Scoop Magazine's Weekly Interview
Abie LenaScoop: Any new and exciting things that you would like to share?Abie: Yes! I shoot my first music video ever! It is going to debut this Sunday! ** isn’t This exciting? Ahh and also I’m planning a small tour around USA, but this is something that Studio60 is taking care of!
Scoop: What is most important in life?Abie: Family and Friends.. for sure! Whenever you’re gonna have a broken heart.. they are there for you…
Scoop: What Inspires You?Abie: Pretty much my romantic life! LOL, it is funny but my main influences are my own fears and my own love stories.
Scoop: What are you reading now?Abie: I’m reading the unauthorized biography of Miss Vanity! It’s not a bullshit book, at least I think it is not.. probably some things there are completely untrue, but some of them we can relate on Miss Vanity’s life!
Scoop: Are you a morning person or a night owl?Abie: I think most musicians are night person! At night I’m always doing something… writing, performing… thinking…
Scoop: If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?Abie: I would go to Antarctica. My sis Magie went there to record a music video, I just couldn’t go because of the recording of my debut album.
Scoop: What are your best physical features?Abie: My eyes and My lips.. I think I’m also a good kisser.LOL
Scoop: What are your best characteristics?Abie: I’m a very sexy person, I mean I think I can seduce a lot of people, ahh and also I’m very loyal, you can tell all your secrets, they will die with me.
Scoop: Which came first the chicken or the egg?Abie: The Rooster! LMAO
Scoop: What is the last movie that you saw at the cinema?Abie: Monte Carlo. I’m a romantic comedy LOVER!
Scoop: Do you sing in the shower?Abie: Actually No, I sing while I’m.. you know.. defecating. O.o
Scoop: What's under your bed?Abie: Nothing, I’m a very organized and clean person.
Scoop: Do you believe in love at first sight?Abie: Yes and I felt in love once… long time… good time… gone time…
Scoop: If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?Abie: Because I’m reading Miss Vanity’s unauthorized biography.. I would love to talk with her.. but also I would have LOVED to meet Ray Charlies…
Scoop: Are you a good cook?Abie: Yes! Ask Magie! She loves my Feijoada (Brazil typical food dish)
Scoop: Seen anything weird lately?Abie: Not at all.. I’m so focused on my music right now that I don’t have pretty much time to wee weird things.
Scoop: Do you like to dance?Anie: Nop, I tried but I found out that I’m not a dancer and I don’t like it at all.
Scoop: What is the last thing you watched on TV?Abie: Yesterday I was watching Music Box, have you ever paid attention to Alicia Lena “Butterfly Effect” video… IT’S perfect!
Scoop: When did you last laugh?Abie: Some minutes ago, when I said that the first who came was the Rooster! I’m still laughing! :D
Scoop: What time do you get up in the morning?Abie: 10:00 A.M when I had a performance last night.. 8:00 A.M. when I have a free night, and 13:00 P.M. when I wrote a song… you know, I write songs in a row!