Chapter Fourteen: Fucking it UpWe spent a lot of our time on recording and editing after that. Recording and writing, I guess. I don't remember if any of the blurbs I wrote afterwords were ever used for anything but I know I was holding a pen just as often as I held a guitar those days. One thing I wasn't holding though, was Helle. Stephanie was the one putting her career on hold so that she could raise our daughter, I wasn't quite as smart. Me and Stephanie were spending less and less time together and I was becoming more and more involved with the new album. Jack went along with me and we went into the studio anytime I got the notion to do so. Jack was no idiot though, he brought it up to me one day.
"Johnny...I think maybe you should spend the day with Stephanie and Helle...besides I'm not feeling well today." he said.
"I'll spend the afternoon with them, come on down Jack. I've got some really great ideas I need to try out, I'm thinking of adding piano to this song I wrote when I was sixteen." I was just too hyped about all of these old songs, that even Jack couldn't get me to see reason.
So that was how we spend the next month or so. I would be in the studio, occasionally with Jack, while Stephanie and Helle would be off to the zoo or something. If I could have seen myself, I might have stopped and taken notice of what a blunder I was making of my life. Stephanie never said anything to me personally though, in fact, she barely ever said anything at all to me. I think she must have just been trying to keep peace between everyone until the album was done. We all thought that after that was finished, I would focus on Helle. We were wrong.
We wrapped the album some time in late July. Me and Jack sat in the studio and listened to the entire thing all the way through and then went up-stairs. I found Stephanie sitting there with Helle. I bent down and let her play with my finger as I looked at Stephanie.
"We're finished Steph, do you want to hear it?"
"Maybe later." she said. "What's your plans now?"
I paused, "Well, I guess I'll start writing again. Maybe plan a small tour to promote a bit. I want this album to get to people you know?" She just looked at me.
"Yea." She stood up and grabbed Helle and left the room without a word. I found out later that she had left the house but at the time I just turned to Jack and smiled.
"What do you think? Up for a tour?" I asked.
"I'm thinking we could do ten dates in various corners of the country and that should get the album promoted well enough and then..."
"You are going to fuck up everything you've worked for if you dont stop and take a good hard look at what's going on around you." He was very stern and sweating a little.
"Hey! Where do you get the nerve to talk to me like that? What are you even talking about?"
"Cause I've been there John! You are me and you're doing what I did! What your father did!" That took the cake, I grabbed his shirt and pushed him against the wall but before it went any further he went limp and fell to the floor. He had passed out.
I called 911 and rode with them to the hospital. I had a lot on my mind, but for the most part I just felt bad about over-reacting like I had. What Jack was trying to say kind of skipped across my mind and kept going. I was just worried about him. They took him into a room to do some tests and I sat in the waiting room. He met me there a little while later.
"Whats going on?" I asked urgently.
"Nothing, just...lack of oxygen or something. Let's go."
He never showed me the paper in his pocket. If he had I would have known that Jack had cancer then, instead of finding it out later. Maybe I could have helped, maybe not. It's hard to say.
Edited by user 13 years ago
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