'In Any Case...' (Album)

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'In Any Case...' was recorded 135 weeks ago by The Mystics

Rating 100


# Track Name Rating
1 Act Like We Did Before 100
2 Cow On The Moon 100
3 Going To Hide From You 100
4 If You See A Red Dove 100
5 I Am Not In The Mood 100
6 When The Sun Goes Down 100
7 Six Stringed Madness 100
8 You'll Phone Me Again 100
9 Lots Of Congo Work 100
10 Blissfully Happy 100

Details of Album Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 635,991 4 0(0)
USA 0 572,558 9 0(0)
Canada 0 636,945 4 0(0)
Aus & NZ 0 637,251 4 0(0)
South America 0 634,445 3 0(0)
Asia 0 623,486 3 0(0)
Europe 0 625,815 6 0(0)
World 0 4,366,491 5 0(0)

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