OOC: This guy is going to be my main character whilst Jason is on his "hiatus", if you will. Sorry for the bad intro, but I want to get this out of the way and done. It is literally an intro, I'm going to take it slow to begin with.
Welcome to the center of the universe.
Xenoscene is an experimental pop/ art rock artist who was born in 1987 and started making music in 2010. He began his adventures by touring clubs around his native country of France. When he was a mortal who went by the name of Remi Tellier, he made a living as an actor for various theater companies. However, he realized that music was his true passion and eventually gave up his acting occupation. The story continues to unfold.
“Xenoscene is made up of many different genres of music. Combing electronic, pop, ambient, industrial, country, hip-hop and jazz elements, he creates something that is completely sonically different from anything out there at the moment. Progressive pop may be an oxymoron, but this guy comes as close to it as there is. I believe that, in due time, he will both destroy the charts and the brains of the music scene. Watch out for him.” – Music critic Ruben Klausse, writing for his blog.
Hey guys, Xeno here. As a treat for my extremely small fan base and as a taster for everyone here who is just browsing my site, I’m putting up a song that will possibly be on my EP, which is untitled at the moment. As soon as I get a record deal, I will be releasing the EP. This is one of the more experimental songs I’ve done. It's more jazzy than anything else. Enjoy!
You're Tearing Me Apart, Lisa! (3:57) (Experimental Pop/ Jazz Fusion)A smooth hip-hop beat fades into the forefront of the track, alongside an electronic bass line, which is relatively funky. Some computerised bleeps and bloops trickle out. The drums and bass line eventually fade out, leaving these electronic beats. An uplifting melody on an acoustic guitar accompanied by a violin then appears over the top of it, with the hip-hop beat and bass line starting to come back again. The vocals are then sung softly with the melody, with tracked vocalisation in the background. The result of this is many layers of angelic vocals, some high and some low, which amalgamate into one collective piece. After the first set of lyrics, the music speeds up and the happy melody is replaced by a confident, driven one with a strong bassline. For a split second, it turns into a jazzy solo with brass instruments and crazy drum patterns etc., before returning to this riff. The vocals in this part are still sung relatively softly, but almost as if they are through a megaphone. More electronic beats accompany this part here, and the tension is gradually increasing, until it reaches a boiling point and dies down into a jazzy polyrhythm. The odd instruments make a return here, as does the violin, which is sounding chaotic and distorted by this point. The synthesizers and computerized beats also make a return here, but playing a completely different melody, resulting in a very odd sound. Everything then just suddenly stops in its path.
Time is only distance between the artist and the masterpiece,
This is the last night it remains so.
Send me back, send me back to her,
To the shambles I belong.
It sends me back, sends me back to her.
Today, I remain.
Today, it remains so.
To the shambles I belong.