'I D I O T I S M & S O L I D U S - Live ' (Album)

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'I D I O T I S M & S O L I D U S - Live ' was recorded 1704 weeks ago by Anarcotic Emblems

Rating 99


# Track Name Rating
1 1 - Learning To Fight 2 - Different Bodies 100
2 3 -A Dynamic Re-Imagine 4 - Silver Painted Houses 100
3 5 - The Only Way 6 - IDIOTISM|SOLIDUS 100
4 7 - Bodyfarm 8 - Pen + Paper 100
5 9 - Island Life - 10 Smoking Indoors 100
6 11 - Camera Looks At You 12 - Paperweight 100
7 1 - Bad Decision 2 - Bulletproof Daydream 100
8 3 - Can't Erase Me 4 - Never Letting Go 100
9 5 - Emergency Stop 6 - 6 Violet Killed A Man 100
10 7 - In This World 8 - Mind Isolation 100

Details of Album Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 610,972 4 0(130)
USA 0 619,595 5 0(0)
Canada 0 614,343 2 0(0)
Aus & NZ 0 617,294 2 0(0)
South America 0 603,992 3 0(0)
Asia 0 609,385 2 0(0)
Europe 0 618,714 2 0(0)
World 0 4,294,295 3 0(151)

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