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Originally Posted by: snap_itshannah  Vara laughs and shakes her head. "You act like I can choose who I'm attracted to," she says back. "Attraction isn't something I can explain very well - at least not our attraction to each other. And I mean... obviously I was attracted to Daniel as well. And we can both agree that Daniel is an amazingly attractive guy, right?" She laughs a little again. "And Daniel said exactly what I needed to hear, and was very suave and sweet to me. I think, in my mind, when somebody takes their time to show how they feel, and put effort into the way they present themselves to a woman they're interested in, then they... deserve a reward." She pauses. This was something difficult for her to talk about because it was sometimes hard for her to admit it. But Mariko was her best friend, and if she could tell anybody, it would be her. "I don't really have a lot to offer people," she says softly. "I mean, what am I? I'm a good looking electronica singer with big boobs and big lips. This-" she motions to her body. "- is all I really have to give anybody. So when Daniel came to me with his nice words and handsome body, the only thing I knew to give back was myself." She looks back up at Mariko. "It's different with you, though, you know? You're not trying to seduce me, but you do. You don't come to me, flaunting you're rockin' body and telling me how beautiful and wonderful I am. You come to me as yourself with no ulterior motives, and somehow you still have that pull on me that can make me do whatever you want. I think that's why I'm so attracted to you. Because you're not trying. You're attractive in every since of the word with absolutely no effort at all." She sighs. "I wish I could be more like you." mariko was surprised to learn that vara did not actively search out her sexual targets. "i...understand about attraction. it just sort of happens. people think nina and i have nothing in common...and we do not.but she has something that interests me. she is nothing like envy,she is nothing like you,or the cherry street girl,or my sister's girlfriend's nanny..or whatever she is." mariko says,running down the women she has been with. she had not really been with a lot of people,but all of them were different.. " daniel? yes. he is very handsome. actually some one i wanted to see you with .he seemed....like some one not out to use you." mariko says. she did love vara and would take revenge on anyone who simply used her and did not appreciate her. she understood one night stands,she had had a few of her own,but simply using someone? that she would not stand for. mariko listens to vara and her concept of reward. she,herself had experienced this,although with trent. honestly,mariko only tolerated trent. he was sweet and caring,but still a man and mariko did not like men. not after what she had endured. it pains mariko visibly to her vara talk about herself the way she does. " oh vara,you are so,so wrong! you have so much to give,your body is the least of it. do you think your body is what attracts me? no. it is you. you are not for everyone,let us not kid ourselves. but you are wonderful. you are honest,caring and a laugh a minute." mariko gushes,not believing that vara feels as she does about herself. mariko would have never thought that about her friend. mariko nearly cries as vara talks about her. mariko always found herself,not hideous,but strange enough looking where nobody would want her. her forhead was too large,as were her ears and nose. she,like her sister were mercilessly teased about their ears,but mariko had the nose too. mariko cries when vara says she wants to be like her. she hugs her tightly and kisses her cheeks. knowing that vara does not admit things like this lightly." vara...i never would have thought that...i have spent our friendship wanting to be like you. confident,knowing that i had the world by the balls and there was nothing it could do about it." |
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones. |