VEVO Presents…

The black screen in the opening scene appears to a high octave falsetto seeming drifts into the opening scene. The falsetto is looped to a motion car moving, driving a freeway that is stationed with bright red lights and white lights thats focused on the movement of the car. A distanced conversation between a man and women is heard as the motion of the car seems it’s turning over and over again. The sound of discomfort comes in a weeping voice of fear as the mans voice laughs quietly, his bizarre humor coming from her fear. Finally, we hear, “ I’m taking you to find you..” the voice continues in loops as the motion opening scene fades..

Scene resumes sound of water running from a lake, birds are quietly heard as the water coming from a stream overpowers the songs of the singing birds. Suddenly, the walking footsteps in the beginning of a record are heard as two ghost like white figure appears on the sitting rock docks of the river. They move slowly. By the figures, you can tell it’s a figure of two women, portially alike in body size down to the structure of its head shape. Their feet waves back and forth, the white dust coming from the white figure follows, quickly covering the lake in a white mist. The mist rises covering the figures.

The camera work allows the audience to follow the mist into the sky, trapped into the inside the mist; the movement of the camera transforms into the next scene. The light vocals are heard during the transition into the next scene. A orange glowing figure, shaped exactly as the same as Radio stands in the middle of huge rocks. The light of her future reflects against the rocks, lighting up the area where she stands. The darkness in the background compliments it’s aura bright orange and purple light. The light almost looks like paint. The first verse begins with the camera slowly zooming into the tight space between the rocks.
Follow me where you don’t wanna go
Follow me to deepest water flow
Follow me to the end of the road
Where I hate to see you go During the camera work, in the middle of the verse, the motion then pauses to Radio’s vocals pitch gets higher during the verse. The camera stops then starts to back up the camera more slowly then the first shot of the scene. The director angled their position to 95 degrees, showing the whole figure in the middle of the rocks, backing into its original position of the zooming camera going backwards.
In the last few seconds of her notes, stands a white figure stands around the surroundings of a dark forest. The tall trees with saturation increases on the scene of green lime falling from the trees. The figure looks left and right, seemly lost in her journey.
Depths of diapear
Curious to see you go
Until a place where no ones knows
But you and I “But you and I” phrase is longer during her chest register, it drifts with her fading riffs of falsetto notes are in the trances of production creating a dreamy sound. The chorus powers in with her belting the chorus as an white figure is now seen in an animated drawing of green trees, hanging from a rooted green vile that dips over the other trees that creates a huge cluster of green vile. The vile looks like mold that surrounds the figure. The 360 degree angles shooting the details of the trees as the shadows turns along with the camera work. The 360 degree turns continues until the next verse. The last word of the chorus, the camera lefts the location, sweeping below the location into the green mold on the ground, a bright white light is going though the green mold. It quickly goes dark..

Hate to see you walk away
From this mind of mines
It’s troubling
I know I’m little hard to please
Make it easy for me
To go completely out of mind
Do you like the adventure inside?
Never know what to expect
Until you look in my eyes
Follow me follow me
Camera releases its grip focus on inside the dark lifting up from the ground going though a womanly figured orange figure with long glowing hair. The audience is involved in 3D setting, going though the figure up to the top of her head, doing a quick 350 turn to suddenly the figure begins to lift off the ground surrounding by water and gorgeous palm trees. The camera takes us to the front of the whole set. A light coming from the sky is lifting the figure into the light circle, the figure is relaxed as her hands are twisted backwards. Her back is laying on the air. Her legs goes up as she looks into the light, the light draws her like an angel transition into heaven.
Follow me
Inside the darkness where I stand
I know it’s a little scary
To know your love is somewhere
Finally reaching the top of the light during the middle of the second verse, her vocals are higher with the “follow me follow me” portion is pitched as it gets louder as the vocal track gets higher. Radios falsetto that is blended in the background takes us to the white figure then walking alternative world with mountains of scolded gray rocks that, looking like clay. The figure of Radio walks between the rocks as they slowly move in on her, the stars sparkle beautifully in the dark sky.
In the depths of the dark
But I’ll keep you safe
As long as you play safe
I don’t want me to drive you away
But I’m catching no matter the race
The last moments of the rocks closer then before, the glowing mist on her figure glows beyond the colors of the rocks. The camera looks up to the shining stars as we see the reflection of the bright light from below. The lead vocals of b6-D3 falsetto head voice carries for the next transition of the next scene, “ Follow me” is in a whisper in the background, ending each phrase with a whistle tone. The camera zooms into the darkness surrounding the stars as lines of dark purple human male figures are walking in a long line in the distance of the stars. The camera is on the angle where the distinctive structure of the figures walks into the camera. The stars seems dancing below and around the figures. ‘Follow Me’ continues in the background, now singing the follow me phrase in a deep register.
Follow me
Follow me
Follow meInto the next transition, Radio repeats “Follow Me” in a one word phrase in a eerie whisper tone. A blue man with glowing eyes rotates slightly as the mirrors in front of him horizontally going across his face.
Follow me
Follow me
Follow meFollow Me phrase continues as more visuals begin to set up the last closing screens. She whispers again, “ Follow Me” to the figure of Radio running on a holographic green spin wheel across the dark green sky. The figure is disappearing as the mist on her body is dissolving. Her body looks like a computer malfunction, the shape of her body is liquid metal, seemly melting as she continues to run up the green spin wheel…
Follow me
Follow me
Follow meThe mixing of the tracks adds some high ablids with soulful runs and crispy riffs that she ends each note with a follow me phrase. Several outlines of a running colorful figure is seen running behind darkness with a few stars dancing in the distance of the darkness. The figures are running with a mission in mind, the last chorus is coming as the figure comes to a stop.
Inside the zone
That I know
[x4]Radio stands in the darkness with colorful lights inlining into her body, the audience can see her body in a 3D viewing, you can see the inside of her blood vessels and organs along with the definition of her rib cage. Radios eyes are bright green with purple lipstick and no hair. It’s a colorful galaxy that’s surrounding in her in an circle, moving along with her floating moving body. The circles colors during the screen changes to bright colors to the white light seen in the beginning of the video. The chorus picks up his original arrangement as Radio dances with her arms and hips allowing the director to get a 360 spin on her 3D body. She slows down her body as her vocals begin to fade away, still hearing the eerie emotional vocals. She gets slower and slower in her movements as her vocals are still fading away.
Hate to see you walk away
From this mind of mines
It’s troubling
I know I’m little hard to please
Make it easy for me
To go completely out of mind
Do you like the adventure inside?
Never know what to expect
Until you look in my eyes
Follow me follow me
The vocals fade to soft piano playing as the shape of Radio’s head is seen with flying colors inside her head, this shot is too in a 3D form, polishing that all definition of her head frame. The camera follows the flying colors into the head as it then transforms into the opening driving screen in the beginning of the video.
I got you in the right spot right time
Follow me
Follow me..The motion of the car continues to go left, as ‘Peace Knockers’ is heard crushing into the background with the sounds of cars mediating into the instrumental fading. The heavy breathing of a women is heard to then a giggling of a man. Radio voice is then recognized at the end, “
Take me back. Please I wanna go back..” The video ends.

The screen goes dark to suddenly a few seconds later, Radios body is falling down an orange maze that surrounds her lifeless body. [color=black]The melodic falsetto of Radio is smoothly transitioning into her deeper register, this vocal arrangement is lopped several times, going further and further into pitch as the dark figure if Radio Vine is falling into a orange hypothesis circle as the vocals falls along with her body. The vocals comes to a stop as a black screen appears. The vocals then begin to be heard again, her voice sounds far out as the camera zooms inside the orange circle with vibrating waves that covers Radio Vine as they move in, crushing her blacked out body. The sneak peek ends. With
ALLUSION at the end.
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