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"DUSTYN BLUE-WILLIAMS MAKES PARIS HILTON LOOK LIKE A NUN.....HE'S BEEN AROUND."FIRED PRODUCER FOR CHAOS RECORDS DISHES THE DIRT Maybe he's bitter after recently losing his seat alongside one of the wealthiest men in music at arguably the strongest record label around and needs to find a new way of bringing in the cheques but it is surely providing lots of entertainment for us here at Culture Uncut as Lawrence Martin (a relatively unknown name outside of the 'business') has blasted his former boss, co-workers and artists he has worked with, branding them all 'money hungry', 'talentless' and states that they have no real love for music but in fact, the fame and fortune that comes along with it. More shockingly, Lawrence has accused the lovable Dustyn Blue-Williams as an 'industry man-whore' who worked his way to the top by doing little 'favours' for the important members of staff at Chaos. Lawrence has worked at Chaos since its major relaunch in 2011 and has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry right now. However, not only has he been producing for the acts, he has been very eagle-eyed and silently standing in the background whilst observing some of the 'odd' goings on at Chaos HQ. He even admits to taking part in some of the corruption in his first few months at the giant label before 'seeing the light' as they say. Now, whilst what he is saying may be 100% true, it's hard to take someone who was fired from the label for trying to sell the details of artists contracts to other labels seriously. Apparently, the crafty producer was trying to get one over on his boss and has been sneaking around rather important documents and rival labels for the past few months in hopes of ruining The Chaos Empire. He may have been caught red-handed and his first plan drastically failed but will Mr. Martin be feeling a sense of satisfaction now that he is finally airing some of the label's dirty laundry to the public. We were lucky enough to sit down with the rather eccentric character this morning who spoke with a very stereotypical, upper class English accent and a real sense of 'mummy's boy' surrounded the suited gentleman as he tore into some of the biggest staples in the industry today; Chaos Records and Weekend. Whilst he may lack the look and charm of his former boss and certainly the warmness of the biggest selling boy band, Lawrence made up for it with his straight forward, warts and all approach to the subject; Lawrence Martin wrote:"One would think that working alongside such 'legendary' artists and industry bigwigs at a highly successful label would be a dream come true but it's quite the contrary actually. Well, that is speaking of Chaos Records in particular, I'm not branding all record labels out there as a total shambles, though looking at the majority of them, I wouldn't be surprised if there was an abundance of corruption. It's rare to find anyone in the industry who is actually passionate about the music itself and not the cash and celebrity lifestyle. That basically sums up Chaos Records. It's a money hungry machine run by a ruthless, arrogant imbecile with a bunch of desperate, untalented morons on their roster."
"I've worked closely with Scott for nearly two years and in that time I have witnessed him commit what I think is music sacrilege countless times. One is very passionate about music, I have studied music technology, theory, voice, anything related to the musical profession as a whole, I have done it and yet, someone in a higher position who is also 'well respected'...can't think why...couldn't give a shit about music. He sees an individual and think, 'talented person who deserves to achieve their wildest dreams', instead, the mind of Mr. Hilton says; 'YES! Another money making machine, let me overwork them, take unfair shares of the money they earn, manufacture them into something they're not then kick them to the kerb when they aren't as popular anymore'. It sickens me how someone like him can be lauded as some sort of musical genius when there are harder working independent labels out there who do all the hard graft for like a tenth of the profits Hilton makes whilst he takes the easy road and watches the money pour in whilst Dustyn Blue-Williams sucks him off in his office."
"That's another person who is well known at Chaos, Dustyn. It's more of a 'Yeah, we ALL know Dustyn (wink,wink)' reputation he has because the chances that he has been fucked by all the male staff at Chaos are pretty high. I was pretty new to the label when Weekend joined. They just released two singles and their label closed so when they came to Chaos, they were looking to make it even bigger as they were a little bit irked that they were left out to dry by Angel Music Records and the easiest way to the top was for one of them to bend over, so Dustyn did. I'm actually pretty sure more than one member has done something along those lines but I am definitely aware of Blue's antics. A total of three times, I have walked into an office and he has been bent over a desk, violently taking it from one of our producers or songwriters just so his band could be given their best songs in order to stay at the top. I admit that in my early days, I even partook in some....foolery with him. I was wrong to take advantage of him but it wasn't all down to me, he was actually ready to remove his clothing before I even suggested such a thing. Dustyn has one of those attitudes were he thinks that sex can make up for everything. I remember he knocked over my cappuccino once and his exact words were; 'Sorry Lawrence, I is so sorry. I'll do sucking and make it up to you'. No word of a lie. Honestly, Dustyn Blue-Williams makes Paris Hilton look like a nun....he's been around. He might look sweet and innocent and I do admit that he is nice to talk to but the stuff he is willing to do just for a bite of a chocolate bar is just vile.
I am not here to be loved, I'm here to state some facts. I know I'm going to receive a lot of backlash but I will always stick to my words as they are the truth. I just think that teenage girls should know who they really worship and all these music awards and high status should really be given a second thought." ['Cute & Innocent' or 'Ruthless' & 'Sex-Mad'? Dustyn Blue-Williams (Above) has been accused of sleeping around to advance his career]Well wasn't that insightful? Though we do love a scandal or two here at Culture Uncut, this one seems to be one of the more serious ones yet. The good names of some of the world's largest music pioneers are being dragged through the mud and may ultimately be left with a bad reputation that cannot be salvage. If what Mr. Martin is saying is the God's honest truth then Scott R.H better watch out as it could lead to the demise of his much loved Chaos Empire and see him go from hero to zero all because a posh home schooled boy has a chip on his shoulder. And what about Dustyn? If the allegations are true, does that mean that he has cheated on his beloved husband, Blake Williams, multiple times? Is Dustyn still doing it to this very day? One other question that has risen, and will surely be delved into within a matter of time is the fact that Dustyn was only sixteen years old when he joined the label and when he 'allegedly' started to partake in these career advancing acts with middle aged men. |
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