'How I Met Your Mother' (Album)

No Artwork

'How I Met Your Mother' was recorded 5261 weeks ago by We Are The Ocean and We Will Destroy You All So Ride Our Wave

Rating 95


# Track Name Rating
1 It was the best night ever 100
2 Number 1, On Your.... 100
3 Shimmy Shimmy Nah 100
4 Just Another Day, Take Off Your Jacket 100
5 All work and no play makes someone do something!?! 100
6 Rombola Tombola (Bingo Bango Bongo) 100
7 Legen-Wait For It-Dary 100
8 Nothing Suits Me (Like A Suit) 100
9 Globalot Flobolot 100
10 Vuvuzela (Bees In The Hive) 100

Details of Album Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 607,798 12 0(399)
USA 0 603,098 11 0(404)
Canada 0 603,558 10 0(315)
Aus & NZ 0 607,031 9 0(299)
South America 0 611,607 7 0(281)
Asia 0 605,654 8 0(285)
Europe 0 615,143 11 0(330)
World 0 4,253,889 10 0(468)

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