'If I Could Write You a Song' (Single)

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'If I Could Write You a Song' was recorded 4271 weeks ago by Lukas Dias

Rating 98


Track Name Rating
If I Could Write You a Song 100
You're Gonna Love This / I'm Not Coming To Your Party Girl (Live) 100
Double Vision / Jump in This Ride (Live) 84

Details of Single Sales

Country Weeks Sales Total Sales High Chart Chart Pos(& Last)
UK 0 252,092 10 0(232)
USA 0 250,466 11 0(221)
Canada 0 247,680 13 0(309)
Aus & NZ 0 253,107 3 0(176)
South America 0 252,894 7 0(185)
Asia 0 252,353 8 0(172)
Europe 0 250,293 2 0(186)
World 0 1,758,885 7 0(197)

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