Getting To Know …GLAMAZON!!!
Recording or Performing Live?You expect me to answer that? Hmm... I adore both, but if anything, I have to say the live side of things, it's always an amazing thing to see the crowd reaction. You can put a different spin on the tracks you've been recording, so I'd say there's more freedom there which is why I prefer it, anything goes.
Morning or Evening?Evening all the way, that's when all the freaks come out, am I right?
What is your worst habit?Carrying around weapons that may not be needed for actual violent nature. Instead of a handbag, I like to go for a baseball bat, or an axe, you know, the usual. People think I'm actually gonna harm someone, yeah, sometimes I may, but often it's just a fashion statement! I dress feminine with a twisted edge, so I give out the message of that yes, I'm a female, but take advantage of me and you'll get this baseball bat through your head.
What is your favourite song of the moment?I really like Stephanie Fierce's "Lube" because it's daring, but at the same time, it's actually really well thought out and creative, she always gives that great balance in her music.
What is your favourite song of all time?I think it's completely impossible to have just one, could you do it? Don't challenge me.
What is your favourite musician/band?Brandon Caulfield, he knows I'm basically his biggest fan!
What is your favourite movie?A Clockwork Orange of course! I also really like the film
Curtains which is a Canadian horror movie back in the 1980s, as well as
Pulp Fiction.
What would be your perfect day?Shopping, man killing and sex... so yes, I'd need a man for the third thing, but I don't kill my lovers, well, not until they betray me anyway.
What is your best memory of your childhood?Watching the abuse that my mother received from my father, because it made me who I am today, so really, that is the greatest thing ever. I'm stronger from it and so is she, we both wouldn't change a thing. I sound so fucking cliché and over dramatic! Yeah, let's end that there.
Tell us something nobody else knows about you?I'm a very good rapper?
If you could date anyone in the music industry, who would it be?He isn't a musician, The Purger, only because I like mystery. But no, I only have eyes for my lover.
What would be your 3 wishes?For all the man whores to have their penises removed. For money to no longer exist as it's only a barrier from making us achieve what we want. My final and most important wish is for high heels to not kill as much as they do after wearing them for hours on end.
Would you rather have worldwide success or true love?True love, most definitely. I think success can be measured in many different ways, but if we're talking about worldwide chart positions, sales and status, then I don't care for it. However, I'm always going after success in the sense where I find pride in myself and where I can happily say that my fans love the music that I put out, that's success to me. Chart positions aren't going to cherish and adore me, are they?
What do you think happens when we die?We all go to hell and have a pretty crazy party.
What are your 5 life goals?Love, happiness, marriage, children, and to make at least five more wonderful albums.