Rose Madden are a Hard\Glam Rock band from New York,NY
Rose Madden are:
Oliver Rose
Olli is the lead singer of rose madden, is love for music started when he was 12 and listened to the kiss album "alive!" at his best friend home.
Olli is now 21 and he played in many bands from the new york underground scene, both as a singer and a guitar player, about a year ago he befriended John Cooper and they started lookin' for a bass player and a drummer to start they're plan of dominating the music scene and bring back the stadium rock of they're idols (Van Halen, KISS, Motley Crue...) into the mainstream
John Cooper
John is the guitar player in Rose Madden.
He is 25 and the oldest member in the band, John discovered is love for classic Hard Rock and Heavy Metal when first listened to Guns n Roses who are actually is favourite band, but is guitar style is built after heroes like Eddie Van Halen and George Lynch.
He met Oliver Rose in a pub in NYC, and they decided to form a band, so John brought is old bass player in...
Nikky Verne
Nikki is the only musician in the band who has a studied music in a school, he is the bass player but he also plays keyboards when it's necessary.
He is 20 and Rose Madden are is first band, he decided to play bass after his idol: Gene Simmons
Pete Maxx
Last but not least is Peter, our favourite drummer and hellraiser.
His rhythmics are the foundation of the band's pounding hard rock sound, Pete is 19 he played in many high school bands before entering Rose Madden through an add in a local paper, and now he's ready to make your ears bleed!
Now Rose Madden are dominating the New York clubs circuit developping a strong songwriting and a fantastic live show, they are ready to find a label and hit the big time...
We'll soon share with u some of theyr demos...Edited by user 20 August 2011 22:45:15(UTC)
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