Drop Bears: Information

Drop Bears (genre: Punk Rock) consists of

  • Siobhan O'Brien (Bass, Vocals)
  • Dr. Mal Practice (Guitars )
  • Colin Power (Guitars)
  • Rob 'Mad Dog' Maguire (Drums)

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User is ranked: 890 (Highest: 888)

User Ability
Ability 242
Song Writing 98

UK 78
USA 78
Canada 78
Aus & NZ 78
Europe 78

Album Release History

Album Title Age Rating Week Total
Drop Dead Killer 11 100 106,981 1,481,094
Sink My Fangs 252 100 0 2,977,241
Road To Ruin 432 100 0 2,988,386
Tomorrows Dream 545 100 0 2,767,198
Such Was Life 685 100 0 2,974,121
Bearware 825 100 0 2,963,631
Thylarctos Plummetus 927 99 0 2,623,508

Single Release History

Single Title Age Rating Week Total
No Science In Stupidity 12 100 31,240 1,200,462
Make Your Ears Bleed 253 100 0 1,206,213
Back To Basics 433 100 0 1,211,539
Rich Kid Punks 546 99 0 1,192,111
Carp Diem 686 100 0 1,212,951
Shattered Dreams 826 100 0 1,206,275
No Hope 928 100 0 1,059,726

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