Cinzia talks about the success of her debut single, current activities, etc..Thank you for being here Cinzia, its an honor.Cinzia: Its an HONOR to be here.
Lets start off by asking, how are you? Cinzia: I'm great, just really thankful with everything that has been going on as of late. I haven't been this happy in a while, actually.
How did it feel when you first got signed to Shooting Star Records, and then eventually Monk On Fire Music?Cinzia: I thought I was dreaming at first, it was sorta like hearing something huge and your just like... no way. Cynthia Sanchez approached me after I did a gig in Hollywood and basically told me to come to Connecticut to have a meeting with the Shooting Star Record label heads Will Grach, Emily Smith and of course, herself. They heard some of the demos I recorded throughout the whole Stat Nerd era, and more recently with The Movement and they really loved me, they wanted to sign me right away. And then, a few days later once word got out that I would be signing with SSR, Monk On Fire Music stepped in and it sorta turned into a bidding war... and I'm just like what the hell is going on?... I was so shocked that two labels were fighting over ME, a failed musician, since at the time that's what I thought of myself but basically they came to an agreement and they signed me 50/50. I was completely shocked but then again I didn't get my hopes up because already twice my career was halted for whatever reason, so I just was crossing my fingers.
I take it that it has been a long road for you?Cinzia: Very, I've spent so much money on my career alone.. blood, sweat and tears too. But it only goes to prove how much you love this buisness and how much you love music. I wasn't projected to be this huge star.. I ran into wall after wall.. and that didn't hold me back, I kept pushing forward and I'm still pushing now, yes things are easier but my first task has been tackled, I know there's alot more to come, but I'm okay with it because I love what I do.
So many girls get on so easily and I just say wow.. they don't even love the craft as much as I do and they get more opportunities then me.. but who says I can be a brat? No.. you keep your head up and keep pushing forward.
Congradulations on the current success of your debut single Italian Hearted, can you tell us about the single? Cinzia: Its a dancefloor monster thats just not only empowering to women but it also is empowering to Italian women as well. It talks about being loved by a woman, like Italian girl though.. how we are strong minded, sexy among many other things. But at the same time I'm talking about women in general, empowering us and bringing us together to all be 'Italian Hearted'. Its a really strong topic of mine and I really connected with the song when I wrote and recorded it, it was a blast.
Were you expecting the single to shoot to #2 on the Digital Charts, let alone selling 225,000 copies? Cinzia: Not at all...
Really? Where were you when you got the news? Cinzia: Yes really hehe.. I'm not really a confident girl like some people may think. I'm most confident when I'm on stage. Other then that, for so long I just hoped and hoped and got let down that whenever big news is about to come in, I don't hope for the best I sorta brace myself for the worst and it feels better when the worse really turns out to be the best news in the world! And the single really was doing mediocre and I was really happy with that but when I got the news I was in the studio when my manager storms in and gives me the news.
How did you react?Well.. with a huge smile on his face and he says "The single is at number two right now!!!" I come outta the booth and I'm like what the f-.. but like in Italian and I was like ..oh my god and we just started hugging and he's telling me "I finally did it". It was a really uplifting moment.
Has things changed since the release of the single? Cinzia: Of course. A lot more people in the industry.. I'm not talking about artists but people behind everything have alot more faith in me, I'm not being looked past anymore. Which I think is good for me... but sad in general, its like sales determine who gets looked at and not at raw talent .. I think if it was based on raw talent alot more artist would be seen. But things are crazy right now, I'm recording non stop and getting ready for what will hopefully be a crazy year of Cinzia! I'm so ready for everything that is to come and just so grateful.
How was it stepping back into the studio with Alex Van Roy, who is known as DJ Night to re-record the final version of Italian Hearted?Cinzia: I'm not going to lie, it was really awkward at first, yes we were really excited to get in the studio at first but we did have alot of past history that we still needed to get over, we talked.. and talked and talked it out and finally things were back to normal and we were able to really work magic in the studio.
The Wolverines also co-produced the final version, how was it working with them?Cinzia: There so uplifting! They really push people out the best in people and maybe that is why a lot of people want to work with them. They're really friendly and of course they were the ones who signed me so I couldn't let them down. I did the best I freakin' could on that track, it turned out amazing.
In addition to people rooting for you in many different places, how are the people back home in Italy treating you?Cinzia: They are incredible. All they have been doing is rooting for me, and cheering me on. I've been getting letters from mothers at home calling me an inspiration for their daughters after they watched me on Music Box, and me opening up about being bullied. It brought me to tears how a lot of moms do depend on certain artists as people for their children look up to I may not be a role model for kids but when I give advice on being bullied, that comes straight from personal experiences so I'm happy I could have helped.
We realized that you are very intuned with your Italian background, is that correct? Cinzia: Oh yes! Very proud of my heritage, My single is called Italian Hearted and I'll never forget my people back home, no matter how far I travel hehe..
People have also been comparing your music to Electrodeath's, and its pretty ironic how both of your songs currently occupy the #1 and #2 spots , what do you think about the band? Cinzia: People comparing me to Electrodeath?!!! That's a freaking honor! Their icons, and that's really amazing if people are comparing me to them. I think our formula of Dance music is the same but we do have our differences. It is pretty ironic how is Dance artist occupied to two spots on the charts, and that's great and I really can't believe my name is right under there's. That's freaking pyscho actually! *laughs*
You will be touring with them in October, how did that come about ? Cinzia: Well people might think it was arranged for me to appear on their tour and it was set up. Nope, I personally contacted them because just recently did I have enough backing to get a publicist, so independately I contacted them on opening up for their tour because I heard they were looking for opening acts...I mean, I guess they were a little shocked that instead of a publicist or a manager contacting them about a client opening up for them, instead it was the actual artist they were hearing from they took a huge interest, and they really caught me and made me happy later on thinking about it. We chatted for a little bit since their schedule was crazy full and they remembered who I was and I sent them some of my music.. and guess what? I got the gig, I was so happy! So happy. Once again I couldn't believe it and I really felt amazing, I still feel happy now that we're gonna be touring together in October, its nuts!!
Has the opportunity changed you in any way? Cinzia: It just made me feel like hard work does eventually pay off.. And its the truth. I finally feel like everything I have been working for is finally coming to me, and that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop working hard like I have. I'm gonna keep pushing but to know you have worked for everything positive coming your way, its a feeling like no other.