'Broken Homes' (Single)

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'Broken Homes' was recorded 907 weeks ago by JOY/RIDE

Rating 99


Track Name Rating
Broken Homes 99
The Next Change 97
The Catch Up 97

Details of Single Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 199,796 38 0(112)
USA 0 230,363 17 0(114)
Canada 0 173,261 49 0(99)
Aus & NZ 0 171,152 47 0(97)
South America 0 134,435 55 0(95)
Asia 0 130,199 61 0(102)
Europe 0 130,841 61 0(104)
World 0 1,170,047 48 0(107)

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