'I Think We're Alone Now' (Single)

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'I Think We're Alone Now' was recorded 432 weeks ago by Ray Quills

Rating 86


Track Name Rating
I Think We're Alone Now 87
Bejeweled 74
Shimmer 78

Details of Single Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 137,712 40 0(85)
USA 0 148,853 39 0(85)
Canada 0 138,467 40 0(78)
Aus & NZ 0 131,999 46 0(77)
South America 0 134,910 38 0(75)
Asia 0 135,282 39 0(76)
Europe 0 130,525 45 0(77)
World 0 957,748 40 0(82)

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