Getting To Know …TEEN TITANS!!!
Recording or Performing Live?Laurence: Well, maybe both. Recording is fun when you're in a band, but the same thing can be said about performing.
Tanya: Performing of course.
Martina: I have to say performing. It's the reason why a singer should be a singer in my honest opinion.
Den: I think performing! Because there's a whole lot of fun in it!
Morning or Evening?Laurence: Evening because you can really do more in that part of the day.
Tanya: Evening.
Martina: I like them both honestly, but the evening has some sort of magic.
Den: Evening all the time!
What is your worst habit?Laurence: Maybe working a lot, I wouldn't know.
Tanya: Nothing, I'm perfect. [Laughs]
Martina: Saying what I really think, my opinions all the time. Sometimes it may hurt people, but I want to be honest and we're all entitled to our own opinions.
Den: Maybe I use to think and talk too much, I've been told to shut up lots of times. But I can't control it! I have a lot to say! [Laughs]
What is your favourite song of the moment?Laurence: I'm quite liking "Mr. Saxobeat" of Alexandra Stan, it's catchy.
Tanya: "Last Friday Night" by Katy Perry. I love it.
Martina: It's hard to pick one.
Den: My new solo song I think! I love how it came out so good!
What is your favourite song of all time?Laurence: That's another hard question... Well, I wouldn't know here too. There are lots of songs I like.
Tanya: There isn't just one to be honest.
Martina: I'd say "No Woman No Cry" by Bob Marley. But then you have "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley, which is also a classic for me.
Den: I think there are too many songs that are my favourite, so it's hard, you know!
What is your favourite musician/band?Laurence: Black Eyed Peas, they're very good.
Tanya: Katy Perry, Lady Gaga.
Martina: The Beatles. They used to do great music.
Den: Cinzia Ricci and Electrodeath!! Wow, they make great music!
What is your favourite movie?Laurence: "Scary Movie", it's such a fan movie.
Tanya: Uhm... there isn't one, I like lots of movies.
Martina: "Pirates of The Caribbean", I love Johnny Depp.
Den: Well, I like superheroes' movies, so I'd go with the "X-men"!
What would be your perfect day?Laurence: A day to spend with my family, wife and son.
Tanya: Every day is perfect... [Laughs]
Martina: A day I can enjoy life with my friends and family, like today.
Den: It would some day full of relax and fun!
What is your best memory of your childhood?Laurence: It's when I found out I was a genius [Laughs]
Tanya: Surely when I sang the first time in front of lots of people, it was great.
Martina: My friends, I am always going to love them. I indeed miss them a lot.
Den: My best memory is gonna be all the fun I had with my childhood friends and thank God we still keep in contact with each other.
Tell us something nobody else knows about you?Laurence: I am a good father?
Tanya: Uhm... I love biting the others! [Smiles]
Martina: Nobody knows that I enjoy "Bad Romance" of Lady Gaga. Yeah, it's such a guilty pleasure for me. [Laughs]
Den: Haha, there is one thing, but I can't really tell anyone!! So I'll go with the fact that I read a lot of horoscope and astrology! [Laughs]
If you could date anyone in the music industry, who would it be?Laurence: Of course my wife.
Tanya: Myself. [Laughs]
Martina: Oh, that's hard to tell. I like this guy called Nate Alexander, he reminds me of a singer I fell in love with when I was just a kid.
Den: I can't tell you! It would be too easy! [Laughs]
What would be your 3 wishes?Laurence: Having other children with my wife, always being a singer and having still lots of money!
Tanya: I want some sexy boyfriend [Laughs], then a good family and... being happy.
Martina: I would like to become some sort of a legendary artist like Freddie Mercury, then have some children and I'd also love to be happily married.
Den: Well, I wanna be very successful and famous, I always wanna look good and find true love! [Smiles]
Would you rather have worldwide success or true love?Laurence: True love, it matters much more I guess.
Tanya: True love.
Martina: True love is more important by any point.
Den: A worldwide success, thank you very much! I think I'm never going to find true love.
What do you think happens when we die?Laurence: I guess we die and find peace in paradise.
Tanya: We just die.
Martina: I don't know, I think we die and get into the paradise, or at least that's what Bible says for us Christians.
Den: It's easy! We reborn in another life, it's Karma!
What are your 5 life goals?Laurence: I want to record at least one solo album, have another son or a daughter, be married forever with my wife, I want to explore my acting career and always have lots of money.
Tanya: I don't know, I would like to have a child, find love, get married, always releasing music and always be happy.
Martina: I would like to release a solo album, be a respected artist like I said before, then I'd like to write some book, I'd also love to find my soulmate if he exists and finally be happily married.
Den: I have already become a singer, so I have just four goals left and they are that I'd like to always have good friends, still be successful, I wanna always live life in full and then if I could, I'd like to really find true love.