Twilight rainbow studio looms ahead of me,it's shitty sign reflects off the hood of my car as i isn't run down in a cool way,it's just run down.the exterior is brick,which has its charms. Red brick sticks out like a sore thumb in Miami.Elvis,Eddie and Monica are sitting between their respective cars.the tell tale puffs of smoke remove all doubts to what they are doing.starting without me?! Oh no,no.this will not do.
Taking off my shoes,i sneak towards the triangular bunker of cars.the asphalt hurts my bare feet,but the heels i wore today make a lot of noise on hard surfaces.i cant lose this opportunity just because i wanted to wear cute shoes. Tasting impending victory, i speed up my sneaking and yell in my most manly of voices," all right you,fucks! Hands where i can see 'em!"
The ensuing chaos is something i will think about on my deathbed as the credits roll for bettie antonov. Eddie looks like a deer in the headlights as he stuffs a little Ziploc bag in his mouth.Elvis jumps straight up and takes off running,and Monica attempts to crawl
under her car.unsuccessfully,i might add.
I pick up the still smoldering blunt and sit on the hood of Elvis's car to put my shoes back on.i know this pisses Elvis off to no i scooch around to get comfy,daring him to say a word.he responds with silence,i counter with a smirk.
Eddie is the first to speak," god damn,you trying to kill me? "
" oh no,'re my favorite drummer,Eddie. Whatever would i do without you?" I tell him,while pinching his cheek in a grandmotherly way.this seems to bug Monica a little to rub salt in her wounds,i point out she has dirt on her face from trying to crawl under her car.
Before she can get snippy ,Erich pops his head out of the studio's door and orders us inside.Erich Hess is sort of producing the record.truth be told,i am not too keen on that.the man is a little too....."out there" for my liking. But on the flip side if of things ,he
is a pretty respected name in certain circles. So maybe that will help us get a foot in the door.
Inside,the studio is very.....Miami.well make that Miami circa 1986 as imagined by "the golden girls" creators.lots floral printed rattan furniture and pastel everything else....not that i ever watch the golden girls..OK,maybe a couple of times.but only because i was drunk and couldn't find the remote.but that is another story ,for another time.i only hope i have as much sex as the golden girls were having at their ages on that show.i haven't had it in 32 days,4 hours and a couple minutes,and its driving me batty!
Being the last one to arrive has its advantages.all the instruments were already lugged inside and set up,all i had to do was turn the mic on.we warm up by playing "blue sunshine",by the sounded good,if i do say so myself.i might be biased though.we do "blue sunshine" a couple of times through,and that morphs i to "fucked up ford" by Horton heat.the song is a lot of fun since it is so fast.
Eddie nods at Elvis,Elvis nods to Pavel,Pavel nods to Monica,and Monica nods to me.i give Erich the "ready signal",which appropriately enough is saying "we're ready." Into the mic.
Erich is laying the control room's couch,his hands behind his head and his eyes are closed.he acknowledges us by swinging a stick at the controls until he hits "record".I'd be really pissed if this was costing us more than the two quarts of old English he charged us.
We tear into "Jayne mansfield". It is one of our more recently written songs. Its the kind of song that writes itself.big bosomed blondes getting killed in car wrecks is tailor made for psychobilly. The song is blisteringly fast and fairly intricate when it comes to the guitar their credit,Pavel and Monica never missed a note.we all are pretty pleased since we nailed it in one take .up in the control room,Erich is still laying on the couch,swinging the stick wildly.after a few minutes he gives up and presses a note to the glass," cant find intercom button.bettie,come in here."
I look at everyone,and they look as puzzled as me. I run a hand nervously through my hair,i hate being put on the spot like this. And knowing this nutty son of a bitch it could be anything from wanting to share a bowl of corn flakes to wanting something of a more....personal nature.if so,he'll be picking a size 6 stiletto out of his shin and a 11 inch stiletto out of his gut...i probably should give Elvis back his knife....nah,I'm keeping the fucker.i deserve it.
I open the door to the control room.ugh,it looks the part of a room where many amoral things have happend in the name of furthering many a naive girl's has the smell of that sorta room too. Erich sits up and shoves a bottle in my hands. It makes the trip from his hand to mine and directly to the trash bin,without a layover to my mouth." What?" I ask in the bitchiest tone i can manage.i got a job to do,and don't have time for Erich's nonsense....or lame attempts to fuck me.its been a long time,but I'm not desperate.
Erich frowns ever so slightly at my snubbing of his hospitality.he shrugs his shoulders and drinks from his own bottle,then lays back down.
Erich:not a whiskey person,i can respect that.
Bettie: you got a particular thought you wish to share,or you just enjoy wasting time?
Honestly,i have no idea why i was being a total bitch cake.something about Erich reminds of Elvis,i his credit,Erich remained his usual good natured self.
Erich: both.but mainly to share an idea. You happy with the star chief's sound?
He plays the previous take.i cant see what he is getting at.the way he asked me sorta implies that i shouldn't be.i listen and scrutinize everything inside my singing,the lyrics,the guitars,bass,drums...everything it still sounds good to me.nothing is too distorted.i finally give in and shake my head.
Bettie: OK,whats wrong with it?
Erich:nothing and everything all at sounds right,and would sell like hot cakes.
Bettie:just what are hot cakes?
Erich: really short shorts.but that doesn't matter . You guys sound like a paint by numbers psychobilly band.loads of people may like it,but i know you guys are better than ooze sex in puddles, on this song? You sound like an elderly bingo junkie with closet full of sweaters with cats on it up a bit.
I was half offended,and half agreeing with what Erich said.truth be told,sexy was the last thing i felt like.then,if i was a cartoon character,a light bulb would have appeared above my head.if i was a cartoon,I'd want to be betty boop before they cleaned her up,or who
ever the girl from tex Avery's " red hot riding hood" was...i don't think she had a name.maybe? I dunno.some vintage cartoon fan i am.
I hug Erich in my moment of inspiration.i notice his hands are dangerously close to my ass,i raise a concerned eye brow at him. He winks and says," you know i got a reputation to uphold, get outta here ,you crazy kid." And tousles my hair like I'm a fucking kid or something. I leave the control room and head back to my waiting band.i unbutton my shirt a little and sprinkle some water fountain water on my brow.i greet my waiting star chiefs with a dramatic,yet satisfied sigh." Whew,that's just what i needed!" The look of absolute whore-or from Monica was worth it's weight in gold.i continue," i guess all that jostling around shook something loose,i have a great idea.lets do it like we did that first night at Al's." I hum a jazzy little tune,which Eddie instantly picks up.i wish i had that kind of talent.i cant play an instrument worth a damn,Elvis tried teaching me bass..lets just say i wont be usurping his position any time soon. Pavel also tried getting me to play guitar.he is a great brother and guitarist,but a lousy teacher.we didn't speak to each other for weeks after he pissed me off and i threw his telecaster out the window. Luckily,i got a good voice or I'd really be up shit creek.
After a few minutes of fucking around we finally started getting a neat lounge sorta sound going.we give Erich the "ready signal",and see the stick waving around The control room,followed by several expensive sounding crashes and electrical buzzing,then finally the "recording" light blinks to life. We try "Jayne mansfield" once again.this time,if i put any more sex into it,I'd be dry humping the mic stand.