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#21 Posted : 29 August 2016 03:36:46(UTC)
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Billy chuckles and nods his head. "I'd turn into one too if that really was the case. I can't stand that woman. Although I guess I wouldn't mind who was there as long as I got to marry you in the end. I know I've been saying dates here and there but nothing's really came of it. It's just been so busy with the band, the new contract we signed with Rose-Hilton and...well a whole bunch of stuff. Part of me just wants us to go somewhere exotic and elope in a beautiful little town but then part of me wants a big wedding to really celebrate and have friends and family there." Billy smiles and places his hand on Jerry's shoulder. "I...I still don't want my parents there though. I know you've said in the past that I should try to patch things up or at least make the smallest effort but...I can't. They did nothing for me. I'm in my 20's now and am my own person. We don't need them there." Billy sounds rather calm and collected as he tells Jerry this. Usually he gets all tense and angry when talking about his parents, like he's flying into a rage and not thinking straight. This time, he appears to be saying all of this with a clear head and it's obvious that he really does not want them in attendance. Daniel listens to Jerry but is already half asleep by the time Jerry tries to convince him to go to his own bed. He turns, holding his bear tightly and starts to rest against Jerry's chest as he closes his eyes. Billy smiles, loving the bond between them and secretly wishing he could have that with Daniel. As much as Daniel loves and adores Billy, he is somewhat intimidated by him and knows that Billy is the disciplinarian of the family and not the sympathetic, cuddly one. Billy strokes Daniel's cheek and looks at Jerry. "Go put him to bed, babe," he says in a whisper.




Offline BrownSugar  
#22 Posted : 04 July 2017 04:47:51(UTC)
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EVENTS OF 3/7/17

Billy rings the doorbell of Andrea and Payton's home while holding little Daniel's hand. It's Andrea's turn to look after their child, allowing Billy and Jerry to have some time to themselves. Andrea is his legal guardian but they do have a pretty good rotating schedule which allows both parents to spend a decent amount of quality time with their beautiful son. Although they can agree on the timetable they created, Andrea and Billy haven't been seeing eye to eye on many other matters lately. Bilal is taking it to heart, especially. He sighs when Andrea doesn't initially answer and proceeds to keep his finger on the doorbell, initiating a long and irritating chime until she eventually answers. Nobody makes Bilal Shaeen Holmes wait.

Andrea shuffles towards the door in a robe with her hair wrapped in a big white towel. She was obviously in the shower when they first came to the door. "Hey guys. Hey baby boy!" Andrea glows as she bends down to give Daniel a hug. He's the number one guy in her life. She always misses him whenever he goes to stay with his dad but with Payton also out of the house too, she's been feeling the loneliness extra hard this time.

Billy lets go of Daniel's hand, allowing him to go hug his mother. When Andrea greets him too, he doesn't even bother to force a smile. It's obvious from the jump that he's not in the best mood. "Hey..." Billy grumbles. He couldn't sound any less enthusiastic if he tried. "You mind if I come in for a bit?" he asks while resting his hand on top of Daniel's fluffy hair. Billy looks down at the floor as he speaks, refusing to give eye contact like a stroppy teen.

Andrea senses that something is up, she's not blind or stupid, she just doesn't know what. "Uh...sure. You want something to drink?" she offers, hoping he doesn't actually take it up. The last thing she wants is to sit with Billy while he's in a bad mood any longer than she has to. She's suffered the brunt of it enough over the years they were together.

Billy shakes his head and furrows his eyebrows. "No, shouldn't take too long." he says, sounding rather blunt. Billy bends down so that he is at eye level with his four year old son. He places his hand on Daniel's shoulder and changes his tone to a much friendlier and chipper one when addressing the kid. "Hey Daniel, why don't you go into your room and play with your toys? I bet you've missed the ones you have here." Daniel nods and smiles before extending his arms out to his dad, wanting to give him a goodbye hug. Billy smiles and cuddles his son before rubbing his back and pointing him to the direction of his room. "I'll see you later, buddy. On you go..." Daniel toddles off, leaving the adults alone.

"So what's up?" Andrea asks, closing the door behind them and then folding her arms. She has absolutely no clue what all this is about. It may be the smallest of things but Bilal has a way of intimidating people with his presence. She can't help but feel a little on edge. He may be about to complain about some silly little hiccup at the label or could be initiating WWIII. There's no telling with Billy.

Leaning against the wall, he looks up at the ceiling as he addresses Andrea, again giving no eye contact. "That's what I'd like to know. There seems to be a problem on your end."

Andrea is genuinely confused. Somehow she is now the one with the issue? Nothing is making sense to her right now. She purses her lips and shakes her head, "I don't kn..."

Billy immediately cuts Andrea off, getting his back up off the wall and now giving her major eye contact. If looks could kill. "Oh cut the crap, Andrea. You seem to have a big fucking chip on your shoulder lately. Getting brave. Talking utter shit about me online." His voice is raised a little higher but he makes sure to keep it at a volume that won't disturb or upset Daniel who is now in his bedroom.

Totally taken aback by his sudden change in behaviour and the accusations, Andrea is mentally preparing herself for a vicious war of words.
She tries to plan out her words but it is hard for her as she genuinely has no idea what to say. This all seems to be Billy's issue,
not hers. "Billy, I..."

Before she even has a chance to explain herself, Billy rages again and storms towards her. He gets right up in Andrea's face, cutting her short and showing her glimpses of the hothead she met back in 2012. Billy has made a lot of progress since then but it's now apparent that he still hasn't lost this terrible temper. "No. Don't say you're just messing around. I know that's going to be your excuse. It's not fucking funny. I'm your boss and even if you do have an issue with me, I expect you to remain professional about it. Leaking my phone number? Talking about what we got up to between the sheets? My name is never out of your fucking mouth. I'm with Jerry, you're with Speedy fucking Gonzalez...why are you constantly going on about me? It's pathetic." Billy practically spits out the words with venom. It is now making sense to Andrea. He is pissed because she was a little shady towards him on Twitter. Andrea can't help but find it funny and a little pathetic. She could have done so much worse and dragged his name through the mud severely but she didn't. A little shade is nothing compared to what she could do yet he wants to get all butthurt over it?

"No. You know who is pathetic? YOU." Andrea pokes Billy in the chest. Her heart is racing a hundred miles a minute. She hasn't been involved in any conflict in ages, especially with Billy. She doesn't know what's going to go down and underneath it all, she is scared but she can't show that. Andrea is a new woman now and she is going to stand up for herself. "Yeah...I have lost count of all the times my album has been delayed. I work my fucking ass off and you know how much this album means to me yet you keep pushing it back. Are you mad? You mad that I'm finally telling MY story on these songs? Mad that I'm in love with a decent guy and want to sing about it on a few songs? Joshua got his album out no problem and he's not had a number one to back it up yet I have TWO chart-topping singles from this era already yet mine isn't good enough?" Andrea takes a deep breath and clasps her hands, giving a little smirk. It's evident that she's so happy to get that off of her chest. Things have been brewing for a while. "Oh and I am not the only one making shady comments, hun. You are just as bad." Andrea is totally right. Billy is far from innocent too. She folds her arms and waits for his reply. Andrea can't wait to see how Billy handles the situation now that she's learned to bite back. He always got the upper hand when she was weak but it's a different story now.

Billy slams his hand on the front door and backs her into a corner as his words grow more vicious. "Watch your tone, bitch. I really wouldn't go there with me. Remember who you are talking too." Billy stares deep into her eyes in the coldest manner possible. Psycho alert.

"I am not scared of you, Billy...Bilal. Whatever." Andrea's voice cracks. She is obviously scared, if not terrified now, but she has much more pride now and she is not going to let this man win. Not today Satan. "You can change your name all you want but it doesn't change who you are. Underneath it all you are still nasty and clearly have issues that still need resolved. You have the nerve to call me unprofessional, sweetie?" Andrea knows she is pushing it now but that won't stop her. She may be quivering on the inside but if she doesn't overcome her fear now, she never will. Andrea stands her ground and tries her hardest not to crack.

Billy chuckles and smiles, shaking his head as he back up a little. "You're still scared of me. I can see it in your eyes. You put up a good front, I'll give you that. I know you, Andrea. Inside you are SHAKING. We both know that you're pushing the wrong buttons and we also know what happens when you do that. Palms sweating, hun?" Billy asks with a sarcastic smirk and tilt of his head. He sounds far more jolly now but it's all in a sarcastic bastard manner. He already knows he's in control here so he might as well ease up.

"Your tricks don't work, boo. Tried and tested...TIRED and tested too. I feel like after everything I have endured, no thanks to you, I'm entitled to an odd comical tweet now and then." Andrea rests her hands on her hips as she sasses him back. After Billy said that she still fears him, Andrea felt a sudden surge of confidence rise up within, as if to finally prove him wrong.

Billy tries to shut her down again, biting back in a more ferocious tone. "Oh shut up! I strongly advise you not to go there with me. I have had just about enough of you!" Giving her the death stare, he points right in her face and moves closer again as he tries to turn up the intimidation.

Andrea has had just about enough. "You can't stop me from speaking my mind. I'm entitled to my own thoughts and opinions. You do NOT control me, Bilal Holmes. If I want to, I can talk about you for the rest of my life." Andrea smirks and moves closer with a stamp, showing Billy that he's not the only one who can throw his weight around.

"The rest of your life, eh? Well with the way you're going, you might not be talking for much longer." Billy smiles and scratches the side of his face as if thinking up a plan. He seems very chilled and dropped that horrid sentence quite casually as if it's something you say to someone on a daily basis.

Andrea gulps at his words. Billy was really pushing it earlier by being a dick but this was the first time he hinted at violence. When he speaks, Andrea is immediately thrown back five years. He would say things like that on a daily basis. Andrea never thought she'd hear something like that again. "Are...are you threatening me?" she asks, trying to control the fear in her voice.

"You're threatening yourself with your stupid big mouth and reckless behaviour. Just fucking stop already and quit pushing me." Billy gets as close as possible, making sure to leave an impression on her.

Andrea trembles inside and she knows she is really pushing her luck but she cannot recoil and give up now. "...Or...or what? I've said it before and I'll say it again. I am not fucking frightened of you anymore, Billy!" Andrea looks up at him, trying to seem as fierce as she possible can but it's almost impossible taking into account her small stature.

Billy just smirks, seeing right through the act and knowing that he still has the power over her. "Really? If you really think I'm nasty and still have all these issues then maybe you should be frightened? Maybe you should stay quiet? Maybe you should be worried that your little boyfriend is in the Big Brother house, leaving you...all alone. You know, there's more than enough space next to your precious mummy and daddy in that rotting boneyard. More than enough space for you to bring in the Fourth of July celebrations together." Billy delivers the blow in the coldest tone possible. No emotion. No remorse. No hesitation. He brings up her dead parents like it's nothing to him. He doesn't even bat an eyelid as he looks her right in the eye while delivering the lines.

"Fuck you!" Andrea snaps back, not knowing whether to be extremely angry or upset. She places her hands on Billy's chest and pushes him backwards...big mistake.

Andrea sees the look of madness on Billy's face. It's one that makes her blood turn cold and a look that she's unfortunately too familar with. Andrea tries to make a run for it but Billy grabs her by the throat! He pushes her back and pins her against the wall before moving his hand up and holding her chin and jaw area instead, squeezing on her cheeks. He may be a total bastard but even he knows holding her by the throat and basically choking her is too far. "Watch your fucking mouth, cunt! Regardless of what you say, we both know what I'm capable of. It really isn't wise to keep pushing. I suggest you shut up for everyone's sake. Are we clear?" he asks, trying to control his frantic breathing after the outburst. "I said are we clear?!" Billy tightens his grip when Andrea doesn't answer him initially, pushing her head back against the wall too.

"Yes..." Andrea sobs, terrified for her life. She can't keep it up any longer. Billy got her. She hates herself for letting him wear her down but hates him even more right now. They really are back in 2012 right now and it is terrifying.

"Good." Billy smiles, letting her go and backing off. He resumes conversation as if nothing happened. That is Billy in a nutshell though, going from one extreme to the other in seconds. "Oh and Daniel didn't want anything to eat so I suggest you rustle something up for him. I know you're great at that. Mother of the Year and all..." he quips, not being able to resist that final dig. "See you around." Billy smiles and heads for the door, feeling proud of himself and accomplished. He got the outcome he wanted for this visit.




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erich hess on 04/07/2017(UTC), Welat65 on 04/07/2017(UTC)
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