Lisa: Hey there and welcome to the Music Box. I'm your host, Lisa, and today we have none other than one of the greatest groups there is, the Teen Titans! They'll be stopping by for the usual Q&A so without further adieu lets get this show on the road. Please give it up for the Teen Titans!*audience applauds*
Lisa: (smiles) Hi guys, welcome to the show. You all look lovely.Teen Titans: Hi everyone!
Den: Wow, it's great to be here!
Laurence: Yeah, it's awesome, thanks for having us.
(Smiles)Lisa: “Somebody New In the City” is your latest release. How happy are you with the success of the single?Joey: Very happy!
Martina: Yes, we are all very proud of it. We always feel over the moon when we release something that becomes a success because it means that people appreciated our work and it makes us feel quite...
Laurence: Accomplished.
Martina: Yes, exactly! Accomplished!
Lisa: What was it like shooting the video for it?Tanya: Oh, it was a lot of fun.
Den: Yeah! Really a lot of fun!
Laurence: It was even better after experiencing the fact that shooting a solo video isn't that fun since we're not together.
Lisa: Everyone seems to be excited about the documentary of your daily lives you guys just announced to be out next month. How was it having cameras following you around all the time?Martina: We only shooted a plot episode, because we will have the cameras around us for each week of this summer and then an episode with the best bits of the week will air on the Sunday, but it seems interesting and fun as well. We had a lot to laugh at when we first watched this plot episode.
Tanya: And we were really shocked too.
Lisa: What will set this documentary apart from others?Laurence: The fact that nobody is going to know what happens next because we will shoot it every week. And everything can happen.
Joey: And it's gonna be about us, ya know!
Tanya: That wouldn't really make it any different from the rest Joey.
Joey: It would, Barbie.
Tanya: Oh, shut up.
Lisa: Recently you guys were on tour as a supporting act for Giselle. What was it like touring with her?Laurence: It was awesome! We were too busy to prepare a new tour and when we decided to ask someone to support them on tour, Giselle was the best person we could possibly ask to. We all like her music and we were so glad when she accepted to have us on her tour.
Martina: And she is so lovely. We had some very good time.
Lisa: It can be stressful traveling on the road for such long periods at a time. What did you guys do to keep things fun and stress free during your downtime?Laurence: Everything and anything...
(Smiles)Den: Yeah, even things you could never expect!
(Looks at the others and laughs with some of them)Martina: Oh good lord, you made it sound like who knows what we do, Den!
Joey: Why Martina? Don't ya agree that we have orgies all together, huh?
(Shaking her head and trying not to laugh) This is just crazy.
Den: I think you can't say that word on TV, Joey!!
Laurence: ...And you can't also reveal what we do!
(Laughs with the others)Lisa: You've made a pretty big name for yourselves, being well known worldwide. Is it easier now to perform without getting nervous or stage fright than when you guys first debuted?Den: Yes, definately! I was all scared when I performed the first time. I remember being in the backstage waiting for the performance and kind of regretting of getting in the music business!
Tanya: We all got a lot better now though.
Lisa: Writer's block is something that most artists experience and absolutely dislike. How do you get through it?Martina: We usually have breaks like we are doing now just to get inspired and that always works.
Lisa: You've written and recorded a variety of songs and albums. How do you get inspiration to write songs?Martina: We get inspired by everything around us and all of our experiences. Me and Den are the ones who usually write the lyrics of a song and I can say that we have shared a lot of memories, experiences, ideas together.
Den: Yeah, we will all be fully involved with the next album though, so it's gonna be even better!
Lisa: Before you do your big gigs, how many hours a day do you practice?Laurence: It depends on the importance of the performance, but sometimes we practice even for whole days.
Tanya: ...Which is not easy to be honest.
Lisa: There's a lot of bands out there aspiring to be like you all one day, what advice would you give them?Den: Well, just be yourselves guys!
Joey: And if really you want to copy, just say you were inspired! That should work!!
(Laughs)Martina: And another advice is never listen to Joey. Just like now.
(Winks and miles)
Lisa: All of you have your own individual projects, does it ever become difficult to work on side projects while still being together as a band?Tanya: Yes, it makes you go crazy. I don't think I'm ever gonna do it again.
Den: No, I think it's tiring but working on a side solo album makes you do your own thing too and it's where you can do whatever kind of music you want with the most personal lyrics.
Lisa: We've seen the unfortunate split with the girl band ElectroDeath and many other bands. Do you think you guys will experience the same mishap?Den: Uhm...
Joey: Aww, we already did with Den
(Den smiles looking guilty) but that won't happen again. We threatened him enough.
(Laughs)Laurence: Yeah, he can't leave now.
(Looks at them in a funny way) Who tells you?...
(Laughs)Joey: Ahh, he just told that guys! Kill him, kill him!
(The four jokingly beat Den and all laugh together, sitting back in their places after a few seconds.)Lisa: Exactly how long do you think the band will last?Den: As long as they keep me alive at this point!
(The five all laugh again)Martina: But seriously we hope to last as much as possible.
Lisa: There are a lot of up and coming artists in the industry who are on there way to stardom. Who do you think people should be looking out for this year?Laurence: I think Weekend are already going to be one of the best bands around even though they just came out a few months ago. They're getting bigger and you really see them everywhere, which is good. We support them a lot.
Tanya: Benjamin Luna and Bianca Moretti are also gonna be big in a few months. I love what they have released so far.
Lisa: Which veteran artists do you guys love the most and never want to stop making music?Den: Electrodeath! I hope they never stop.
Tanya: Oh, yeah, I'd also say Nadia Berry, Cinzia Ricci, Isabel.
Den: Yes, definately!
Lisa: What's next for the Teen Titans?Laurence: Well, an album, a tour and some surprises.
Joey: Some other big, big surprises! Just wait and see!
Lisa: We have just two questions remaining. First question comes from Jake and he ask, “Who would you like to work with next?”Den: Everyone really! Sometimes we think about how a collaboration with another act would be and I think we thought about a collaboration with almost each artist in this industry!
Laurence: Yes, we really like experimenting.
Lisa: Our last question comes from an audience member.
Audience member: “Who are your biggest influences?”Martina: It is different for each one of us, but we are all influenced by big legends like Stephanie Fierce and Vanity.
Laurence: And the list of all the acts would really be too long to say.
Lisa: Thanks for the questions guys and thank you Teen Titans for joining us today. Its been a pleasure having you all on the show and we'd love to have you back again.Den: Thanks to you too!
Martina: Thank you!
Lisa: You're very welcome. (smiles) Well that's our show for today. Tune in next week when we blow you away with another great show. Peace.