Scandal Hits the Birdies
Web Exclusive
A secret scandal hit the music industry's biggest night late yesterday evening. As the Birdies ceremony drew to a close, and the acts chilled with a cold beer, and winning artists smiled for cameras on the red carpet, happily clutching their awards, arguably one of the biggest stars in the industry was seemingly cooking up her own tale backstage.
A secret source, who identified himself (a claim which has been verified) as a "backstage operative" only, contacted Chaos in the very early hours of this morning to tell us that Birdies co-host MISS VANITY, the international multi million album selling superstar, had been involved in some backstage shenanigans.
"I was waiting backstage at the very end of the show, just after the finale," the source explained, "If truth be told, I was actually waiting to see if I could get autographs from Stephanie Fierce and Miss Vanity...umm...for my kids, you know.
"Ms Fierce had obviously left by this point, after what happened to the Rockers guy, so I thought I'd better just wait for my kids other hero...Vanity"
Miss Vanity had looked the part, before the scandal took placeNow, Chaos is not normally one to gossip monger, but this story seemed to big to miss. I mean, it's music related, and it involves a MASSIVE STAR! Back to it though.
"As I looked back up the top of the stage staircase, I saw Miss Vanity standing there, she looked fabulous, I went to walk forward to meet her, but she didn't see me standing there in the dark, and I saw her smile , so happily, and then wave to a different corner of the shadowy backstage.
"She was waving to a girl, a youngish blonde haired girl standing in the shadows...I thought I recognised her, but I wasn't sure, so I checked the programme of nominees in my pocket, and picked her out immediately as [up and coming folk pop starlet] KATIE COYLE.
"Then, the strangest thing Miss Vanity got to the bottom of the staircase, she looked around, as if to see no one was there, before grabbing Katie Coyle in a passionate embrace. They were standing right there, kissing....and this was no peck on the cheek I tell you, I mean properly full on! I was gobsmacked!
"After about half a minute, I heard them giggling, and then Vanity held her hand and led her away toward the dressing room area...and I...well,. that was that!
Katie started the night with one nomination, but ended it a big winner, allegedlySo, whilst the biggest story of the night SHOULD have been the awards themselves, it seems that pop's queen has decided to rewrite the history of the 21st IMA's alone! What was this? No one knows! Is it real? Who knows! What the hell happened next? We wish we knew! No doubt though, that this is not the end of this tale!
Edited by user 03 May 2011 06:51:32(UTC)
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