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Stephanie Fierce Does 20/20 stephaniewazhere wrote:  Elizabeth Vargas: Here we have, Stephanie Fierce (Steph simply smiles). First of, I want to congratulate you on becoming a mother. That's probably one the most beautiful things a woman can experience. You must be overwhelmed with all of this going on.The label, the new album How are you feeling at the moment? You're proably one of the hardest working women in business right now.
Stephanie Fierce: (Steph giggles) Well Thank you. I'm really having a good time here. You've been really nice to me. Working really hard...... I'm hanging in there. I do feel overwhelmed, but that's just how I've been feeling the past 4-5 years.
Elizabeth Vargas: You've risen to the top and stayed there for quite a while. So, lets talk aout your new album "Newborn" and how all that came about. You first announced the album at the very last IMA's. I remember you walking in with that beautiful black dress and beingvery excited about the project. Everyone could see it in your eyes. How did you felt at that moment in time?
Stephanie Fierce: I was going through a lot actually, I was a whole different person in that moment. I would go as far as saying I was evil.
Elizabeth Vargas: Evil?
Stephanie Fierce: After the whole death incident. Many people turned their backs on me. And some of the things I was thinking, were evil thoughts. That was not good moment in time. I became a rebellious nasty bitch. I didn't want to trust anyone. People were pretending to be other people, trying to sabotage me. I didn't know how to deal with that at the time.
Elizabeth Vargas: Right. Well I mean, the whole death drama. I could imagine. Out of all the people who turned their backs on you, who would say hurted you the most?
Stephanie Fierce: Well.....many "Family" memebers turned their backs on me. But you know, one particular person, shockingly hurt me the most. My father. I really don't want to talk about it. That's over and done with.
Elizabeth Vargas: Right. Well, I defeinitly respect that. Lets talk a little more about your album "Newborn". Is that ok?
Stephanie Fierce: Yes. (Steph smiles)
Elizabeth Vargas: You described the album as a musical intervention. I actually listened to the whole thing right before we talked and I can honestly say its different from your previous albums. I mean different, in a good way. My favorite song is "Don't Drop the Soap". Its so fierce (laughs).
Stephanie Fierce: Thank you very much. I'm pretty satisfied with the album and how it all just came together.I really enjoy the sound, and how its a step back to what's popular right now. I mean, when In time have I done what everyone else does. Never. But this time I took that a step further. If you listen to the album, you'll notice that I'm venting a lot. It's like rebirth. . It's very uplifting. It has those moments, where I'm just singing. It's real. It's not me just trying to knock all the other pop stars. It's just me expressing myself. Last year was just a very rough year for me, so the creative process took a little longer than usual. But I will say, the result is pretty abundant.
Don't Drop the Soap, Motherfucker is one of those songs I'm very proud of. Because I didn't hold back for nothing.
Elizabeth Vargas: Would you say this album is a way to introduce yourself as a more defined artist?
Stephanie Fierce: In some sort of way, yes. I think I have a signature in everything I do, that still makes everything I do familiar to what I've done before. But this album yeah....is me under a microscope. Most definitely. I'm learning new things eveyrday and each album it shows my growth as an artist. In this album i got to play the guitar, and lay down some of my best writing and vocals. Elizabeth Vargas: It definitely shows. However, I have a serious question to ask you. In all honesty, Do you enjoy making music now?
Stephanie Fierce: Yes. For myself mostly. Simply, because music is my life.
Elizabeth Vargas: Do you enjoy being in the business? You've been in this industry for quite some time now you know. Do you ever like get tired of it all? Just want to throw it all away?
Stephanie Fierce: No. I don't enjoy being in this business anymore. I think the little bit of interest was ripped out of my heart just recently. But do I want to throw it all away? No. I don't. That's like me taking my life away. I could never do it.
Elizabeth Vargas: Why is that you don't enjoy it anymore?
Stephanie Fierce: I don't feel like I'm part of this anymore. I don't feel like its for me. I guess you can say my "15 minutes" are over. Things have changed, a lot of people have left, moved on to other things. It's not the same anymore and it's slapping me hard me in the face. One day It might get the best of me, and I might not touch the microphone ever again.
Elizabeth Vargas: What about your husband Johnny Johnson. Does he support you? We really don't see you two together than much in public anymore.
Stephanie Fierce: Yeah that's cause we're not together that much anymore. It's weird that we haven't talked about it. It's almost like we're secretly growing apart. Sometimes, I feel like he doesn't understand my art and my purpose anymore. He use to be the only one who took my hand and was there for me when I needed someone. Sometimes, I feel like I'm not good enough anymore. Like I'm not.........
(Steph begins to tear up and Elizabeth hands her a tissue, patting her back.) I don't want him to wake up one day and leave me. Especially now. There's a lot of insecurities going on within myself.And he's just not there to see. I feel like he hasn't seen the newborn that is me. I'm more scared than angry. I love my husband with all my heart.
Elizabeth Vargas: What do you mean, when you say that he's not there?
Stephanie Fierce: I change through music. My music has a lot of powerful subliminal messages, but he doesn't take a moment to analyze what I'm trying to tell him and he labels me and puts me in that pop mold, which he knows I'm not a part of. Johnny is very serious about what music is. I've messed up a lot. Which angered him. But he has the wrong idea of who I am right now at this very moment and its because we're not connected anymore. He's so focused on his own music, he never pays attention to what I do. It hurts me a lot. He doesn't see it.
Elizabeth Vargas: Why does it hurt you?
Stephanie Fierce: Because not only do I want to be muscially connected to him, because music is my life, but because he's my husband, not some guy who I'm with just to be with. Him being the rock star and me being some random pop star. I'm afraid we might lose touch of who we use to be. Now that we have Helle, I feel like we can't mess up. I want the best for us and our daughter.
Elizabeth Vargas: Is there a way you two could work it out? Are you thinking about that dreadful decision?
Stephanie Fierce: I'm hoping that we can maybe perform together at the 3rd Annihilation Festival and reconnect. But at this point. I don't know what could happen.