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#1 Posted : 19 October 2012 14:41:36(UTC)
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The Toronto born hellcat, Aubrey Mikkel who won the first season of Starfactory is headed onto her way to her highly anticipated debut album release entitled "Victorious" slated for release this Sunday. Today, we here at Billboard got a chance to talk to MS Mikkel herself as she opens up for the first time about her personal life, Starfactory, her album, and much, much more! We've also learned alot of new things about the R&B star as well in this interesting interview. Give it a read!


Thank you for being here with us today Aubrey
You're welcome.

We can only imagine how busy you have been lately, how has life changed since winning Starfactory?
It's been crazy! I told everyone that I would win Starfactory and would be where I am now, and no one believed me, but look at what happened. Months ago I was thinking about this this moment and it took a while for it to hit me that I'm the HBIC. All the high level of impudence and euphoria is really fueled by what has been happening lately. Chicks and dudes always say how I'm always cocky but wouldn't you be? I got a Mercedes-Benz CLS63 AMG, a recording contract, and 3 million dollars and you know why I act the way I act. It's because no one thought I could do it, and I do it because I can. I took my car, my first advance and I started buying all types of things to benefit me and make me feel good. Alot of people turned their backs on me, including family and that feeling of anger and opression just turned into brashy, cockiness. I don't know *laughs* I walked into this as an angry girl hoping for something, who KNEW she was good enough to have something and since winning the show my life has because I'm not longer that massively troubled hopeful who missed a couple of big breaks but I'm a triumphant winner! *Evil sounding grin*. I'm not in no apartment any more, I got a big house...A real big house, A sports car, fans, and an album. Shit is good for me, too good.

You have had a troubling childhood?
Yeah. A lot of people do. Don't they? I didn't have anything in my life but drama. See, you know, a lot of people don't know this since I never really opened up but at one moment I had to watch my father get beat, and arrested and taken away from me and ever since that moment, that hollow, dark feeling remained with me and if something is ever taken away from me, I might just lose my mind. That's why I'm always so dynamic when it comes to things I want. That feeling, I never want to feel that again....emptiness. It really fucks with your brain. I just didn't have much once he left, my mother and I were struggling, and you know, drifted. And although I got over it that feeling of seeing something or someone get taken away from you is just....so hollow but I think it's really helped me get over even the hardest of things since I feel like a lot of things will never amount to that emptiness I felt.

Have you since reconnected with your father?
For some time. People change after jail. I won't get into it but at this point I could careless because look at me now. There's alot of of things about me past being the "Starfactory Winner" there's so much more to this "Champion". We all got flaws, we all got people will lose and gain. All the bull that was the past is straight up in the past now. *Laughs* Next question.

What was your favorite moment on Starfactory?
It'd have to be when I was crowned the winner, obviously. Oh the triumph I felt! Damn! Having that tug at your heart during that moment of silence and hearing your name screamed out to millions ...with the lights, confetti and cheers that was something real ...actually, surreal. I wasn't too surprised that I won, but that rush of, of...elation, higher pride was my favorite on the show. The competition was pretty easy, there were, of course some that I was keeping a look out for but I was determined on blazing through everybody on the show. I'm so competitive, I know.

Just short of a month since you won the competition, you performed at the Fan Choice Awards, this was looked at as your official "coming out" performance since winning the show. Did you feel the same?
Hell yea! You know you got those haters who hated the fact that I won and were dreading my performance and woo, was I ready to put in some work! I dusted off my shoulders, whipped my hair back and forth and walked out onto that stage ready to kill it! Yall felt like it was my coming out party? That stage was mine!

People have said things about your attitude, does it ever bother you?
Nah. I never care what any chicks gotta say, let alone these fellas. You gotta learn how to have thick skin and have a sharp tongue and in some cases, a sharp fist. People don't gotta like my attitude, because whether or not they like me or not, they're not paying my bills, they're not paying off my mortgage, they're not hooking me up with anything so why should I care? There's people that I'm real cool with that I can genuinely call my friend, but other then that, industry friends and all that stuff don't really mean much to me. I got people out there who I respect and communicate with including my fans and a couple of associates. You don't like my attitude, or the way I act? Then you know what? Life is tough. The issue is, people never really get a chance to know me and simply judge me based on my personality. Yes, I do have a dominating personality, but that doesn't mean I'm an eternal bitch. I think what it is, is that people are so intimidated by my attitude that they never even attempt at taking a chance, and me? Attempting? That's pretty funny. It's either we click or we don't, And that's totally fine cause I don't really care if we happen to hate each other in the end.

"Judge me and I’ll prove you wrong. Say I’m not worth it and watch where I end up. I’m me and I won’t change for anyone."

Other have also compared you to the legendary Stephanie Fierce, what do you think about the comparisons? And have you ever looked at her as an inspiration?
Legendary? *Coughs*. I guess the comparisons are whatever, when people in the past said that to me they made it seem so holy, so immaculate and I never really thought any better of myself because of it ... I didn't see what was so comparable. What, that we are both dominant black women? Can't be. I was always so whatever about it and met her and all on Starfactory, she was real nice and ecstatic about me, it was pretty funny actually but nonetheless, I thought it was cool to perform her song better than she ever did and have her so in awe of what I had to offer. I remember she said something about my facial expression that I thought was taking a shot at me, but I've always been intent on taking that crown she proclaims. I'm proclaiming that crown now boo boo.

When you were first crowned the first star factory winner, why did you choose to sign with your current label, North Hill?
Cause, I mean, I was had all these different opportunities. I'm like damn, should I sign with Studio 60 or North Hill. Those were the two I was really contemplating on. I figured I wasn't gonna get along with the head chick over at Studio 60 or Tric Jam. Studio 60 is huge and all but I think it was too crowded over there at that time. Girl, if they being lazy drop they ass! I wanted something new, and North Hill was offering a better contract. It was type hard to think it over but I was like fuck it, I'm going to go with North Hill.

How is your relationship with Nadia Berry and Ryan Ross Hernandez?
Nadia is cool. She's always positive, the few times that I did get to talk to her she was always saying nice things and what not. Why am I going to be all nasty to someone like that so I've been very cordial with Berry. I like the type of person she is. Ryan, I don't know, never really spoke to him.

Your new album Victorious is hitting stores on October 21st, how was the initial writing and recording process of the album?
It was soothing. I had to basically create what the album was going to be. People who record use writing and recording to a number of reasons. Aside from artists thrown into a fucking studio, wrapped in some autotune and vocoder and thrown some lyrics from the last hit maker..... Some artists get the studio for the sake of their fans, although they are not whether or not they are too inspired..others use it as a time to get what they have to get off of their chest and turn it into music that others can enjoy. I took a pieces of both and made that my initial recording, so to say. I'm alittle bit of both...but the for me, I went in there for my fans, inspired as fuck. You gotta keep showing what you got or people are gonna start sleepin on you, and when the fans forget about you, you can say good bye... and I used it as a time to get shit off my chest. So take being inspired to impress and supply the anticipation, but inspired by so many situations you have experienced in life and it becomes a really soothing process. Damn, the things I got off my chest on those 11 tracks. I basically had to let a lot of things out. It was like chicken soup for my soul *laughs*. But really though, after writing out the album I was too damn excited to put on a beat and record the song, that's when the fun kicks it and you start hearing what you made of the last few months. My album is hot! There's not many R&B albums that get released, this is that moment. I'm feeling myself, I'm feeling Victorious.


How would you describe the album itself?
The album is me. The album is R&B. I've proved everyone that I'm going in for the kill and with "Victorious" I'm just certifying that stamp even more. So many people want to see me fail, see the worst come out of me and this album will show all of you exactly why I'm in the position that I am right now, and more. The topics that are spoken about, so many other singers are so afraid to touch and I'm being straight up, and truthful with every single track on the album. There are so many relate able tracks on this album for many people and this will show another side of me. I know some will not understand the album due to all that generic nonsense that is heard on the radio and that is a far cry from the core R&B/Soul aspect that was captured on this album, I'm doing this for the sake of R&B. Of course there's the few upbeat and "pop" orientated tracks like "Partner In Crime" as opposed to the serious, stern and straightforward Soul/Jazz killer in "Savior", not to mention the other tracks on the album that you don't want to miss.. or skip. I want the ones who listen to all that bubble gum pop nonsense, or that out of control rock mess and take a listen to something else, and R&B album. The use of live instruments as opposed to studio generated instruments are used on "Victorious" and a few other genre's are fused into one big product of dynamic R&B and Soul. This album is authentic, real music ...and just tells you who I really am.

Did you feel any pressure while recording the album?
Nah. As long as you believe in who you are, like I do with myself. You feel no pressure. Believe in your abilities and don't doubt yourself or listen to all the other shit people have to say. I've believed in myself and know what I can do as a vocalist. Pressure was non existent. I didn't rush the album out, I took my damn time on really catching the essence. If you're nervous and pressured and not focused, the material will be shitty.

"Someone else telling me the direction of my album or music would be like a blind man having to describe color....impossible. I like seeing my actual vision come alive and flourish, not someone else's FOR ME."

You also received creative control for the album, correct? So we assume you were very hands on with the project.
Yeah, I've put the actual album together, duh. I'm pretty bossy and don't go too well with direction, so someone else telling me the direction of my album or music would be like a blind man having to describe color....impossible. I like seeing my actual vision come alive and flourish, not someone else's FOR ME. So from jump start, I had to proclaim the actual creative control, that was very important for me. And I've gotten the chance with my album. Of course. Luckily I didn't have to fight with my label for it.

A DVD/Live album will be released the same day as the album, what can you tell us about this project?
Yeah. We got a Live Album and DVD. It's all the footage from Starfactory when I stole the stage each night. It's got some official footage from the show and you basically get to relive my performances and moments on the show like my official win and stuff. We got some guest appearances from the judges, and when Michelle Green performed with me, yeah, all that good stuff.

You've recorded with Dominic Brown and appeared on Hannah Beth's "Animal" way before your big break, how does it feel to finally have your chance center stage?
Like I said earlier, it's not like it's a massive shock to me. I knew I'd be here one day. Just didn't know when it would happen, or if it would happen in this life. *laughs*. But seriously, when I performed with Dominic Brown when I appeared on his "Dance With You" remix, I told him "I'll be up where you're at one day". He laughed it off, you know, wished me the best of luck because at that time he was giving me an opportunity but now I'm here on my own. Killin' the game! I always knew that one day I would be somewhere. Just needed the right opportunity, right time and I was taking every opening I could get whether it was being a cameo, doing back ups, appearing on remix's, stuff like that, I was doing it. I was working. I've been working for a long time. Everybody thinks I was given an opportunity and got lucky just because. Nah, a girl been working for a hell of a long time and was just better than everyone else and wanted it more than everyone else. So I knew, it was going to come eventually. It's not like I'm totally faking my appreciation by saying things like "OMG AM I DREAMING" or "This can't be real" but I thank the people who stand by me and pay that off to them by putting music out there and performing for them as well. I gotta support my end of the stick by actions, and good music, not just words and not a sob story. Hell, I could make my story sound a bit more heartbreaking and make everyone feel bad for me, but what the hell am I doing that for? Does that make you sell more albums? Don't really think so. I'll keep it straight forward and truthful. Being center stage is where I want to be, this has become home to me, a home I don't want to lose, and won't lose.

Is that why you chose "Victorious" as the title?
Why else? *laughs*. I'm just so Victorious, the album is just... so victorious. I love the album title.

It has been confirmed that you are, or have recorded with Alicia Lena as Lena's last recording before she takes a hiatus from music, now, figure alike have been looking at this as Alicia passing the torch over to you, do you look at it like that as well?
What torch? *Laughs*. I mean, if there is a torch to be passed then she can pass it over! Yeah, Alicia and I have gotten the chance to talk and I appreciate her artstic ability and I can say that we have spoke about possibly working together aside from the work we did on Fire's Burning, but as far as her passing a torch... I didn't even know there was a torch involved.

Would you be interested in being a judge on Starfactory if you we're given the opportunity?
Neh. I could barely sit in the back and watch everyone perform, doubt I'd be able to do it as a judge. I couldn't. *Laughs*. I'd make someone cry.

What are your favorite tracks on the album?
I really couldn't put my finger on it. There all so special to me in each and every way that I couldn't set them from each other. They're all great songs.

What made you choose to include a cover of "Killing Me Softly" on the albums track listing?
I performed it during the show and knew right then and there and it was just the perfect song for me to record. I recorded it shortly after as a studio version and knew that I wanted to put it on my debut album. It's just a perfect song and matches my voice like no other cover I have ever done. I know some people aren't the biggest fans when it comes to doing covers, but it's my album, I'll do what I want. Lauryn Hill made a lengendary song and I wouldn't cover it unless I thought I could make it of my own, you know?

What are your plans for the next few months?
I want to release the album and continue to dominate. There's so much more I want to do, so much more I have to say and these next few months for me will be very busy. I gotta keep everyone interested in the product and I gotta keep doing what I do best, and that's be a star and do what the fuck I gotta do. Screw all that other mess. These next few months will be busy for me, but working is never a problem for it.

Do you plan on releasing a new single soon?
I just released Fire's Burning a few weeks ago. I'm focused on releasing the album right now and then I'll see what songs my supports are feeling, and go from there. I want their voice to be heard and the three sings released so far seem to have done much justice, which is great.

Before we go, are you planning on touring anytime soon?
Yeah, the tour will kick off some weeks after the album is ready. I think a tour is needed and a bitch is ready to get on tour already. I love performing and recording this album has taken up much of my time, but now that it's finished, a tour is being formed. All the information for the tour will be announced very soon so all my supporters should be on the lookout for that. We hittin big stages! We gotta bring them the buisness!

Thank you so much for being here with us Aubrey. Best of luck in all your future endeavors.
Thank you.


Aubrey's debut album, "Victorious", hits stores this Sunday!
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#2 Posted : 19 October 2012 14:44:25(UTC)
erich hess
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ooc:so well done.i cant even bring erich in to make thinly veiled crude comment.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline Famouss7x7  
#3 Posted : 19 October 2012 21:37:46(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: erich hess Go to Quoted Post
ooc:so well done.i cant even bring erich in to make thinly veiled crude comment.

OOC: Aw thanks! :)
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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#4 Posted : 20 October 2012 03:32:55(UTC)
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ooc: I have to say this is honestly amazing really great job on this Jaime :)

Jason: I think I've already made it clear that I love you you're so honest it's different I mean most people I think try to be someone they really aren't in front of a camera you're just you and I really respect that I wouldn't call you mean just being yourself your voice is honestly amazing I love it so much I really can't wait for your album Aubrey :)
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#5 Posted : 20 October 2012 08:23:47(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: mebeme101 Go to Quoted Post
ooc: I have to say this is honestly amazing really great job on this Jaime :)

Jason: I think I've already made it clear that I love you you're so honest it's different I mean most people I think try to be someone they really aren't in front of a camera you're just you and I really respect that I wouldn't call you mean just being yourself your voice is honestly amazing I love it so much I really can't wait for your album Aubrey :)

OOC: Thanks a lot! :)

Aubrey: Thanks Jason. You know, you always been cool and you know what I'm about, you been supporting and I appreciate that.
Cristina LakeAubrey MikkelSabinaJames UrieAustin NimmoMandy Williams The Wolverines
Jerry Holmes • Marina Balan • MiamiBYSNaomiSuzieAaron StylesCory DionneThe Kittens
Brittany KnoxDennis Shaw • Gemma • Payton • Cassie Valentine • JT RodriguezJay-CNick UriePRÓXIMO

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