'I Don't Know Why (This Person's Lethal Love) ' (Single)

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'I Don't Know Why (This Person's Lethal Love) ' was recorded 1356 weeks ago by LEIO

Rating 99


Track Name Rating
I Don't Know Why (This Person's Lethal Love) 100
No Se Porque (Esta Persona's Amor Letal) [I Don't Know Why (This Person's Lethal Love) Spanish Ver.] 99
I Don't Know Why (This Person's Lethal Love) [CD Only Instrumental] 98

Details of Single Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 244,372 14 0(112)
USA 0 254,780 8 0(114)
Canada 0 254,142 10 0(105)
Aus & NZ 0 256,471 7 0(102)
South America 0 250,714 9 0(101)
Asia 0 249,614 15 0(105)
Europe 0 242,198 13 0(99)
World 0 1,752,291 12 0(107)

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