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This is why we can't do nothing fun . When's the last time black people got to have a fiesta ? A potluck ? Damn , even the family reunions go wrong .

Before I start , I'd like to thank all the white , yellow and green people out there who got the least bit of sense in their brains when it comes to black people . The ones who know that if something is said by ignorant black people to put other black people down , you should never engage yourself into it because we will ( and I mean WE WILL ) find a way to blame it on y'all . With that being said , pray for me as I lay hands on this topic like a First Baptist preacher .
I'm trying so hard to not cuss every social media site that ever existed THE FUCK out right now . I don't know if you guys remember or noticed it , but last month #BlackGirlsStop2013 was trending on Twitter . Seriously . I'm tryna stay saved this week so I don't have to re-walk myself to the alter on Sunday but this is really testing my religion . Does Twitter let just anything trend ? Because if so , I encourage that all 20 million of my followers hash tag continuously #SuckMyImaginaryBallsBlueTwitter because that's how I feel right now .
Now don't get me wrong . I'm not one of those people who thinks everything that comes out of the opposite race's mouth is racist and that they need to get on every white person for every remark about black people because if they don't , slavery is destined to come back . I promise you , 1 out of every third black person is like that . But no , not me . Lotus doesn't care if you're racist . Why ? Because you are wrong , you are stuck in a time capsule and HITTA , I AIN'T WORRIED 'BOUT NUFFIN . ( Hitta is apparently the new replacement for the n word . It is 2 notches of 'dumb ass' away from being worse than that cracker word . There is no word worse than that . If you actually use that as a racial slur , you should curl up in a ball and die . Why so harsh ? Because you are a joke . ) But what Lotus will not tolerate is type shit like this .

WHITE PEOPLE , THIS IS NOT OKAY . I REPEAT : NOT OKAY ! We talk about this every year but here we are again . Telling you that it’s not okay . Next year , I’m sure we’ll be having this same conversation .
NEVER INCLUDE YOURSELF IN THIS . I'm warning you . Never say never my ass . Watch how fast the internet drags you up , down and diagonally . It wont work for you . America has not reached the level of articulation to be able to understand that jokes are funny because they are jokes . Any joke that includes the word black will be taken as racist by some ignorant person . But was #BlackGirlsStop2013 one of those funny things that everybody had to drag to racism ? No . The fact that that was even trending made my soul want to deck the whole twitter community in the throat . The tweets about it weren't even that funny either . Was this supposed to compete with #BitchesBeLike ? Because it failed miserably .
OK , so maybe some of them were a tinsy bit funny , but what did it have to do with being black ? Hell , y'all might as well have just hash tagged #BitchesBeLike . But nooo , yall had to DO THE MOST and offend a whole race .

But this tweet right here ? This tweet right here , hitta ? This gave me LIFE .

But sadly , that wasn't even the problem . Oh , y'all thought y'all was slick ? You ignorant , incompetent , piece of shit ass 'I'm mad because the rest of my race is taking 5 steps forward so let me do something dumb to bring them 3 steps back' bitches ! I can't STAND some of y'all . First twerking , now this ? Y'all werkin my nerves . WERKIN my nerves ! This would've never went trending if somebody white , green or yellow tweeted it . This was done by our very own ! * Cue Game Of Thrones gasp * Yesss ! If this wasn't done by somebody black , all of Twitter would've shut this THE FUCK down . This would've been headlining CNN , MSNBC , FOX news and The (annoying ass) View .

Guess what guys ? There is a such thing as being racist against you're OWN race . ( I want to call it counter-racism , but it didn't mean the same thing for counter-terrorism on Google . Way to ruin my creativity . ) If you ask me , that's the WORST kind of racist out there . Like , you must just want to die inside . You were born the VERY race you hate SOOO MUCH . That is sad . *Throws lots of meaningless sympathy*
Ugh . Okay , I'm officially done being a bitch . I say all of this because I love you guys , ( Not really . ) , and I'm keeping you all in my prayers , ( Your ignorance worries me . What if it's contagious ? ) , because frankly you all need them . Sense is good for you . Don't fight it .
Dear everyone who participated in this : When I get to church on Sunday , I'm telling Jesus on you ! Every single last one of y'all !
Edited by user 22 November 2013 23:01:25(UTC)
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