'When the rain comes it remonds me of you and all that went wrong, so maybe it's time to stop the rain, 'cause I can't stand to think about you and what I lost. (Sad Song)' (Single)

No Artwork

'When the rain comes it remonds me of you and all that went wrong, so maybe it's time to stop the rain, 'cause I can't stand to think about you and what I lost. (Sad Song)' was recorded 5188 weeks ago by We Are The Ocean and We Will Destroy You All So Ride Our Wave

Rating 99


Track Name Rating
When the rain comes it remonds me of you and all that went wrong, so maybe it's time to stop the rain, 'cause I can't stand to think about you and what I lost. (Sad Song) 100
Boolon 99
Bombay Mix 99

Details of Single Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 253,035 1 0(227)
USA 0 238,598 25 0(214)
Canada 0 250,510 3 0(992)
Aus & NZ 0 246,462 3 0(158)
South America 0 242,817 18 0(157)
Asia 0 248,755 5 0(155)
Europe 0 254,245 3 0(183)
World 0 1,734,422 5 0(186)

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