'Peche Melba' (Single)

No Artwork

'Peche Melba' was recorded 348 weeks ago by Le Lundi

Rating 91


Track Name Rating
Peche Melba 92
Son Petit Jour Elle Va Te Donner 84
Droite Gauche Retourne Toi 89

Details of Single Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 210,964 15 0(78)
USA 0 206,052 14 0(86)
Canada 0 206,443 14 0(80)
Aus & NZ 0 210,238 16 0(78)
South America 0 209,327 13 0(73)
Asia 0 210,885 12 0(73)
Europe 0 209,432 12 0(85)
World 0 1,463,341 14 0(81)

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