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   Who is She? What does she do? Where can we see more of her?
♥ Name: Lady Raine ♥ Occupation: Writer, Co-Owner of Tric-Jam Records, Manager, Producer ♥ Age: 27 ♥ Artists Managing/Managed: -Benji Luna (Formerly) -Kayla Rivers (Formerly) -Kato (Currently) ♥ Net Worth: $30 Million
Layla Raine, better known as Lady Raine, was born on December 8th in St. James Trinidad and Tobago and is an American writer for Scoop Magazine, a magazine for the labels Studio60 and Tric-Jam Records ran by Nevaeh Martinez-Smith. She writes the gossip ,while using her famous tagline, "What's the Scoop", on artists on both labels and interviews them also. She used to work for Perez Hilton, writing blogs about celebrities and gossip. She was recently approached by Nevaeh to work for her magazine. She was recently named the Co-owner of Tric-Jam Records and even released her first single, Get Crazy. Today, she is working on multiple musical projects as well as managing new artists.
Quote:"Lady Raine always gets the scoop!"
Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan  Blog #1
"Love Knocks You Down"
"Hey everyone!! Lady Raine here!! :) So this is my first official blog I've started to do. I am happy to say I'm HOME in L.A. in the comfort of my own place. There was soooo many things I could've talked about but I thought after the events of the past weeks, this is a MUCH needed topic to be discussed. Let's talk about L-O-V-E. From my understanding, a lot of people don't understand the meaning or how much power the word carries. It's not something you should just fling everywhere on anybody, but only when you mean it. EXAMPLE! It took me 17 years to tell a guy I was ever in love with him and I meant it too. Every Sally, Ann, Sue, Joe, or Bobby, you do NOT use Love with. It's a POWERFUL word and can cause a LOT of damage, see me for why I am writing this blog now lol. It's a very bittersweet thing. Once you feel it, everything's great. You're happy, the person you love is happy, wonderful!! But when you say it and don't really mean it?? OUCH! It's hurts! How do I know if someone doesn't mean it? When they repeatedly hurt you over and over and OVER again! But you know me, let's not use metaphors or 'hypothetical' situations, let's get real. My examples?? Layla Raine and Jason Smith.
All was well in the beginning but let me remind you of who screwed up, both times! It's no secret I've always had a crush on Jason and I never hid it at all. I was jumping like a school girl when we were going to the Chaos Awards together. See I didn't care about his past or anything, I just wanted to get to know him for myself. But Jason decides to screw up before we even get to the date! He decides to sleep with someone on his tour bus because he was drunk. Nice isn't it? Went on the date, all went OKAY, spent the night together boom, done. As it turns out, feelings were deep for that Mr. Smith. Soooo what did I do? I pursued them. I went to another country just to see him, not one country buuuuuuut what 2 or 3?? Hmm, not something the normal girl would do you know? OH and here's the best part! He left to be on Big Brother where I watched him proclaim his love to none other than Cassie Summers! How does one forget about his girlfriend stuck on a tour bus back in another country?? Well he did. Fast Forward to present times, I decided to forgive him for all that. Again, I didn't want to dawn on the past but concentrate on me getting to know Jason again. What happens then?? Oh, how about he basically just ignores me and wants to spend time with his best friend? Hey, I have a best friend too but there's a time for that and it's not when you want to try to rebuild your relationship with someone. No one wants to be the third wheel and with those two, I felt like that. I moved with him to London and for what? To get left home by myself every night while he went and decided to get drunk with his best friend and his girlfriend. Even HE invited his girlfriend but nooo not Layla. Layla sits at home bored wondering when the next time she'd get to even speak to her boyfriend.
Gooooosh this is long! Okay and now we've 'broken up' I guess?? I didn't really feel like we were together actually. My opinion? Just go ahead and do everyone a favor and turn gay and you and Eric can be lovers okay? I mean if you want to spend time with him more than me 1. You must obviously not even be that interested in me or 2. You must love him and not that 'Brotherly love' or 'Best friend love' no I mean full blown L-O-V-E. The point of this was for me to vent which I actually feel better now. You love me but you tell me that I deserve better? You love me but you don't want to be with me? Do you love me like you loved Cassie? Apparently it wasn't hard before to leave me and be with someone else so I guess I can understand why you did leave. Any man I know that loves someone FIGHTS for them and doesn't want to lose them. He doesn't keep making up excuses and hurting someone. He faces all of his fears and insecurities and LOVES her. OBVIOUSLY I loved you and all your flaws yet you kept pushing me away. *Sighs* Okay, I've written a lot for now. Maybe this will reach out to some man out there who is going through the same thing or is acting like a jerk and stupid. The moral of this lovely tale is Don't say you love someone unless you really mean it. It's been thrown around so much and used in vain. Sooooo therefore, I'm finished with this blog and hope someone can get something out of it :) I love you guys so much and thanks for reading!!!!" - Lady Raine Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan  "Trust Issues"
Blog #2
"Yay Time for another blog by moi! Okay so this topic will be on Trust. It's very much like virginity (I'm about to go cheesy here) once you lose it, it's pretty much hard to get back. I know everyone's got SOME kind of trust issues. For example, I now have A LOT. It's pretty simple for me to trust well my mom, my brothers, and my best friends :) But others? Well I've had my fair shares of heartbreaks and been disappointed so many times, it's hard to know WHO to trust. I don't necessarily think this means you should put yourself in a box and cut off people, just be careful who you talk to and tell things. I tell one person EVERYTHING and her name is Giovanni Rose. She's my sister, seriously, and I trust her. She's never hurt me before so I don't expect her to in the future. Well make that two people, mom mommy being the other. Somehow, she seems to understand. Especially when I was going through that whole ordeal a few weeks back, she understood and helped me, I LOVE YOU MOMMY!
Hmm, where was I? Oh yes sooooo trust issues. Very few people in this world are on my trusting list. It's not hard really to me to get on; just don't lie to me, don't hurt me, don't cheat on me, don't act fake, don't talk about me behind my back (I prefer it to my face thank you) and don't try to hurt my loved ones or friends. Typing that makes me realize about half the people I know are most definitely are NOT on my trust list lol. At the end of the day, you can tell me sorry all day long, left and right, until your face turns blue, but once you've done one of those things, You're pretty much OFF my list. I see it as, If you REALLY loved me, you would've never done any of those things in the first place, point, blank, period. Treat Others The Way YOU Want To Be Treated, golden rule right? Why can't people follow it? If you wanna hurt me and then get offended when I call you out or tell people the truth, then you should have NEVER hurt me :)
Not a very long blog today. Well let me just say since I've gotten no topics, I'LL be making them up now. I could talk about other celebrities, random subjects, me, etc. Depends on my mood for the week hehe. I feel like I'm just rambling now lol, well I kinda am but isn't that what a blog is anyway? Just call me the rambling/advice lady. So Lady Raine is out once again! See you guys next week, MUAAAAH! ;)" - Lady Raine Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan  [center]Blog #3
"New Year, New Me?"
"HAPPY NEW YEAR you guys!! :D It's Layla once again with another blog for you to marinate on lol. So today I'll be picking my own topic which is 'New Year, New Me'. It's true, it's been a tough year for Layla but this year I'm promising to not sell myself short and enjoy life. All my pain is gone and I've seen the light! But I'm not dead and I didn't meet Jesus lol, I'm just finally happy and content with the place I'm in with my life. I know everyone's probably got some form of New Years Resolution so here's mine; Enjoy Life. It's too short for me to always be worrying about what people think, what people want, who likes me, who dislikes me, it's just a burden. I'm very happy with who I am and my body and all that good stuff. I have no one to impress on this earth besides Me, Mark Talley, my family, and God :]. Ever since the car accident I've gotten a feel for who really cares for me and who my friends are so thank you to my small circle, I love you all<3. So this year what can you expect from me?? Well I've taken on some new jobs so far. First I'm now in charge of Scoop Magazine :D I'm so excited and working on getting the first issue together right now as I type! I am also going to be writing my blogs hopefully more periodically so I can have more of a voice in the musical world. I've also been thinking of doing an advice column or something. I mean but who would want advice from me?? Lol. I guess only I would but then again I hardly take my own advice lol oh well.
So more about this year? I plan on staying the same really. I'll still be my big ol' sweet self! :D So far this year has definitely been looking up since last year. I met a guy and I like him a lot :) I find it hard to believe some days just how perfect he is for me. He's not your typical guy. He's actually sweet, gentle, kind, patient, and chivalrous. I plan on staying with this one for a while. Other changes that have taken place this year well that's basically my friends. My best friend in the woooolrd Gia, finally tied that loving knot with her husband Scott and they even had a beautiful baby girl to take care. She pretty much has it all now and boy did she work hard for it. My other best friend Nevaeh also got a little bundle of joy and now they both have a little family. I can't wait to experience that feeling one day! Well this is probably my shortest blog ever lol, haven't got much to talk about now but hopefully some more things will happen and I can go on and on and on and on about it :P Once again Happy 2012 and I hope everyone enjoys their holidays and be safe! Love you!!!" - Lady Raine
Edited by user 10 December 2013 10:09:17(UTC)
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