'The Past, The Present and The Future of Pop' (Single)

No Artwork

'The Past, The Present and The Future of Pop' was recorded 4823 weeks ago by Stephanie Fierce

Rating 100


Track Name Rating
The Past, The Present and The Future of Pop 100
Sink 100
The Past, The Present and The Future of Pop (I-tunes Music Video) 100

Details of Single Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 259,267 3 0(290)
USA 0 249,963 17 0(281)
Canada 0 255,538 7 0(221)
Aus & NZ 0 254,368 2 0(215)
South America 0 256,994 3 0(203)
Asia 0 258,471 6 0(199)
Europe 0 255,185 8 0(387)
World 0 1,789,786 4 0(239)

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