Originally Posted by: RadioVine 
OOC: I really enjoyed reading this album. I love that it took the listener on this growing experience within the lyrics and vocals, he grew musically with the album and it really intensely grew into such a strong pop album! I literally keep rereading the descriptions etc because I felt like I was listening to a real album! This was so good! Easily favorite! The detail, the creative approach, the track listing! Love the whole packaging!
OOC: Thank you so much! That means a lot to me, truly. I wanted to get this album out for a long time but was never in the mindset to sit down and perfect it, which is crucial when you're trying to tell a cohesive story lol. Really happy you like it. I have never done anything like this before so I'm really pleased that people are enjoying the outcome. Thank you! :)
Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan 
Serenity: So first off, this album is amazing! I felt like listeners really got to go through, maybe just a fraction of what you've been going through in your life. My personal favorites, I love them all, but my personal favorites are 'Fixer Upper', 'Who Do You Love Now', and 'Sleepwalking'. I don't know, well I do know why but those really spoke to me so much, especially 'Fixer Upper' ugh, I think we have all been there before, haha. But really great job!
OOC: Pretty much ditto what she said lol, 'Fixer Upper' is my personal favorite but I think you did an amazing job with each song and the visuals as well. All of the lyrics are great, as expected from you though :P I think it was very wise to have Blake go solo lol, not gonna lie I did not pay much attention to him in a group so I think solo is perfect for him.
Blake: Thank you! That is exactly what I intended. Yeah, the stories on here are old but they're things I have never spoken about publicly or even gotten off my chest to anyone at all. It's sort of like a letter to burn. I got my thoughts out for once and set them free into the world. I'm also happy you enjoy and relate to "Fixer Upper". Even though it's not in the more introspective half of the album, it was one of the hardest to write. Very upsetting time to revisit. Happy that the song is resonating and out there now though :)
OOC: Thank youuuu!! That's one of my personal favourites too, which is rare as I usually hate my stuff lol. Yeah, Blake is a character that was involved in a lot of my earlier stories and for a character with so much depth, he was unsung for a while. Whether or not the stuff he's spouting on this album is actually 100% true is besides the point lmao. He's a character who endured a lot but was put on the back burner for years. Was time to push Blake forward and I'm glad this album is doing that and reintroducing him again :)