Originally Posted by: Missy .K.I.M. Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere Ok, literally everyone has sarcastically slammed you. But that's for your own good.
However, honestly speaking, can you give roleplay an actual try. Without trying to be funny or careless. Put some time into it. I think you might like it. We also need diversity in here, so a rap artist wouldn't hurt. Just put EFFORT into it.
Award shows are way out of your league if your actually being serious about this. If you need help, I'll be more than happy to help you. But I don't see any reason for you to be doing this.......
can u help me then?
More than happy to! and trust me I've done 3 award shows, going on my fourth, first two tries (Awful) I was slammed, wayyyy harder than you for my first two tries. It was for my own good though and like Chris Brown says "look at me now".( ps. I try to input a song you might be into to or some ish like that)
All you need to do is make a proper introduction thread. Make sure the face you are claiming isn't already claimed.
1.) Image of the artist or band (reasonable size and high quality is preferred)
2.) Small or Long Bio of the artist/band
1.) Make it look like an actual website. Add cool graphics, use tasteful font choices, ect.)
2.) Make it look neat by using your bold, italic, size, color options ect.
3.) Release a single. Same rules apply. Make it look neat and approachable.
4.) Make your artist/band stand out. Not OOC wise, but RP wise.