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DESTINEE&ADELE's "God Bless America" TOUR!
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Florian smiles as he takes some hair gel from a pot on the bedside table and runs his hand through his hair randomly. "Really? I would not picture her with a rockstar." He walks into the bathroom and pats her ass,as he lifts his toothbrush. "You on the other hand are a rock star's dream. Or at least this rock star's dream." He winks and brushes his teeth. "I'm psyched to meet them. Maybe I should have brought gifts. No one can dislike a person who brings a gift." He chuckles and puts his shoes on. |
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Adele jumps a bit when Florian pats her ass, giggling. "You are ridiculous," she says back, kissing his cheek as she finally starts to put on her own clothes: a simple purple tabletop and ripped up jeans. "One of our tour mates want into labor yesterday. Amy? I think? I don't know. Anyway, we are one short, so you can use the excuse that not everybody is there for the reason why you don't have a present." She winks as she slides her feet into a pair of wedges. She starts towards the door when she notices a piece of paper sitting on the small table by the front of the bus. "Darling, did you write me a note?" She asks.
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"I am. It is why you love me," he jokes, barely realising he had slipped the l word in. He finishes getting ready and leans on the wall as he waits, watching her dress. "You look beautiful. At least I can be distracted by your beauty if I get nervous. And hey, if they ask for a present, I'll just tell them all that what they saw last night was their present." He laughs hard and then looks up when she speaks. "Non, not me." He looks at the note with "Adele," written in perfect calligraphy. "This is not my writing style. What does it say?" |
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Adele smiles at Florian. "I am not beautiful," she says back shyly, looking down. She had picked up on the fact that he had said "love," but dare not say anything about it. This had been a far too good morning, and she didn't want to ruin it with something so scary as commitment. Adele shrugs and picks up the note, assuming that Destinee had written her something. Her eyes scan the note for a moment as she starts to bite her lip, occasionally glancing back up at Florian. "You are sure you did not write me this?" She asks quietly as she hands him the note. Adele:
Was it the proud full sail of his great verse, Bound for the prize of all too precious you, That did my ripe thoughts in my brain inhearse, Making their tomb the womb wherein they grew? Was it his spirit, by spirits taught to write Above a mortal pitch, that struck me dead? No, neither he, nor his compeers by night Giving him aid, my verse astonished. He, nor that affable familiar ghost Which nightly gulls him with intelligence As victors of my silence cannot boast; I was not sick of any fear from thence: But when your countenance fill'd up his line, Then lack'd I matter; that enfeebled mine. "Sonnet 86, is it not? About Shakespeare being jealous of another writer who has wooed his love?"
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Florian shakes his head. "You are very beautiful, Adele, I promise." He smiles and watches her as she reads the note. When she looks up, he holds his hands up and shakes his head again. "Non. I did not leave any note." He takes it from her and adjusts his glasses as he starts to read the verse thereon. His lips move silently as his eyes scan the words and he looks back at Adele. "Oui - the epitome of resentment, as my professor used to say. This is weird. Who else has access to your bus?" He scratches his head and reads it again. "Seems a bit intellectual for a joke non?" |
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Adele sits back down on her bed, bringing her knees up to her chest as she watches Florian read the note as well. She thinks, wondering who else could have left it. "Destinee. She is the only one to have a key besides me... Unless she has given her key to somebody else, which so doubt very much..." She lets out a shaky sigh, giving Florian a confused look. "What does it mean? I mean... I know what it means, but why would somebody send it to me?"
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Florian sits beside her and turns the note over as if to search for a clue. "You know Destinee better than me....but surely she would not give her key away?" He sets the note down, noticing how Adele looks nervous. "Are you OK? " he asks, putting his arm around her shoulder. He reads again. "The piece is about someone having something the writer desires and thinks they deserve. Could...someone be jealous of your success? One of the other bands?" He shrugs, it was the only reason he could think of. |
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Adele bites the inside of her cheek and shakes her head. "No. We made a rule that we would never give our keys to anybody else, and Destinee is never one to break rules..." She says back quietly. She lays her head on Florian's shoulder and thinks for a moment. "Or... perhaps the poem is... directed towards you?" She asks quietly. "Maybe you are the other writer that the poem is talking about..." She sighs ands wraps her arms around him, suddenly feeling very guilty. "This isn't the first time I have gotten letters from an anonymous person before... I haven't in so long, though. I thought they were done, but..." She looks back at the note and shivers a bit.
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Florian tries to calm Adele, pulling her closer and kissing the top of her head. However, in truth he was quite scared. Normally he was the sort of guy who slipped under the radar and ran clear of trouble, but there was no way he would leave Adele to deal with a jealous tour mate on her own. And then she said it and he felt a jolt in his stomach. "Pour moi?" He sits up a little and looks at Adele. " really think so Adele?" Florian tries to stay calm as he stares at the note as if it's going to explode at any moment. "You have....a stalker, non? This is what you are saying.?" He breathes heavily and sighs. "Maybe you are just over thinking it?" He runs his hand through his hair again. |
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Adele tenses up a little again. "I suppose I never thought of him as a stalker... The notes showed up when I first started getting famous. They were flattering at first, then they got a little creepy... and then they stopped. This is the first one I've gotten in... well, since we started dating..." She sighs. "Maybe I am over thinking this. It just... It scares me. This is the first time the note has been placed like this. Normally, it would be on my car, or I would find it in my purse after a day of shopping. This is the first time that they have ever broken into my bus or house to give it to me..."
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Florian starts to pace a little in front of Adele. He looks at his hand and then throws the note down on the dresser as if it's burning his skin. "You must have reported it, non? People are always trying to put the frighteners up famous women. Do you know why they did it? Did they say?" He wouldn't admit it out loud, but Florian was afraid, and his demeanour shows it, until Adele sounds scared, a moment which shakes Florian back to his senses. He kneels in front of her and holds her hands as he looks up at her. "Hey....hey do not worry, chéri. If someone has been on the bus....they can't have been, but we call the police, and they will find him." He takes a deep breath. "I promise, I will not let someone harm you." He kisses the back of her hand softly. |
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Adele shakes her head. "I never reported it because it never seemed malicious... All the notes were complimentary. Telling me how beautiful I was, or how well my newest single had done or... you know. Destinee said not to worry about it because it was just something to happened to people when they got famous. Honestly, I think she was a little jealous that I was getting these notes and she wasn't." Adele starts to tear up a bit when Florian tells her that he won't let anybody hurt her. "Do you really promise that...?" She asks softly. "Do you really mean it?"
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Florian nods and listens to her. "These bastards...I have read about stalkers like this in the past. He is playing on your trust by telling you nice things." He shakes his head. "Of course Destinee was not jealous. She would have been trying to make sure you feel calm. She is a good friend to you. Don't be scared Adele, it will be OK." He kisses her hand again. When she tears up, Florian pulls her into a hug and rubs her back gently as he holds her close. "I promise. I swear, Adele. You mean a lot to me. I would never let anyone do anything to harm you," he whispers to her. |
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Adele tries to make herself calm down and dry her tears up as Florian speaks. She tries to stop crying less for herself and more because she didn't want Florian to think that she didn't appreciate him trying to calm her down. She could see that he was just as worried as she was, but wasn't showing it for her sake. She loved him for that. "Alright... alright... What do we do now?" She asks softly. "Do we call the police? Do we ignore it and hope that he stops? What do we do?" A small bubble of panic starts to form in her throat again as she speaks.
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Florian stayed quiet for a while, just holding Adele close and making sure she felt safe, even if only for a few moments. He was just as scared, if not more, than she was, but he couldn't let her see it. He had to be strong for Adele's sake. When she speaks, he nods and thinks. "Why don't we go outside and get a cigarette? Then you can decide if you want to call the police." He smiles at her, trying to make her seem more settled. "I don't think we should ignore case he comes back, but it's your choice." He smiles softly and kisses her on the nose. |
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Adele gives Florian a small nod, not wanting to let go of him, but knowing that she would have to eventually. Of course, there was no way she could continue to cling to him until this problem went away. She stands up from the bed and grabs her cigarette case off of the small counter next to her bed. She lights it with one of her matches before stepping out into the day. It was a cool day and she could hear some kids playing on a playground near the venue, but nothing could have made the day seem safe and happy to Adele anymore. She sits down outside her bus and takes a long drag of the cigarette.
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Florian gives Adele a reassuring smile and steps back as he gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "It will be fine in the end. It's just someone trying to scare us, it will come to nothing." Even as he said it, he wasnt sure it was true, but he could tell she needed to hear these words. He picks up his pack of cigarettes and in the few seconds he needs to find a lighter he notices he has fallen behind Adele. He finds his lighter and steps outside. Seeing her sat on the bench, Florian walks towards her. "And in a mo-" his voice cuts off suddenly as a black flash appears from nowhere. A man in a long coat, a Casanova mask covering his face, strikes Florian hard across the ribs with a baton and the singer crumples with an awful groan, thudding against the ground. As he looks up, he sees the man standing over him. |
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Adele is facing away from Florian when he's struck. When she hears him groan and hit the ground, she wips around, seeing his attacker standing above him. She lets out an ear piercing scream and throws the only thing she had in her hand, her cigarette, at the attacker. It get caught in his hair as she continues to shriek loudly.
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As Florian lays on the floor groaning with the pain of being attacked, his assailant smiles darkly from above him, staring at the Frenchman as if a hunter over his game. Florian turns towards Adele and tries to tell her to run, when suddenly he notices some panic in the attacker when the cigarette lands in his hair. He paws at it before glaring at Adele. Florian, in an attempt to save his girlfriend from harm, calls out and grabs the man's leg. He looks at Adele with desperation in his eyes, remembering his promise not to let anyone harm her. "Adele....Adele, go to the bus, lock the door, cheri!" He yells as his eyes plead with her to run away. |
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Adele freezes, not sure if she should listen to her boyfriend and run from his assailant, or if she should stay with him and try to scare the attacker off. She sees the look in Florian's eyes and knows how much he would blame himself if she ever got hurt, so she dashes to the bus and grabs the heaviest thing she could find within reaching distance of the doorway: Her purse, of course. She had so much stuff in there (two other cigarette cases she didn't use, a couple of hardback books, and her phone charger) that it was heavy even for her to carry around sometimes. She runs back out of the bus and swings it around, aiming for the attack's head.
The Rockstar Game
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DESTINEE&ADELE's "God Bless America" TOUR!
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