Please welcome to the stage..... The JOLLIES!

The whole arena has gone dark suddenly. There is anxiety and anticipation, what's happening? The seconds of darkness seem to last long, too long for a performance. Then suddenly five hooded figures appears with a violin music following them.

It all feels rather scary and disturbing, but it's pretty obvious that these five are the Jollies in disguise, so the audience cheers loudly for them. They should be singing now like that, but no, they don't.
A guitarist appears in the middle playing a sad tune, very edgy and rocky but still melancholic. It blends with the violin. It kinda mixes with the bitter period the world has been through and so with the mood of billions.

Suddenly, it all stops. The five hooded figures raise their hands like this were a ritual.
Adiemus plays in the background as a big army of soldiers gets on stage by the stairs, doing their own march. But there is something different about them and when people realise it, everyone screams and cheers excited - these soldiers are normal people! Some of them hold two giants rainbow flags of peace and it's not only an army of men like it used to be in the past. While only men appear in front at first to represent the past, women and transgenders appear right behind, male soldiers wearing skirts, black soldiers holding hands with female and male soldiers, soldiers with a metallic leg, older soldiers, even young ones! It's a mix of everything and everyone because the world was united for once. They all wear a mask in fact.

So while the five hooded Jollies continue the ritual, the song Adiemus close to ending its minute of playing still paves the way for this huge catwalk of everyday soldiers. They all get next to each other as they are cheered by the public.
Then suddenly...

Lights! Colors! Viva La Vida plays! But now it starts like a military march.
Spread the power like you would"
Spread the soul underneath"These two slogans get shouted while Viva La Vida song develops with the drums military marching sound behind and everyone marches in place to it.
Then suddenly a loud whistle and the Jollies begin their song as they immediately rip off their hoods and show their real clothes, looking as Pop and fun as ever.

Each personality shines in a different clothing - we have David in a circus type of look ready to grab attention like he likes doing, we have Rose in a pink princess resembling her sweet persona, we have an elegant Fabriano who stands to his materialistic and vain self, we have a comfortable and edgy Natasha who's not afraid to look more boyish and harsh, then finally a funky Zafari who in animal print shows his fun self.
Qué falta in my life, ay
Hay algo, algo de màs complicado
Una locura de amor dorado
(👩🏾🦲YES, 👩🏻🦰vamos!)
[General people screaming]👧🏻 Lo quieres? Lo quieres?
You only live once, baby
You only live once, baby
You only live once, baby
👧🏻 One, one, ay (👱🏻♂️ Escucha, baby)"[/size]
The five play with each other and the still soldiers around who can't help but smile when they do the intro. It's a fun, silly short moment that lightens a bit the mood from the big moment that just introduced the song to cheer up the public and get them ready for the fun.
[END OF INTRO]👱🏻♂️👧🏻👩🏾🦲👩🏻🦰👨🏻
Ay, no falta màs
No fear for my life
El amor for dancing y bailo
Ay que locura
Viva la vida
No-, no falta màs
No fear for my life
Un amor màs complicado
Ay que locura
Viva la vida[/size]

Then the first chorus opens the song basically, trumpets and salsa-styled music begins, the soldiers divide in groups of a few around the stage dancing to the song while the Jollies follow a fun routine trying to mix a bit of salsa with Pop moves and turn-arounds.
👨🏻I'm alive, I can ride or die
And I will survive, when you give me high-five
👩🏻🦰 Ay that, you take your breath
And watch the sun rise and shine, oh baby"
For each person singing the lines, the five take steps in front to reach the audience while dancing in freestyle, having the time of their life and entertaining a crowd. David is the one who tries to grab more attention while doing his poses but Natasha lets out a huge amount of adrenaline and energy, Zafari just enjoys himself and grins.
Fabriano and Rose as they sing, one remains elegant and keeps it confident in moves, the other remains gentle and has fun with the biggest of the smiles.
Everytime we walk around each other, it's natural ecstasy
Comin' over, feeling your heartbeat all over me
I realise a smile, your joke is all for me for free
I don't need nobody tellin' me who to be
(👧🏻 AY, yes, BABY)
Ay, no falta màs
No fear for my life
El amor for dancing y bailo
Ay que locura
Viva la vida
No-, no falta màs
No fear for my life
Un amor màs complicado
Ay que locura
Viva la vida"It's a huge party, after the chorus, the soldiers gather around the group and everyone has fun together.
👱🏻♂️ Bailar, keep your shoulders free now
Twenty degrees high, you want your better time
👩🏾🦲 At night, undercover bed time...
It's freedom of feeling fine, nah nah nah alright?
Then suddenly as Zafari ends his line, soldiers take the covid masks off their faces and throw them in the air, as a sign of freedom and covid close to end.
Everytime we walk around the world, it's a new discovery
Comin' over, feelin' the whole natural scenery
I realise a smile, a thousand colors all for me for free
I don't need nobody tellin' me who I wanna be
(👧🏻 AY, yes, BABY)
Ay, no falta màs
No fear for my life
El amor for dancing y bailo
Ay que locura
Viva la vida
No-, no falta màs
No fear for my life
Un amor màs complicado
Ay que locura
Viva la vida"The dance routine that gets repeated with the army around is the same that the group has performed these weeks in promo interviews on TV shows like This Morning or Good Morning America. They have repeated them many times that they seem to be experts in synchronizing the coreograpny now. It's all about practice it seems, but with them it's also about fun and feeling the power of unity and the group.
Then suddenly trumpets take the lead in the song with an instrumental as the Jollies get middle stage giving out an incredible fast coreography that mixes salsa moving around and steps with a faster but lighter hip hop dance, which could be done by them not being dancers professionals. Some of them nail it like Zafari, even Fabriano who seems like the most stuck up one most times, but he can move so confidently good instead. David also moves quite ok, but he's more about giving a show to entertain so he kinda personalizes the moves, not really made for being a dancer. Rose also isn't definately a dancer either but she definately looks cute, while Natasha moves around quite well and shows the true energy of the athelete that she is.
[Trumpets playing a Salsa Instrumental]
[u]👧🏻 Lo quieres? Lo quieres?
You only live once, baby
You only live once, baby
You only live once, baby
👧🏻 One, one, ay (👱🏻♂️ Escucha, baby)Natasha takes center stage as she raises the tension with the lines and at the end of this middle 8, she lets out a long, high whistle note that spreads well around the arena taking her applauds and excitement of the group. Colors and confetti fall around now as the group and the soldiers play for the final dances and celebrations.
Ay, no falta màs
No fear for my life
El amor for dancing y bailo
Ay que locura
Viva la vida
No-, no falta màs
No fear for my life
Un amor màs complicado
Ay que locura
Viva la vida
Ay, no falta màs
No fear for my life
El amor for dancing y bailo
Ay que locura
Viva la vida
No-, no falta màs
No fear for my life
Un amor màs complicado
Ay que locura
Viva la vida"

The performance ends with colors all around the stage and a huge rainbow flag representing the peace and the good time appears in the middle of the arena as an holograph, the future is finally here and we'll create it together.