mariko wanted to twist the knife,say something that really would be cold and bitter,but she couldnt. his bringing up the time she couldnt go through with killing him herself sort of took the fire out of her. she was no killer. "i...dont know. but i cant stop this.." mariko says,with her voice finally cracking. this was tetsuo's sign that he was needed. he strolled over to the table and sat a coffee down in font of mariko. she stare blankly at it. it had an ironic amount of whipped cream,cherries and sprinkles. tetsuo clearly had some humor to him.

mariko looked from tyron to tetsuo. this wasnt how this was supposed to go at all. she nearly wanted to comfort as he held his head. she mistook this action for remorse for something he had done in his life. she really didnt think it had to do with nina's cousins's deaths. cmon,they probably werent good people if their father was comfortable wanting someone killed. what did this say about mariko for going along with it?! was she a bad person. no. no. she shook her head in resolve. she was here because this was a long time coming. tyron had wronged her,he had wronged vara. he was living on borrowed time anyway. he should have died on big brother. "why...?" mariko starts to ask. but tetsuo stops her and pulls her to her feet. he could respect that tyron had dignity. he wasnt the sort to break down and beg for his life.

"mr alvaro would prefer to witness,but i guess bringing something back works too." tetsuo says coldly. this was more his line of work. sitting around sipping coffee wasnt his thing.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline freestylechamp  
#1396 Posted : 08 December 2019 02:14:08(UTC)
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"That's where you need to be strong. I say we are a lot like you are stronger than you think so putting on these airs of being the victim, like you have no power when you do is what rubs me the wrong way. I hate that you played that instead of showing your strength." Tyron doesn't know if this is it for him so he wants to put everything out there mostly because that if this is it he doesn't want to feel like people that don't know him can just say whatever that they want about his character and what he was like. He nods "We can't stop anything you can only keep moving forward." Tyron looked at Tetsuo drink "That's a lot of sugar...What did you order?" Since working out he hasn't had anything here it would kill his vibe and his body but he couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Let's go in the alley somewhere dark so no one can see. I hope you don't feel mad if I don't lay down and die that's just not me so we are going to fight for it and if you get the best of me then so be it. That the way it is," He said walking outside with Mariko and Tetsuo behind him. His pride wasn't going to let these people just kill him without putting up a fight and that what he was going to do for his sake. They keep walking side streets and backways until they came to a dead-end with only one way in and one way out the rest is brick off behind old building that people wouldn't think to come too. Tyron turned around to face Tetsuo and Mariko "Alright, here we go,"

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#1397 Posted : 08 December 2019 03:15:09(UTC)
erich hess
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mariko furrowed her brows at tyron's words. "we're nothing alike. aside from having similar tastes in women,i suppose." mariko said bitterly. there was a nerve touched though and she looked down at the table slightly. " you know...maybe you are right, but not how you think you are. we are both victims who pretend to be strong by hurting others. for the most part,i grew out of it." she spats,looking back to tyron.
tetsuo looks down at the drink and back to tyron. it was an odd question and caught him off guard."i...i just asked for whatever the person in front of me had." he replies quietly. "the previous customer was a little boy." he adds flatly. no matter how much of a hard ass one is,this situation certainly knocked a few points off. as one of juro's closest men,tetsuo usually lived off a diet of liquor and whatever the closest takeout place to the club was. the restaurant next door changed frequently. it was simply a bad location and no place ever did well there. the last business to occupy the building was a pizza place. a terrible pizza place.

"or i could just do you as we walk there." tetsuo shrugs as they head for the door. professional pride had him think of the simplest way this could be done. timed when a bus or train rode by and witnesses may not even hear the shot. he kept at the ready when they approached the door,if tyron took off running,tetsuo wasnt above shooting a man in the back.

mariko,however took this far more logically,to her at least. if there was a fight,it would be easier to do this. it was self defense,right? besides,since the time with adam and the time with tryon,mariko had some training under her belt. she had believed tryon when he said he hadnt done anything to nina. why would he lie about that? if anything,he'd lie and say he did beat her. the man usually seemed all about getting a reaction and that would have done it.
walking down the alley,mariko was getting more and more sure,this was not the life for her. there was a bowl of ice cream with her name on it anywhere but here.

mariko looks around and wonders if she should start. how were things like this done? tetsuo,again stepped in front of her. she was all of 115 pounds or so. she wouldnt stand much chance physically. he handed his coat and cut down rifle to mariko. "dont hesitate if he pulls some shit." he warns her coldly. but he turns to tyron and nods slowly. "as one professional to another." he smiles. tyron seemed formidable,so perhaps he did deserve to not be shot down like a dog when he wasnt looking. tetsuo wasnt very tall,but he was fairly stocky and without his jacket,his arms and neck were covered in the typical yazkuza tattoos.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#1398 Posted : 10 December 2019 03:57:49(UTC)
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OOC: Thought about this all weekend and I still haven't settled on a proper in on Tyron. I might be bringing him back later in the future, I think he has served his propose right now though so I was going to try this as sort of a way to get rid of this character and maybe later reboot him.

Tyron nods "I mean I'm a "wannabe gangsta from Brooklyn physically we are nothing alike but mentally, a lot closer then people would realize, including our taste in women." Tyron looked at Tetsuo and tried to contain his laughter "Umm, okay. You're not used to coffee shops, are you?" He expecting a more natural answer like maybe he likes sweet things or he needed the sugar to stay up catching a red-eye. Not 'I don't know what to get here let me just pick up whatever and call it a win.'

As they walked out he looked back at Tetsuo "I'm sure you could, but I have my pride and I think you have your too." He wasn't going to chicken out and start running when he was looking for this moment. He wants a way you show that he can get down and out and not having to pick himself upon the ground again. When they got there Tyron got ready and was going to wait for Tetsuo to get himself ready. Tyron gave a little smile and then gunfire first shot right in Tyron's head which causes him to fall to the ground and the next shots were toward Tetsuo and Mariko to make sure nothing was going to be left standing.

This happens before Tyron putting himself in a dangerous situation and he would have to drag that broken body back up and patched up. Those Beats were on Bluetooth but it wasn't connected to his phone for music, Tyron was on a call and he stopped talking and when on another conversation. This was going to have to end.

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#1399 Posted : 10 December 2019 05:00:19(UTC)
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As Tetsuo prepared, it hit Mariko: she didn't want to see this. She'd been hit so many times that witnessing it up close and personal made her nauseous. She had to concentrate very hard on not throwing up right then and there. Juro had stepped to the side and Mariko could see tyron. The streetlight made him a silhouette from her vantage point...it was a familiar one. She had seen a similar figure against the florescent lights of her kitchen nearly ten years ago. She couldn't remember what had happened. But the result was typical: she was curled in a painful little ball while the large silhouette loomed over her. She couldn't kill her husband then,but she could kill a stand in now. It was an almost out of body experience as she dropped Tetsuo's rifle and reached into her jacket. She understood how the pistol worked. She was told no safety,no loading. Just point and fire. Macho dick waving was stupid. There was a simple solution to this. She felt herself pull the gun from her hoodie slowly and start to raise her arm.

When the three shots rang out,Mariko assumes it was her. Her eyes go wide when tyron falls. "Oh fuck.." She mouths.

Tetsuo takes off running, grabbing Mariko and tugging her along. " the fuck was that?!" He shouts.

Ooc: he'll become Robocop but.... Tyron. So it's robolunatic.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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freestylechamp on 10/12/2019(UTC)
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#1400 Posted : 08 July 2020 09:51:51(UTC)
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Dustyn answers the door of his opulent London penthouse looking like someone who definitely can't afford to live in the same postcode let alone this building. He has thrown on a black hoodie, a pair of novelty clover patterned boxers and is barefoot with messy hair. There's also a scent of mischief within the air. "Erich!! Hi! I totally lost track of time!" he says, embracing his good friend with a hug. Dustyn then fixes his hair and clears his throat as he realises what a thrown together mess he looks like right now. "I uh...I...I sneezed too hard and my trousers just came flying off!".




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