'Hearts Reborn' (Single)

No Artwork

'Hearts Reborn' was recorded 67 weeks ago by BlackPanther

Rating 98


Track Name Rating
Hearts Reborn 100
The Hinterlands 95
Up to the Thermosphere BANG! my balloon popped and I don't know what is next for my life 95

Details of Single Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 225,334 10 0(87)
USA 0 253,983 2 0(93)
Canada 0 224,916 8 0(92)
Aus & NZ 0 220,332 17 0(82)
South America 0 202,896 16 0(83)
Asia 0 197,656 15 0(86)
Europe 0 208,552 13 0(88)
World 0 1,533,669 10 0(88)

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