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Offline Zigire  
#1 Posted : 11 August 2011 05:45:16(UTC)
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Artwork upload: Today I finally got around to adding the album/single artwork upload function which will save you having to upload artwork to external websites. I've copied most of the artwork over and you should see artwork popping up in some different places where possible.

Points: As of next week (20th August) you won't be able to stockpile more than 1,000 points, approximately 14 days worth, at any one time. So if you have over 1,000 I suggest you use them up now ;) People who have donated in the past/future will have this limited extended to 2,500

Manager Accounts: Will be arriving next week. This will allow you to group together your bands (if you have more than one) under one login. It's also needed for some other new features... but you'll have to wait and see what they are! They will be to follow over the coming weeks.

Ads: All ads in the game should now be removed. If you're seeing any anywhere let me know either in the forums or using 'Contact Us'

If anyone is experiencing problems please report it in the forums or via the new 'Contact Us' link.

Edited by user 11 August 2011 06:31:46(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

Offline bikz  
#2 Posted : 11 August 2011 06:11:39(UTC)
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What day exactly is points D-Day, when all us dirty stockpilers will be cut down to 1,000? I LOVE the idea of a manager account! :D RP only bikz is looking less and less likely. After MCT, I think DBM goes ingame. (:
There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline genocidal king  
#3 Posted : 11 August 2011 06:15:23(UTC)
genocidal king
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I'm afraid I can't take myself in game anymore tbh. I'd love to but I can't drag myself from the freedom of rp
Offline Zigire  
#4 Posted : 11 August 2011 06:24:30(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: bikz Go to Quoted Post
What day exactly is points D-Day, when all us dirty stockpilers will be cut down to 1,000? I LOVE the idea of a manager account! :D RP only bikz is looking less and less likely. After MCT, I think DBM goes ingame. (:

Let's say 20th August :)
Offline bikz  
#5 Posted : 11 August 2011 07:00:42(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: Zigire Go to Quoted Post
Let's say 20th August :)

Inconvenient, but I think I can use up 120,000ish points. Bikki Power! (: Looking forward to the updates.

Edited by user 11 August 2011 07:03:01(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

There is only one Rockstar Game - and it's your home! <-- still true (:
joshy, neon bras and full frontal neck nuzzling | blacked out by sean smith's neck | startled by joshy's furry presence
Offline luseryobama  
#6 Posted : 06 April 2013 17:49:36(UTC)
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Offline kkkooo  
#7 Posted : 25 May 2013 17:45:42(UTC)
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ten cows whose individual record was kept drops 11%. The ?only change of food in this period was the substitution of two pounds mixed corn and oats in place of the gluten and corn mixture of Period 7, but as only \% pounds of the latter had been fed the two pounds would be fully equivalent, hence we -must look for some other cause for this sudden decrease. In Cut 1, Sec. 3, I have plotted a curve representing the average temperature for each period. This curve is made up from Table C. TABLE C. Period 12345 6 78 9 10 n 12 13 14 15 16 17 Av. temp. in degrees, 35 [http://www.discountoakleysunglassest.com/ Cheap Oakley Sunglasses] 30 27 15 19 11^ o -1 18^ 12 17 31 12 18^ 31^ 24 28 These are out door and not stable temperatures. It was noticed that the temperature was not sufficiently variable to make any appreciable difference in-doors during the first six periods, but during the 7th period there were two days of very cold weather followed by a few days of warm weather. These two days brought down the average temperature but did not affect the milk flow as the stable temperature was not greatly reduced, but in the eighth, a severe period of windy days, unusually low temperature, made the stables very cold. This condition of affairs undoubtedly caused the falling off in product, and therefore the food cannot be charged with being of less nutritive value. During Periods 9 and 10 there was an increase of milk, but only slight. From 10 to 15 there is a comparatively uniform falling off amounting to 2% per period. The result of this was to slightly but constantly increasethe cost per quart of milk. Period 16 marks a radical change of food and a sudden falling off of milk flow, amounting to nearly 22%. The food for this period was early cut herdsgrass hay, clover mixture, and the same grain mixture as previously fed. So radical a change from succulent food to dry fodder might naturally be expected to cause a shrinkage out of proportion to the actual fall of feeding value of fodder, but it will be noticed that although the cows were fed all they would eat yet there was but io}4 pounds eaten daily, which, at the prices adopted for estimating values makes the cheapest daily ration fed so far as actual cost is concerned. The shrinkage was so great that financial considerations induced us to change the ration at the end of a single period back to the former ensilage ration, and by so doing the yield was brought back by half the amount of the previous shrinkage. At this point the ensilage gave out and in its place a ration containing cured corn fodder was substituted, also a large addition was made to the grain portion of the food. A sub stantial increase of milk was the result. TABLE D. LIVE WEIGHT OF TEN COWS FOR TWENTY-ONE PERIODS. Period, 1 234 567 89 10 ir Weight, ^049 9119 9083 9003 9145 9157 9127 9006 9101 9097 9221 Period, 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Weight, 9107 [http://www.discountoakleysunglassest.com/ Discount Oakley Sunglasses] 9154 r,or>9 9"9 89°5 92So 935s 9254 9399 This shows a moderate increase in live weight throughout, though in Period 8 the effect of the cold weather is indicated by a shrinkage. [http://www.discountoakleysunglassest.com/ www.discountoakleysunglassest.com] Cut 2 shows by a curved line the daily y
Offline kkkooo  
#8 Posted : 25 May 2013 17:49:31(UTC)
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ivarvin yl?puolelta levenev?t ne toiselle sivusein?lle p?in kyyn?r?n verran. T?ten syntyneess? [http://www.discountoakleysunglassest.com/ Cheap Oakley Sunglasses] ulonnuksessa oli krupu*), ja hevoset seisoivat siis sivusein?ll?. Mitenp?in lattia kulki tai oliko sit? ollenkaan, en ole tullut tarkanneeksi. T?mm?isi? tallirakennuksia olen tavannut Vojakkalassa yhden ja Topenolla toisen, nyky??n rehulatona k?ytetyn tallin. ') Ruotsin krubba, seimi eli soimi. Jotkut vanhimmat tallit n?kyv?t olleen varustettuja p??dyst? ulonnetulla otsikolla, lakalla, n?ht?v?sti p??tysein?n suojaksi sateelta, siin? kun ovi ja parvenaukko sijaitsivat. T?m? on my?hemmist? talleista kadonnut, syyst? ett? talli tavallisesti on samassa salvo mitassa jonkun muun rakennuksen kanssa, joka useimmassa tapauksessa lienee vain vaja. Katto t?ll?in kulkee tietysti rakennuksen pituussuuntaan, ja sijaitsee tallin ovi useimmiten viel? vajaan p?in antavassa p??tysein?ss?. [http://www.discountoakleysunglassest.com/ www.discountoakleysunglassest.com] Sittemmin on vajasta kehittynyt itsen?inen huone, tavallisesti liiteri, jolloin tallin ovi siirtyy sivusein??n. Niin Kuva 69. Talli viereisine vajoineen Lopenkyl?st?. on tapahtunut seuraavalla sivulla kuvatussa Topenon tallirakennuksessa sit? uudestaan rakennettaessa, vaikka tuo kehitys yleiseen tietysti on aijemmin tapahtunut, ja oven asema niin sanoakseni vakautunut [http://www.discountoakleysunglassest.com/ Discount Oakley Sunglasses] sivusein?lle. Ovesta riippuu tallin sis?llinen j?rjestys, sill? sen kautta melkein yksinomaan p??see valo sis??n. Se onkin sen vuoksi tehty suuremmissa talleissa kahdesta puolikkaasta, joista toinen avautuu kahdessa eri osassa, yl?- ja alaovena, kuten huomaa t?h?n liitetyist? kuvista. Ikkunoita on joskus oven p??ll?, mutta ainakin toisessa p??tysein?ss?. Ne ovat tavallisesti pieni? pitk?nomaisia aukkoja, joissa on muutamia k?mmenenkokoisia lasiruutuja. Joko samalla tai vastakkaisella sein?ll? on luukulla suljettava ikkuna lannan luomista varten. — Suuremman, hyv?sti j?rjestetyn tallin parvelle johtaa erityinen ajosilta. Semmoinen esiytyy seuraavalla sivulla kuvatussa tallirakennuksessa Ourajoelta, mutta sijaiten erityisess? katoksessa ei sit? kuvassa eroita muuta kuin osaksi sivusein?ss? olevan oviaukon l?vitse. Parven p??dyss? on s??nn?llisesti pieni ikkuna-aukko, ehk? tavallisimmin puoliympyr?n muotoinen. Kuva 70. Talli ja (vasemmalla) liiteri Topenolta. Valokuvan mukaan. Permanto nykyisiss? talleissa on aina kaksiosainen: pitk?permanto oven edess? ja vastap??t? sit? lyhk?nen eli kynsipermanto, jolla hevoset seisovat vartavastaisissa pilttuissa. Edellisess? kulkevat palkit rakennuksen pituussuuntaan, kun kynsi- eli piltuspalkit taas k?yv?t poikki rakennuksen. N?m? viimemainitut nojaavat permannon ja l?hell? per?sein?? olevan kannatteen p??lle. — Tallin v?likatto eli parvi*) tehd??n taas pienellaisista puunpuolikkaista eli palkeista ilman mit??n lisi?. ne yhdistettiin vitsaksilla ja v?liin asetettiin aidaksia. — L?hell? navettoa oli, kuten edellisess?kin tapauksessa, karjalato, niihin hein?t ja oljet tuotiin. Uudempaa navettorakennusta sen parveen eli vinttiin johtavine ajosiltoineen esitt?? seuraavalla sivulla oleva kuvamme Topenon V?h?lt?-Peuralta. Se on joltisenkin suuri rakennus
Offline duan  
#9 Posted : 30 May 2013 15:30:49(UTC)
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