'Our Biggest Fears' (Album)

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'Our Biggest Fears' was recorded 4701 weeks ago by Gryphon

Rating 10


# Track Name Rating
1 Inside the Chambers of the Lion (Part 1) 10
2 Inside the Chambers of the Lion (Part 2) 9
3 Inside the Chambers of the Lion (Part 3) 7
4 Inside the Chambers of the Lion (Part 4) 6
5 Wait for None (Part 1) 7
6 Wait for None (Part 2) 5
7 Meeting the Bear 6
8 Our Biggest Fears 7
9 Rage of Many (Part 1) 4
10 Rage of Many (Part 2) 3

Details of Album Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
USA 0 14,943 266 0(318)
World 0 14,943 341 0(425)

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