'Re Repeater' (Single)

No Artwork

'Re Repeater' was recorded 105 weeks ago by Unlucky Thirteen

Rating 99


Track Name Rating
Re Repeater 100
Bet on the Beast 99
That's the Spot 99

Details of Single Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 150,599 25 0(131)
USA 0 126,770 43 0(144)
Canada 0 126,177 38 0(143)
Aus & NZ 0 127,815 32 0(137)
South America 0 127,747 27 0(136)
Asia 0 129,475 28 0(132)
Europe 0 126,608 30 0(140)
World 0 915,191 33 0(137)

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