Social Mess: Information

Social Mess (genre: Alternative Rock) consists of

  • �mile Tremblay (Rhythm Guitar / Vox)
  • Guillaume Vachon (Bass Guitar / Vox)
  • Marc-Antoine Lachance (Piano / Synthesizer / Guitar / Vox)
  • Adam Bouchard (Lead Guitar)
  • Xavier Gilbert (Drums)

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User is ranked: 3,093 (Highest: 3,005)

User Ability
Ability 70
Song Writing 82

UK 25
Canada 25
Europe 15

Album Release History

Album Title Age Rating Week Total
No Artwork Ad Astra 71 92 0 1,223,579
No Artwork Autumn Grapefruit 97 80 0 860,899

Single Release History

Single Title Age Rating Week Total
No Artwork Voices In The Sky 70 93 0 567,647
No Artwork Drowning 78 97 0 596,436
No Artwork Rivers 87 90 0 434,694
No Artwork Belzebutt 93 89 0 403,554
No Artwork Wild West Westfalia 102 84 0 304,604
No Artwork Celery 109 83 0 259,467
No Artwork Sofa Blue 115 77 0 144,313
No Artwork Drowning In My Sleep 122 70 0 87,743

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