Getting To Know …LUSH!!!
[L To R: Lacy, Danielle, Bianca, Aubrei]Recording or Performing Live?Aubrei: I love being in a studio and having that time with your team and your girls. I love both but I prefer the studio.
Bianca: Live, it's such a treat. I love being in front of our fans and even naysayers, you know? It just gives us the chance to show why we're just that amazing. We've had alot of great live performances, I think.
Lacy: I love both but being onstage is always a fun experience! We just always get to have fun with each other and get to really bring our music to life. Plus, like B said, we have a lot of performances that I love so far. Plus, dressing up, and all that is my favorite part!
Danielle: Definitely performing live. That's what the dream is all about. Singing your heart out on stage, dancing and feeding off of the crowd. I love being in the studio but only for a short amount of time. Having to do retakes and everything being chopped, changed and dragged out can really get on my nerves at times. When you're on stage, it's one big non-stop show and the adrenaline is pumping. I love it!
Morning or Evening?Lacy: I'm definitely an evening person. I hate waking up so early in the morning, especially when its to rehearse or go workout. I'd much rather be in bed, with a tub of ice cream and watching Lady and the Tramp. (Giggles)
Aubrei: I actually love the morning. Does that make me weird? (Laughs) I do, it's just I always feel like it's a fresh start and a blank canvas. I feel energetic and ready to take on the world. That's why the other girls hate me, because I'm always up for an early morning workout.
Bianca: Ugh, evening, all the way. I'm actually more of a night owl but being in a group means I can't sleep all day anymore. (Laughs) The morning is alright I guess. I would say it's great because of breakfast food but McDonald's has changed the game guys.
Danielle: Evening. There's nothing good about mornings. All the best shows are on at night and there's just something so comforting about the nighttime.
What is your worst habit?Danielle: Putting things in my shopping cart and then deciding I don't need it at the last minute then putting it back. I'm always like "do I or do I not really need this?" when I pick up something. I convince myself that I do and just as soon as I'm about to pay I change my mind. I annoy myself with it!
Lacy: I sleep talk, it's horrible apparently. I can't help it and I don't even know it's happening!
Aubrei: I'm very emotional whenever watching romantic movies. I cry a lot, I'll admit that. If you ever watch a romance film with me, I will sob like a baby.
Bianca: I second that, definitely. Never go to the movies with Aubrei. (Laughs) Um, I guess mine is that I kind of go into this "blank" stare sometimes and I don't know what my face is doing. Like a lot of people think I'm giving them a bitchy face but I'm not even aware of it, sometimes. I daydream a lot too, so that's bad.
What is your favourite song of the moment?Lacy: Mine is "Legendary Lovers" by Katy Perry!
Aubrei: "Keep It Clean" is mine.
Bianca: Anything by Years & Years. They are the best.
Danielle: It's a tough one. I'm gonna have to say..."Say Love" by JoJo. Those vocal runs.
What is your favourite song of all time?Lacy: Oooh, that is so hard! I think "2 Become 1" by Spice Girls.
Aubrei: I wanna say "Full Moon" by Brandy.
Danielle: Oh, steal mine why don't you? Brandy is a good one. Umm, I have many songs close to my heart. "Honey" by Mariah Carey is a classic though and she's the QUEEN so I'm going to go with that one.
Bianca: Ahhhh.....probably "No Rain" by Blind Melon.
Who is your favorite artist of all time?Lacy: Definitely Katy Perry. She's my hero!
Aubrei: Ooh, that's hard but I might have to give that to Toni Braxton or Brandy.
Bianca: Either Madonna or Madonna.
Danielle: Mariah Carey...oh, Janet Jackson though...I'll combine them. Mariah Jackson.
What is your favourite movie?Lacy: Lady and the Tramp is mine.
Bianca: The Shining of course!
Danielle: To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar. Wesley Snipes as a drag queen? Flawless.
Aubrei: Coming To America with Stepbrothers close behind.
What would be your perfect day?Bianca: My perfect day would start with a cup of coffee, maybe walking along the beach and enjoying the nature around me. Possibly adopting a pet, maybe having my favorite meal ever, Mac & Cheese, for dinner and then topping it all off with a bonfire with friends.
Danielle: I'd spend the morning hanging with my family, just catching up over a coffee. I don't get to see my siblings as often as I'd like to. Then I'd travel into town with my girls and do a bit of shopping...and putting items back. I'd then go to a concert. Doesn't matter who is playing, I just love the atmosphere and letting go at a show. Nothing beats coming home and relaxing after a concert so I'd face-plant the bed in my PJ's and be out like a light.
Lacy: Hmm, going to Disneyland. No, that's it.
Aubrei: Spending time with my girls and family and going to a club or something fun. Do some dancing and whatever. Oh and shopping!
What is your best memory of your childhood?Bianca: Probably going to a Madonna concert.
Lacy: I got to be the lead in my school's play and everyone said I did amazing which led me to want to sing.
Danielle: My 10th birthday party. That year, everyone I cared about, both family and friends seemed to be able to make it that year. I had so much fun running riot with all my friends and seeing all of the relatives that I didn't get to see all that often. We also had chocolate cake. It was the perfect day.
Aubrei: Hmm, probably just hanging out with my siblings at a random park or something.
Tell us something nobody else knows about you?Bianca: Well, I know the girls know this but I was actually engaged when I was 18. My parents freaked out but luckily we didn't last and we broke up.
Danielle: Um...Billy Khan gave me his bottle of water once. It was pretty life changing. It was at the Chaos Awards back in like 2012 and we were all leaving the venue. I muttered something about feeling faint or warm then he nudged me and gave me his water. I didn't know who he was at the time. Oops.
Aubrei: I'm deathly afraid of Flies, like I will legit run to another country if I'm near one.
Lacy: I can quote any Disney movie and I know majority of the lines from any Disney or Pixar movie!
If you could date anyone in the music industry, who would it be?Bianca: Oh jesus, not this question. (Laughs) I don't get everyones obsession with our dating lives. I guess I'd say maybe someone like Riley. They'd have to love animals as much as I do though, and nature. I also have a thing for like, foreign guys.
Lacy: I don't know, that's tough. I think Dennis Shaw is cute. He actually talked to me on Twitter and I fangirled so hard! (Giggles)
Aubrei: Yeah we know, Lace. (Laughs) I'd like someone like Dominic Brown or Kidd Amaze. They have to have style but be sweet.
Danielle: You know who I think is really cute, sweet and underrated? Brian B. I know he has a girlfriend but I just want to pinch his cheeks. The ones on his face before you start. He seems like the type of guy who doesn't mind sharing his fries with you.
What would be your 3 wishes?Lacy: World peace, to be rich so I could go on a shopping spree, and to be married to Mickey Mouse.
Danielle: A stopwatch that allows me to stop everything apart from myself and then I'd go around and do all the work I was supposed to do. When I click the watch again, no time has passed, all the work is done and I have the rest of the day to myself. Screw deadlines! Also, a pet with a human lifespan because it sucks when they die. find a way of stopping world poverty.
Aubrei: To also be rich to go shopping, to have my own clothing line, and to walk down a catwalk one day with other famous models.
Bianca: To adopt and rescue every abused and homeless animal on earth, to live in the woods away from everyone, and to find a cure for cancer.
Would you rather have worldwide success or true love?Lacy: True love, definitely.
Aubrei: True love. It always wins.
Danielle: Worldwide success and then travel the world to promote and end up finding my true love. I win.
Bianca: At the moment, I'd like to be a worldwide success. (Laughs)
What do you think happens when we die?Lacy: Hopefully we get to go to heaven and meet Michael Jackson.
Bianca: I'm a believer in reincarnation so I'll become my spirit animal.
Aubrei: I believe in a higher power so definitely heaven, or hell.
Danielle: I'm not sure about heaven and hell but I do believe in some sort of afterlife. I definitely believe in spirits and ghosts so there's obviously something beyond this.