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OOC: Yeah...so I'm as not-shocked as anyone else. I couldn't last even 48 hours without coming back. Sad, pathetic, majorly lame, geeky etc. I know all of these <<< things. But I am coming back, I wasn't being an attention seeker the other night, I was genuinely thinking about my career. I guess I'll just have to set myself goals to spend less time here. Could this be an addiction? Maybe. Anyway, any ridicule etc for coming back so un-shockingly is welcome...I have ridiculed myself already lol. And yes, to ruin my own tale...I am bringing Katie back, if I didn't the life-blood of my RP would be gone. Again, this is also stupid, but I need that character. I will be doing her tour in the autumn (but not the Glamazon one since Katie should still be in hospital), and future recording commitments....so...if you are on any of Katie's tours, or any collaborators, or her label etc etc, and don't want to continue as such because of the ridiculous story, that's cool, I totally understand. Could you PM me to let me know either way though, even if you do still want to be her label/support band/collaborator, just so I know.Her eyelids were still heavy when she gained some semblance of conciousness…but she could feel them getting lighter as she tried to take in all around her…it had felt like she had only blinked, but she felt somehow that it had been a lot longer since she had last closed her eyes.
Opening them slowly, she saw the brilliant white all around her. The bright light, directly in front of her eyes, shone more radiant and marvellous than anything she had ever seen previously. Looking down, she saw that she was wearing a beautiful, equally brilliant-white gown. All at once Katie knew where she was, and she was filled with a sense of euphoria which almost made her chest burst with excitement. She had never believed that she’d come here. Taking a few seconds to gather her thoughts, and prepare herself for the afterlife, Katie smiled to herself, and opened her eyes to the brightness again.
Against the bright background, she could see a man. He stood over Katie, holding a stack of papers. She wasn’t sure of his height. As she was lying down, but she could see his long, grey beard, and his kind eyes. He was dressed from head to toe in a long, white robe. And then she saw it, the tall, shining, gleaming, golden gate behind the man. It sat half-opened, and she felt a desire to enter that gate more than anything. She was half-scared…although more apprehensive, was this her judgement?
As the blurriness from her eyes began to subside slowly, Katie could see a warm glow around the man above her, like a halo encircling his whole body. She smiled at him, and he returned her smile with a warmness which filled her with an intense joy. The man reached down and put his hand on Katie’s forehead gently. He looked deeply into her eyes. He gave a half sympathetic smile once more, as he slowly began to shake his head. Katie felt her eye lids get heavy, and she knew she couldn’t fight it.
“Oh….oh my God, she’s coming around!” This voice confused Katie….what did it mean. How was she coming around? She was dead, this was heaven. God was about to read her her judgement. What was happening? She pressed her already closed eyelids together ever tighter, and then slowly tried to open them. She felt decidedly groggy, but she let them flicker open a few times, trying to focus on the surroundings again.
What she saw this time wasn’t heaven. A woman in blue scrubs stood over her where the heavenly figure had been seconds before, “Come quick….she’s awake!” the shrieking voice hurt Katie’s ears….nothing seemed quite real. She looked down at her beautiful white gown, and saw that it had been replaced by a dark green hospital gown. She wanted to cry….
Just then, a man in a white lab coat came careering into the room. His stethoscope fell from around his neck as he rushed in. He looked at Katie, and then checked her vitals on the monitor beside her. “This is unbelievable…” Katie heard him mutter.
“I saw….I saw God.” She managed to push the words out. Her throat was sore to speak, and her voice sounded pathetic to herself. The man looked at Katie, and then looked into her eyes with a bright handheld light. “I can’t believe it,” he repeated.
The man pulled a chair to the side of her bed, and sat down, rubbing his face with his right hand. “Ms Coyle,” he said slowly, “Can you hear me ok?” Katie nodded weakly, and as she moved her head, she noticed the tubes which were sticking out of her nose and mouth.
“Ms Coyle, you were brought in here two days ago.” He let her take that news in. “You had a severe cardiac arrest…or rather three. When you arrived here, I’m afraid to tell you that you were dead. You were clinically, by al accounts, dead.” This was not news to Katie. She remembered closing her eyes…she had been dead right then. She had felt it all drain away from her body….yes. She was definitely dead.
“We managed to regain a heartbeat in your body…but for the last 36 hours, it’s been the weakest heartbeat ever recorded over such a long period. I have to be honest with you, we were just waiting for it to fade away. There WAS no hope for you. But now…..wow…I gotta tell you….now, you’re somehow alive. You’re heartbeat is quite weak, but it’s still sustainable…..you….I dunno how Katie Coyle, but you’re very much alive.” Katie couldn’t quite take this in. She remembered everything so clearly. The desperation, and the fighting for her life…and then…the euphoria she felt when she had no fight left, and she felt herself slip to the next world. She had seen God…she had seen heaven.
But God had shaken his head at Katie. It wasn’t her time…not yet.
The big revelation was a lot for her to take in. She felt dizzy, and started to fall in and out of consciousness. The Doctor spoke again. “Just sleep Ms Coyle. You’re ok now.” She felt her eyes get heavy again, and she quickly fell into a deep sleep.
Her heart monitor beeped at a constant, regular pace. The spiking on the monitor showing a healthy heartbeat once again. The Doctor looked at the machine, jotting down the numbers, and looked back at Katie, shaking his head in disbelief. “What a damn miracle.”Edited by user 14 years ago
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