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#21 Posted : 30 October 2014 09:19:41(UTC)
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"Eh, it's not just them. I think I generally hate most of the people on Earth, but these people are easy targets for me," Vanessa says back in a introspective type way before grabbing the turkey leg back and attempting to take an even bigger bite than Jake. She could, of course. She had a rather wide mouth, and this was the type of competition she knew she could win. "Never been to one of these? Then somebody in Heaven loves you... But I wouldn't mind going around a few times on the ferris wheel." She smiles up at him.
Offline kandii  
#22 Posted : 30 October 2014 09:30:48(UTC)
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Jake studies the bite, trying to position and angle his mouth in a way that would declare him the winner. He couldn't. But that meant nothing. He took a quick double bite and was satisfied. "Ferris wheel it is then." He said, handling her the leg and wiping his hands on his pants before approaching the wheel. He was pulling out a couple of dollars from his wallet but as he went deeper into the crowd near the Ferris wheel, he realized that it wasn't a crowd at all but a line. A disfigured, yes, but a line. "Crap." He said as he looked at all the people scattered around and shook his head. "Easy targets."
Offline snap_itshannah  
#23 Posted : 30 October 2014 09:37:07(UTC)
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Vanessa stands back, recognizing the line before Jake did. She watches him for a moment, taking a couple smaller bites out of the turkey leg as she did, feeling ultimately like a winner anyway. Vanessa had kept her diva moments to a minimum, but she was already in a location that she hated with people that she despised, so she figured that the world owed her a ferris wheel ride right goddamn now. She throws the demolished turkey leg in the trash and then pushes her way through the crowd, grabbing Jake's hand and guiding them to the front of the line. "Two, please," she says with a quick, winning smile to the ferris wheel operator, who recognizes her immediately from Cherry Street and lets them on without any fuss. "Aw, hooray! Thank you!" She gives the operator another little smile before making her way into the ferris wheel pod.
Offline kandii  
#24 Posted : 30 October 2014 09:48:13(UTC)
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Jake looks around for a minute, trying to piece together what to do but Vanessa took his hand before he could finish his thought. He looked around at everyone complaining and shrugged as the wheel came to a complete stop. "That works too." He laughed as he waited before opening the little door for Vanessa. "You first." Jake smiled at her. He loved her spunk and didn't mind her taking charge. He always felt like maybe he didn't take the lead enough. That maybe she might have started to notice.
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#25 Posted : 30 October 2014 09:51:12(UTC)
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Vanessa smiles back at Jake as she gets into the pod, ignoring all the people who seem put off by them cutting to the front of the line. She liked that Jake was the type of person who let her take charge every once in a while. If he was always trying to run the show and tell her what to do, she would probably end up hating him. As much as she hated to admit it, she was probably in one of the healthiest relationships of her life with Jake. "Thanks for coming here," she says, realizing that she didn't thank him before.
Offline kandii  
#26 Posted : 30 October 2014 10:04:38(UTC)
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Jake sat down next to her and the operator closed the door shut behind them. "Don't mention it." He causally told her. As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted them. "Too casual?" He laughed. "I need to work on my cliche's. I'm getting too comfortable around you." Jake put his arm around her and squeezed. As the ride started, he didn't know exactly what he expected but obviously, this ferris wheel was not going to hold their conversation. "So, you're going on in a few hours?"

Offline snap_itshannah  
#27 Posted : 30 October 2014 10:09:07(UTC)
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Vanessa giggles a little when Jake utters his romantic comedy cliche response. "Don't worry about it. You're too handsome to be mad at for long," she says back, responding with an equally embarrassing cliche. She winks and leans into him when he puts his arm around her, laying her head on his shoulder. "Yep." She nods, responding to his question of if she was going on in a few hours. "Are you going to stay for the show?"
Offline kandii  
#28 Posted : 30 October 2014 10:29:36(UTC)
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"Why not? I want to see what all the hype is about." He joked. "I've been avoiding every YouTube video of you guys live just for this. Can't wait. My Vanessa, up there, doing her Backstreet Boys choreography." He laughed. "Do something for me? Overly belt out a note. I want to make sure all eyes are on you. I know they are, but we have to make sure." Jake said, smiling, picturing her up on stage.
Offline snap_itshannah  
#29 Posted : 30 October 2014 11:52:10(UTC)
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Vanessa feels her normal surge of both happiness and disgust when somebody is being nice to her when Jake tells her how excited he is to see her, and compliments her. She was happy that he thought so highly of her, and had been awaiting this moment to see her on stage... and was disgusted by him for the very same reason. "Aww... thanks," she says back softly, trying to keep herself from laughing at him outright. She wasn't great with compliments. If somebody insulted her, she knew exactly how to respond. But when somebody said something nice about her... she was never sure what to do. "I'll be sure to do that. I'm always looking for a reason to overshadow the rest of my group." She jokes, giving a little wink, and then turning her head to look out over the entire fairground.
Offline kandii  
#30 Posted : 16 November 2014 03:56:44(UTC)
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Jake laughed at Vanessa and looked around in the pod. He never thought he'd be one of those guys who took their girlfriends to fairs and shared turkey legs... but he officially was. He always thought those kind of relationships were cheesy and boring but he was happy to be with Vanessa and he didn't completely think they were one of those couples. But then again, he was sure that's what all of those couples thought. He sat in thought with his arm around her.
Offline snap_itshannah  
#31 Posted : 16 November 2014 04:14:10(UTC)
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Vanessa sighs and leans her head on Jake's shoulder as they go around the top of the Ferris wheel and then start the descent back down. She didn't want to be one of those couples. In fact, identifying herself as part of a couple at all wasn't something she wanted at all. But with Jake, she felt mostly okay with it. She really liked him. Maybe not loved him, but definitely liked him.

OOC: Hey, since their tour is over now, do you mind if we skip ahead a couple days now, with her back home?
Offline kandii  
#32 Posted : 16 November 2014 04:38:12(UTC)
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Jake got off of the wheel with Vanessa as the operator helped them off once it completely stopped. Turns out the people they skipped in line were still pretty mad at him. Everyone was giving them menacing stares as they walked out of the fair. "I think word's gotten around.." He laughed.

OOC: That'll be great lol. I was running out of things to talk about.

Offline snap_itshannah  
#33 Posted : 16 November 2014 04:56:24(UTC)
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Vanessa lays on her sofa, her feet up on the arms of the couch. Cherry Street's tour had ended a few days ago, and Vanessa was starting to feel rested again. The tour had taken a lot out of her - not only with the performances almost every night, but also with the fan interactions and parties that she had been dragged to. She hated feeling like she had to be "on" all the time. Vanessa loved singing and performing, and loved her fans, but she physically didn't have the ability to be as social as her other Cherry Street members could. She sighs as she glances over at the television. She was watching Always Sunny, but now some other show was on that she didn't know. She was bored and wanted some interaction, but she couldn't be bothered to get up and put on some clothes to go out in. So she chose the next best thing: The boyfriend. She picks up her phone and texts him.

Vanessa: "hey, come over"
Offline kandii  
#34 Posted : 20 November 2014 07:29:40(UTC)
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Jake too was sitting on his couch, leaning over intently, staring at the TV. He was painted red, white and blue with a bunch of unnecessary Patriots merchandise plastered on him and around the house because it was football night. Jake himself wasn't very manly but this was one of his very rare moments that he got in touch with his masculinity. He wasn't one to talk about it but this was pretty much his life. His phone was in hand to keep up with his fantasy football app just as it ringed. He paused the game and looked at it, thinking it had to be one of his friends getting ready to argue over the bet Jake had won. "No one bets against the patriots. It's just not logical." He said to himself as he stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth and unlocked it, seeing that Vanessa had sent him a text. All of the blood drained from his face. This was his only fear of having a girlfriend. He read the message and started to think of something he could do.

Jake: "No, you come over"

He started to add in a wink so he didn't seem so demanding but it sounded suggestive in his head. He would love to be suggestive but it's football. It's foooootball.
Offline snap_itshannah  
#35 Posted : 20 November 2014 08:11:41(UTC)
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Vanessa picks up her phone and reads the message back. "Ugh, god damnit..." She says softly. She wasn't going to beg for Jake to come over. He was her boyfriend, not her dealer. She puts down the phone and looks back at the television, planning on not answering him. She had invited him over, and if he didn't want to come, then he just wouldn't be seeing her. But after a couple of minutes of watching the TV, she remembered why she had texted him in the first place - boredom - and then picked back up her phone.

Vanessa: "fine, i'm on my way."

She grabbed her jacket and pulled it on as she walked out the door, calling out, "I'm leaving!" to any roommate that was still in the apartment, although she doubted there was any.
Offline kandii  
#36 Posted : 11 December 2014 07:04:20(UTC)
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Jake looked around his condo and began to clear up as much of a mess as he could. He thought about burying the Patriot's merchandise back into his closet but it wouldn't have felt right watching the game without it. He took a deep breath and began to hum the Whitney Houston song to himself about taking him for who he is because he'll never change his colors... yep, there goes his man points. He went into the bathroom to go wash the paint off of his face, realizing that maybe it was a bit much.
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snap_itshannah on 11/12/2014(UTC)
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#37 Posted : 11 December 2014 07:51:27(UTC)
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Vanessa hails a cap and takes it to Jake's house. She wasn't even aware that there was a game on today. She wasn't much of a sports girl. While in the back of the cab, she fixes her makeup a little. She always rocked a shade of bright red lipstick that made her blonde hair and blue eyes stand out, along with her Stevie Nicks-esque shall-and-dress combo. Stepping out of the cab in front of Jake's house, she looked like the bohemian dream girl that she normally looked like. She knocks on the front door and then leans against the wall, waiting for Jake to answer.
Offline kandii  
#38 Posted : 11 December 2014 07:57:12(UTC)
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Jake slowly pulled away from his TV and put the game on pause as he made his way to the door. He opened it to find Vanessa dressed beautifully casual. he took notice to her red lipstick and subconsciously took it as a sign of her being a Patriot's fan by spirit. He thanked the gods and welcomed her inside. "I think this is the first time you've came over here so I want to apologize in advance." He said with a laugh.
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#39 Posted : 11 December 2014 08:04:12(UTC)
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"Yeah, I think it is," Vanessa agrees as she walks into the home, looking around, making her way to where through the natural flow of the house, into the living room. "Aw, look at that... you paused the game for me. How sweet," she says, eyeing the television before reaching over to the remote and turning off the TV entirely. She wasn't going to share Jake's attention with anybody. Vanessa sits on the back of the couch and cocks her head to the side with a small smile, waiting to see Jake's reaction. She was in an impish mood today, and Jake was probably going to be on the receiving end of it.
Offline kandii  
#40 Posted : 11 December 2014 08:28:58(UTC)
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Jake eyes widened as she reached for the remote and turned off the TV. He smiled back out of nervousness. "Of course I did." He said, slowly sliding towards the TV. He started to think of something to say other than he didn't want to miss a second of the game. "I didn't want us to miss anything important." He said instead. That works. Almost as if on que as he turned the TV right back on and made his way over to Vanessa for the remote.
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