'Back To Attack' (Album)

No Artwork

'Back To Attack' was recorded 4603 weeks ago by Rake Attack

Rating 87


# Track Name Rating
1 Still Got It 98
2 The New World 96
3 Back To Attack 91
4 Stickey Keys 90
5 Have You Been Attacked? 90
6 What's Up? 88
7 Dust 80
8 The Start 76
9 Upper Deck 72
10 Purple 69

Details of Album Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 232,175 113 0(253)
USA 0 223,734 115 0(297)
Canada 0 226,585 98 0(215)
Europe 0 226,733 100 0(227)
World 0 909,227 147 0(336)

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