Ezra enters the Studio with a screaming audience looking beautiful in a white dress and white heels. She gives the audience blow kisses before she sits on her usual chair, which has been designed exclusively for the show. Ezra has a bright smile, showing her perfect white teeth.
Thank You, guys! It's always nice to come to the show with such a great audience! Today we have some news from the celebrity world, music and a interview with the great Aaron! You guys probably know him already, right? *Audience Screams* I thought so. Let's start with Hot Topics!
The first topic is something which I just couldn't believe when I read it! I was laughing so loud, I think my mom, who's in Iraq, heard it! *giggles* If you see this Drew, This is NO shade! I'm just spreading the news! On Twitter, Dakota Sanchez announced to the world, that her hand was up in his...bum? *The Audiences Gasp* I'm sorry, but I can't! *Ezra starts to laugh out loud* We shouldn't judge him though! We all have our fetishes. These news literally breaked Twitter though, EVERYBODY was speaking about it! But, let's continue. The second topic involves the hottest boyband we have currently. They announced a hiatus for 2017. *A loud Noooo is heard from the Audience* Oh, yes. I'm not gonna lie, my heart stopped for a second when I heard it. But, they clarified that they won't stop existing. You guys are going to hear from them, just solo. I'm actually a little bit worried, many boybands announced a hiatus for 1 year or 2 but they never came back. Let's hope that this is not the case with them. The rumors are going strong though! People say that they dislike eachother, they have fights everytime etc etc. Let's just breathe in a second and pray. *silence* Okay. Let's continue! The last topic is on, guys! Guess, what? "Symoné Banks VS. Liyah"! Permant Reminder just won't release Liyah's album. You guys probably think, "Why?". There are many reasons. First, she only has a contract for one album, which means that she can say "Goodbye PR", after the record. Another reason is, the new artists on PR. Apparently, Symoné is concentrating on upcoming stars like Lincoln, Cosma and Lush etc. With that being said, They also believe that Liyah won't get the money in, which is why they are pushing her back. With that being said, I believe that Permanent Reminder is underestimating Liyah. She's one of the hottest Hip Hop artists and people are begging to her to release new stuff. I guess Liyah is gonna say 'Goodbye' after the first album.
Last episode's guest Alec Cole is on Tour, and it's going great! The Tour is sold out and it kicked off yesterday with a successful opening concert. We also have releases from SYNCO, Aliya Rose and Rum & Coke! Also, The Queen of Indie is back! Arianna released a new project called "Saint Retro" and it's worth listening! Get Your phone out and scan the banner you'll see right now to get linked to iTunes! It's amazing. The Charts are looking great too with WINNIE being #1 with her single "Handyman", which is not for kids by the way. Lincoln is fighting for his spot and remained #2, while Chantal dropped from #1 to #10 after the hate parade on Twitter. #3 is held by Sabina with her new song "Radioactive" and #4 by Kara Romero with her new song "Same Old Tears", which is her most successful song to date. Congrats on that! Now, it's time for Aaron! Give him a big welcome! *Audience claps and screams as Aaron enters the studio*
Hello, Aaron! It is so nice to have you here! How are you?I'm great Ezra. Thanks for asking! Certainly great to be here with you today too. I've always wanted to come on this show since like the first episode so it's nice to finally have made it here today.
Let's start right off with the movie "Evangelion"! It came out over the summer and was a blockbuster reaching #1 in the box office! Congratulations on all of that! Could you give us some details about the work behind the scenes? The special effects were really amazing, and I was like: 'how did they do that?'Thank you Ezra! I was extremely nervous about how the film would do for some reason. I always told myself never worry about how it would be received as long as I know that I put my all into it but with all the buildup and excitement, it would be a lie if I sat here and said I didn't care about how it would eventually be perceived but luckily it went over extremely well. I just got back from Japan just a few weeks ago and people really, really love the movie over there. So I'm extremely grateful for everyone who supported the movie. As for behind the scenes, it's totally and utter chaos! There's hundreds of crew members, actors, makeup artists, stunt-men, directors, writers all on set working in unison to create the final piece, and it takes a long time. Many of the special effects are computer generated, and with the use of really high tech Green screens and Chroma key's it all simply comes to life. When we were moving about in the Evangelions, we had these body machines attached to our bodies that were our size and with technology..on screen we were controlling massive robots, it's amazing . Despite the use of graphics, many and I mean many of the scenes and stunts like the final fight scene, I actually had to do at the Grand Canyon and I got hurt many times just trying to capture the essence! It was all worth it though, I love what I do. But there's so much that goes into how we actually do it. We could be here for hours *laughs*
Did you expect the success the movie has currently? The box office is blew up and the critics praised the movie a lot, especially your acting.
I tried not to expect anything, but when I heard about how well it did I was sooo happy that people were going out to see the movie and enjoying it, too. That's really all I wanted.
You did 2 songs for the official soundtrack that was released for the movie "Evangelion". The first one "Shine", which was massive hit and got a nomination for best singe collaboration at the FCA's two at this year's GOLDIEs, and the second one "Great Blue Sky", which is really different compared to to "Shine" by the way. So now I gotta ask, I know that you heard this question alot, are you planning on releasing more music? Your fans are dying for a album!Now I really didn't expect Shine to go on to be such a success. The idea was brought up to me by my manager who also worked with Warner Brothers who were the distributers of the movie and the soundtrack and they thought it was a good idea to have me sing the actual soundtrack song! Next thing you know, I'm in the studio with a great guy that goes by the name of mister_b and the song was released and poof! It was at the top of the charts, award nominations and all these people telling me to recording an album and I'm like what? *laughs* I'm not really a musician to be quite honest, it's something that I sometimes enjoy doing but my first heart is with acting and screen-play. I know many people want me to release music or an album but my heart has to be fully in it if I go through with it. Who knows, maybe one day I will release a new single, album or EP. I'm a rather spontaneous person, but right now I'm focusing on other projects that don't necessarily have to do with music. But never say never.
We've a lot of artists in the music business, many of them willing to collaborate with other people. Is there somebody you would like to do a song with?Ummm, well I really don't know because I'm not exactly a musician but there's some great people who I'd like to maybe do a song with. I love Banks' sound and stuff. I also think Alec Cole would be cool to work with! There's so many.
Will you be attending the GOLDIES on February 6th?Of course, I'll be there and presenting too!
Anything you are excited to see?I'm excited to see the entire show. I'm a big fan of Hayden, he's really funny so I want to see him get up there and be himself. There's also loads of amazing performers getting up there as well including SYNCO and Reese! So it'll be a great show to see.
Now, let's get more into personal things. You are young, good looking and I know that the girls are probably begging for a date. So, we would like to know - do you have any special girl on your mind right now? Girlfriend? Somebody you would like to date?How did I know this was coming?! Haha. As of right now, no I don't have a girlfriend. *laughs*
I don't know how to start this, but something happened between you and billy on twitter some time ago, I guess. I don't know what happened behind the scenes but something probably happened. It all started with this tweet about Billy winning the award for sexiest male at the FCAs. He kinda started to attack you, whatever. Just tell us, how did feel? What was going through your mind, when you read what he said on twitter?Well, Billy is Billy. He is going to say what is on his mind whether you like it or not. I consider him a friend of mine and at the time we were just at a rough patch. When I first saw it I was taken aback but you learn to forgive an forget. I saw him over the holiday and everything was great. I rather have a friend who tells you straight to your face about how they feel as opposed to going behind your back, so yeah, it might've been harsh but that's how he was feeling at the time and he was entitled to that, even though I didn't agree with it or the way he went about it it's over and in the past now.
How, do you think, Riley felt? Did you call him or something? He must've felt really awkward at the time, because he's kinda between you two. I mean, he's really close with Billy, as far as I can remember and, as I know, he's really good friends with you. Yeah, Riley is my best friend. It wasn't really a huge thing for him to get involved in, and I wouldn't want to involve him in the first place because Riley has his own things going on and really isn't for the drama. He is a great mediator but things never got out of hand.
Well, I hope you guys get it together. Because, I think you know, and I'm gonna say it again. I kinda say it on every episode, because something always happens. But, Billy is not a bad person. The Billy I met on the first episode of 'Real Talk' was so kind and just nice. I didn't really met him since then, but I don't he changed. Maybe he was in a good mood or something, but whatever. Let's just keep going!Yeah, he is a great person despite what some say about him. Just don't piss him off or get him on a bad day. *laughs*
Let's talk about your appearance in Lincoln's Bang The Drum video! You did an amazing job playing Colt. How did the music video come about? Especially your place in it?Lincoln as me to be apart of it and how could I say no? The character was someone I never exactly got to play before. I've never played the bad boy before so it was a new territory that I just had to tackle without questioning! I don't know how the actual music video came about but I know once Lincoln and his team asked me to do the video, I was on board. I got there and it reminded me of one of the movie sets I've been apart of! It was a huge and I know a lot of money went into it. I studied my lines and just went on and did it, it came out very nicely and I thank Lincoln for asking me to be apart of it.
Colt was clearly the bad boy in the video, was the role fun for you to play? What type of characters do you like playing when you are acting?Extremely fun! I got to finally explore my bad boy side and I was surprisingly and scarily good at it. I watched the playback and was even surprised in myself for being able to evoke such bad assness *laughs* ......am I allowed to say that? Sorry! But yeah, I like to play many types of roles, I'm willing to give all a chance but I really enjoy playing a character that progresses throughout the movie or show and has some sort of character development or change to make them better, or maybe worse..depends on what the movie calls for. I never want to just play a character who is the same the whole way through, I like to explore the character and make them become me. It sounds weird but it's just an actor thing. Every character you play is a piece of you, you've got to become them. I need to play a role that I can work with and feel out a change for.
We've heard some rumors, but you know. We'd like to hear some stuff from you pertaining to this....Are there any other movies coming soon?Well this is going to be the first time I am saying this anywhere but YES.. there s a movie coming out that I am incredibly, incredibly excited for. We just wrapped up post production in LA two weeks ago and there's some post production paperwork, commodities and miscellaneous aspects that have to be tended to and as soon as that is done, an official announcement will be made. I'm almost sure that the movie will be out later this year!
THATS RIGHT! WORLD EXCLUSIVE guys! Aaron Styles just announced that he is in a movie that will experience a release this year!YUP! Hope I don't get in trouble but I'm just too excited not to say anything here today. I mean, I'm on Real Talk and that's the real right there. *laughs*
Is there anything else that you can tell us about the movie? Maybe your role? I'm sure all your fans are extremely excited to hear this today!Well I can't really tell you much more but I've got to work with amazing people for this movie. People I've dreamed of working with. The cast is put together so well. It's going to be a very interesting movie and a full blown experience when you watch it. It'll be available in 3D too! You heard it here first.
Well we are all excited for it!! I'm gonna start playing a fun game with you right now!Let's do it!
Let's play the game! It's called "Spill The Tea!", and it's a new game we have on the show. There are no rules to it, I'm just gonna give you a name, and you just need to say what you think about this person. I'm not against it, if you're gonna say something embarrassing about them *sips on her tea*. That's it! Let's start.The first one is "Kato".Oh! I met Kato years ago backstage at one of his shows. Big fan, he's a really good performer and singer!!
The girls from "SYNCO"They're all so nice and I really like them because they are inspirational to their fans. I always see them saying encouraging things to their groups of fans I think that's such a nice deed.
AndreaShe is crazy but I enjoy listening to some of her songs while I am working out at the gym. She's a spirit animal. I like it.
Johnny CarterMy friend Johnny! He came in here as an underdog and is killing it right now! I'm so proud of him. What I think of him? Well he's extremely funny and makes the catchiest songs. Great person to have around if you want to have a laugh.
EilidhMet her one time and she was nice.
MiamiGreat rapper with some really good songs. I met her at the FCA's and she squeezed my cheeks and left red marks on them *laughs* but I am not mad at her. I was like oh wow Miami just squeezed my cheeks and called me adorable, highlight of the night! *laugh*
The last one, "Cosma Mendoza"She came to the Evangelion premiere and was playing all shy! I think she's going to have a bright career in front of her.
That's it! Thanks for playing the game with me. At the end, let's do some quick twitter fan-questions!Okay, that wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be *smiles*
By @JanineJoke, "What advice would you give somebody who's about to start with acting?"Good question...NEVER GIVE UP! Always try your hardest and start out with small easy roles that you could print out online, memorize and practice just to see if you can remember your lines. You have to be able to make writing come to life and not make it look rehearsed. You have master the art of acting. Read some acting books or even enroll in classes and understand the backgrounds of acting. There's a lot of psychology behind it all and you have to be open to learn that if you want to seriously do it. Be open to work hard and be told no but it's very possible. Good luck!
By @MissAStyles, "What would you choose, if you can only do 1 thing. Acting or Singing?"Acting, of course. I love acting. I like singing for fun, or like a hobby I guess.
By @WeirdoLol, "What's your favorite song & movie right now?"My favorite song right now is Fix Myself by Alec Cole and favorite movie? Well I can't choose, there's too many!!
And the last one by @SingItBebe, "Could you give us 5 facts about yourself?"First one, I'm French and American. Second one, I cannot stand seafood, it literally makes me sick to my stomach. Third one, I love skating and pretty much all sports! Fourth one, my favorite color is turquoise and Fifth one, I love math and reading!
Thank you so much, Aaron! It was amazing to have you on the show! I hope we meet again.It was a pleasure to be here. Thank you for having me Ezra!
That's it folks! Another great show and I can't wait to come back! Make sure to follow Real Talk on Twitter for exclusive news and updates! See ya! *The Camera shows the audience and the screen suddenly fades in the Real Talk logo.*Ezra's Hair & Make-Up : http://websta.me/p/1173419764435739015_196941879
Ezra's Dress : http://www.gotfootagehd....resses-gallery-ideas.jpg
Ezra's Heels : https://s-media-cache-ak...b1f0350c7213059c69bf.jpg