'Faded Dreams' (Album)

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'Faded Dreams' was recorded 1233 weeks ago by Flora

Rating 100


# Track Name Rating
1 Don't Die in the Starfire 100
2 Wonderin' 100
3 Fine Wine 100
4 Oh So Forgettable 100
5 Famous Accidents 100
6 Reignite Your Moment in the Sun 100
7 SuperChild 100
8 Hustlin' in the Slums 100
9 Ultimate Betrayal 100
10 I Live in Your Dreams 100

Details of Album Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 658,019 2 0(0)
USA 0 616,639 18 0(134)
Canada 0 599,826 19 0(0)
Aus & NZ 0 600,739 19 0(0)
South America 0 605,694 15 0(107)
Asia 0 603,752 18 0(0)
Europe 0 621,461 11 0(0)
World 0 4,306,130 16 0(145)

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