After some time away on recovery from a recent overdose. Johnny McDougal put on a secret show that was listed as a private function at in one of his local haunts for a crowd that filled to standing room only. He also sent out a few invitations to some of his musician friends who have not yet been confirmed as attendants. Joe Anderson is also sitting in for a few rather memorable instrumentals. Drummer Clyde Bonner also showed up to provide percussive support on the bongos and hand drum. Here is the show in its entirety streaming live.
The stage is set with a small stool and amplifier while a loan Martin acoustic sits on a stand untouched. A few people are milling around drinking, some are eating, and others are just sitting at their tables waiting for the show to start. Those that weren't able to get seat were of course standing in the darker corners their features lit up by the glow of orange as some puffed on cigarettes making a haze of smoke in the air. There is a buzzing din in the air as the people chat back and forth and whatnot. But then there is a shout from off camera, "and now, Johnny McDougal." It was more of a matter of fact announcement that really didn't have any fan fare to it.
Johnny took the stage being dressed in a blue flannel shirt, a black fedora, a pair of baggy black pants with suspenders hanging down from the sides, and a pair of Chuck Taylor sneakers. His silver wallet jingled a bit as he sat down and looked around a bit nodding at the crowd to acknowledge them who were applauding, yelling, and whistling. Not much of his features have changed besides the fact that he had grown in some sideburns. He rubbed his thumb on his chin a moment before picking up his guitar and strumming it. Starting to tinker with it as he put it in tune.Johnny: Soooooo, I wanna thank everyone for coming out here tonight. It means a lot to me of course and I appreciate everyone's support to help me out through this. I also want to thank two female friends for the cock shaped fruit basket. While I know fruit is good for you and all. It was kinda hard to put down when it was shaped like a dick.
The crowd chuckles and a few people make odd faces. Johnny just huffs through his nose and smirks a little. He then finds the chords on his guitar that he was looking for and gives it a couple runs to make sure it's in good. Then he makes a little small talk as he starts to strum the song he is going to play.Johnny: I've been getting the question a lot lately. Why did you overdose? What made you want to do that? I can't really say why for sure. But there was an underlying reason for my drug use. There's an undertone to everything that affects everyone. I think mine was more mental. This song may shed some light on the answers you seek. It's the best way I can provide an explanation.
Johnny tapped his foot and closed his eyes while he strummed his guitar. In the quiet the crowd picked up on the tap of his foot then began to clap in time with his rhythm. He held up his hand and quietly said, "Shhhhhhh." The crowd took heed to his request and the silence again took hold until Johnny's voice spoke up into the microphone filling the air in the room.Sheets of empty canvas, untouched sheets of clay
Her legs spread out before me as her body once did
All five horizons revolved around her soul
As the earth to the sun
Now the air I tasted and breathed has taken a turn
Ooh, and all I taught her was everything
Ooh, I know she gave me all that she wore
And now my bitter hands chafe beneath the clouds
Of what was everything?
Oh, the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed Everything...
His voice picks up a bit as he crescendos a bit and hits a high note for the next few lines. His voice has its signature moaning growl but he does manage to crank out the high note. Though his voice isn't accustomed to it.I take a walk outside
I'm surrounded by some kids at play
I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear
Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my head
I'm spinning, oh, I'm spinning
How quick the sun can, drop away
And now my bitter hands cradle broken glass
Of what was everything
All the pictures have all been washed in black, tattooed everything...
All the love gone bad turned my world to black
Tattooed all I see, all that I am, all I'll be.
The crowd seemed to know this Pearl Jam song as he stopped and led the crowd along in the background harmony "doo doo" parts. Then got quiet and held up his hands in mock conductor style as the voices joined as one to sing. He smiled a little and nodded while speaking into the mic as the voices filled the air. If one looked close you could see a few restrained tears in his eyes as the emotion of this song and the backing of the crowd got to him a little.Johnny: You guys sound pretty. Now I know how Eddie Vedder feels!
After speaking he continued playing his guitar and picked up on the lyrics on again. Screaming out the lyrics when they came.I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky, but WHY, WHY, WHY
Can't it be, can't it be mine?
He kept the crowd going in the harmony part as he listened and held up his hands in mock conductor again for a moment to lead them. Then he picked up the guitar again and started playing once more. Hitting the opening intro to Black once more but the n he twisted it around into another familiar song. Clyde Bonner slid on to the stage behind him playing the bongo drums which elicited a few whistles and shouts from the crowd.I saw her today at the reception.
A glass of wine in her hand.
I knew she was gonna make her connection.
At her feet was a footloose man.
You can't always get what you want.
You can't always get what you want.
You can't always get what you want.
But if you try sometimes, you might find.
You get what you need!
He strung together a nice little solo and introduced Clyde to the crowd as he played again while singing the chorus to the famous Rolling Stones tune. Then he once again held up his hands to the crowd and lead them along in the chorus. Stopping to listen to them sing it back to him nodding his head. He then sang it back to them and strummed the chords a few time to finish the song. The crowd applauded, yelled, and a few whistled their approval. There was also a lacy bra thrown up on to the stage as well. Johnny picked it up and checked the tag on it.Johnny: Thanks so much everybody! Also, 38DD, those are pretty nice. Can I keep it or?
He laughed and whipped out a marker then signed it. Throwing it back into the crowd. Then he sat back on the stage and talked to the crowd for a few minutes while asking for a glass of water.Johnny: The Kids were on tour with Mind a while back. We had a fucking blast and a hell of a time.
A few people in the crowd cheered.Johnny: Guess you were there huh? Well one morning after some heavy partying Joe and I sat around playing around outside our buses while drinking some cups of coffee. What came out of it was a pretty damn improvised tune that just came out of nowhere. Thankfully one of the guys in the band had the presence of mind to record it so we could remember it later. We couldn't think of a proper name so we just called it The Coffee Jam. Anyway, I'd like to introduce my good friend Joe Anderson! He'll be sitting in with me on this one.
Joe walked up on to the small stage with his guitar in hand to another round of applause. He waved at the crowd then sat down as another stool was set up for him to sit on. Then he looked over at Joe as he plugged in his guitar. It seemed he had already mic'ed himself up by way of a wireless.Joe: Good to be up here jamming with you buddy.
Johnny: You too man. Kind of funny how this tune just evolved ain't it?
Joe: Yeah, it's amazing we cranked this out on barely no sleep and had nothing but caffeine in our systems. The end result was a beautiful improv piece though man.
Johnny: Agreed, my friend. We're also going to do another one that we put together a few night's ago. It's another collaborative acoustic instrumental that we wrote together.
Joe: Pretty proud of it. We seem to really go outside of the box of what people expect of us. So it's always cool to blow some people's minds. So they go, Holy shit I didn't expect them to do that!
Johnny: It sounds good too! Meaning that it doesn't sound like shit!
They laughed together as Joe lit up a cigarette and then Johnny began to play a harmonic and percussive laced rhythm while popping his hand on the body of his guitar. Joe would come in with some chord patterns to compliment that flowed naturally with Johnny's playing. Johnny would then begin to throw in some note progressions with the ringing harmonics while still slapping out the beat on his guitar to give those strings a certain ring to them. Joe kept up with keeping his chord progressions in time with Johnny's smooth ebb and flow as he worked the neck of his guitar. The instrumental was very well put together as both musicians knew each other very well as the piece began to sound more and more like a solo effort than something collaborative. The song then ended to applause along with Johnny and Joe fist pounding each other with hugs that followed.The previous song would sound like:
They would then go right into the second song that was faster than the other. Though Johnny's notation patterns were quicker and had a more funk infused bass vibe ringing out on the lower strings. Joe naturally caught on to Johnny's rhythm through instinct and played his part with chord progressions. He'd follow after Johnny with a few little notations of his own which result in a two part of harmony of the guitars that would again seem to just melt into one. There was a very funky and grooving pace to the entire piece with Johnny keeping his signature percussive slap of the guitar body as he finger picked. They nodded their heads to the beat of the song until it finished. It was met with applause as Joe stood up and Johnny hugged him. That song would sound like:
Johnny: That's my good buddy Joe Anderson! Also one of the best guitar players I know and am pretty damn lucky to have as a friend. This next song is actually a cover of a Lily Abbott song. Shame. I fell in love with it when I first heard it and knew I wanted to try to take a crack at it. Naturally some words have been changed due to gender issues. Haha. Anyway, here we go.
He grabbed his guitar and began to play on a bit more of a minor scale. While pulling up a page of lyrics so he didn't forget. As he strummed in time he began to sing while keeping time by tapping his foot on the ground. Naturally he didn't have Lily's voice so his version was a bit deeper and less operatic. Not to mention he took out the screams and gave it is own touch by breaking up the chorus by shivering his voice a bit as he intoned with his natural singing voice which was more of a tenor sound. Just a little boy
With a big old heart,
Analyzing the world,
From it's lonely start,
Seeing all of the lies,
Hearing all of the tales,
I'm feeling disgusted with myself
I've held it in too long,
Too much time has passed,
Time to open that voice,
Hopefully the lives won't last
Cuz we're holding no secrets
When we talk there's no regrets
You can try to pretend you don't see
But I'm gonna show you why you love me
Nobody likes the innocence
All they want is pain
They've taken away from the music
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
Uh huh
You may hate me now,
But you'll thank me later,
They've taken all the music,
Now look what they have made him,
I just can't hold it in,
Closed my mouth can't be,
They may not admit it now,
They are blind to see
I've held it in too long,
Too much time has passed,
Time to open that voice,
Hopefully the lives won't last
Cus we're holding no secrets
When we talk there's no regrets
You can try to pretend you don't see
But I'm gonna show you why you love me
Nobody likes the innocence
All they want is pain
They've taken away from the music
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
Don't call yourself something that you're obviously not,
I've heard the word love so much now it can finally rot,
Where it belongs
Because you murdered all it has owned
You've lost control
So now our turn to speak right out
Cuz we're holding no secrets
When we talk there's no regrets
You can try to pretend you don't see
But I'm gonna show you why you love me
Nobody likes the innocence
All they want is pain
They've taken away from the music
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
It's just a shame
He gave the song the best touch he could even adding some flourishes on his acoustic by soloing here and there but he mostly just kept at a progression of chords and kept it simple. Then he nodded as he got applause from the fans but shook his head.Johnny: No, no you should be cheering for Lily. She wrote that song. But I do appreciate that you like my version. Though it's as stripped down as much as possible. I like the integrity and brutal honesty she put into it. It takes a really brave artist to do that and I admire her for it. I'm gonna have Joe back up here to help me out with an older tune that I like to do every once in a while. It's one of those pretty but sad songs. Long Black Veil......
He'd start to strum lightly playing a light pattern down on the neck a bit as he summoned up his best singing voice for the song. He blinked a bit almost startled that it came out of him but then kept singing as he strummed his guitar. You could hear a few others quietly singing along as he sang. Ten years ago on a cold dark night.
Someone was killed beneath the town hall light.
There were few at the scene but they all agree.
That the killer who ran. He looked a lot like me.
She walks these hills in a long veil.
She visits my grave when the night winds wail.
Nobody knows. Nobody sees. Nobody knows but me.
Oh, the judge said son what is your alibi?
If you were somewhere else then you won't
have to die. But I spoke not a word, though
it meant my life. For I'd been in the arms
of my best friend's wife.
Oh she walks these hills in a long black veil.
She visits my grave when the night winds wail.
Nobody knows. Nobody sees. Nobody knows but me.
The scaffold is high, eternity is near. She
stood in the crowd and shed not a tear.
Sometimes at night when the cold winds moan,
in a long black veil she cries over my bones.
She cries. She cries.
She walks these hills in a long black veil.
She visits my graves when the night winds wail.
Nobody knows. Nobody sees. Nobody knows but me.
Nobody knows. Nobody sees. Nobody knows but me.
Sounds like:
Amidst the applause Johnny and Joe stood up together. Though Joe insisted Johnny take a bow first. Then Joe followed suit. Joe got off the stage as Johnny called for another glass of water and then twisted some nobs on his amp. Then he started fooling with some pedals and played around a little.Johnny: I can't finish the night out without playing one good rebel song. So I'm going to finish with this new one I wrote called You're A Bastard! It's got a real country twang to it and I just love the hell out of it.
He strummed and began to sing changing his voice in pitch as he began to pick. Inviting the whole band up on stage to join him as he put a slide on his finger.Standin' at the juke box drinkin' a mojito.
My libido, bean burrito.
Bartender said I had too much.
You know that pissed me off a touch.
I said buddy, you don't know me at all.
You're a bastard. Can't you see.
You keep on buggin' me.
You're really gettin' on my nerves.
These old blues they gotta go.
Nobody likes you don't ya know.
I'm no saint but I think you're
a bastard!
The whole band picked up and began to play a real one two country blues jug band style as Johnny continued to play.This guy cuts in front of the check out line.
Guess he really needs that box of wine. It's
9 am and he's already plastered.
So I leaned over hit the intercom and said
ground control to major tom. Attention shoppers
you're all a bunch of bastards!
You're a bastard. Can't you see.
You keep on buggin' me.
You're really gettin' on my nerves.
These old blues they gotta go.
Nobody likes you don't ya know.
I'm no saint but I think you're
a bastard!
Johnny took a cowboy hat from a guy up front and switched off his fedora for it as he played a quick little slide solo to the enjoyment of the crowds. It seemed those meddling kids were back and not losing a step.Got a bill collector on the phone.
I'm watching the game man leave me alone.
I try to cut him off but he keeps talkin'.... faster!
Told you twenty times the check's in the mail.
You gotta believe me I remember it well.
Because when I signed the thing I made it out
to bastard.
You're a bastard. Can't you see.
You keep on buggin' me.
You're really gettin' on my nerves.
These old blues they gotta go.
Nobody likes you don't ya know.
I'm no saint but I think you're
a bastard!
The song slows down a bit as Johnny hits some one strums after each verse.Soccer mom in an SUV. Talkin' on the phone but she don't see me.
I'm on my way to meet my master.
North bound truck in a south bound lane.
Cut right through my body like an old freight train.
Dead in my tracks, you're a bastard.
The song resembles it's normal tone as the crowd stomps and claps along with Johnny leading them as he picks up the next verse.You're a bastard. Can't you see.
You keep on buggin' me.
You're really gettin' on my nerves.
These old blues they gotta go.
Nobody likes you don't ya know.
I'm no saint but I think you're
a bastard!
You win the spelling bee.
B-A-S-T-A-R-D! You're really
gettin' on my nerves!
Bastard a hundred percent.
You might as well run for
president. The votes are in
looks like you win for bastard!
Now everybody knows that you're a bastard!
No matter where you go you're a bastard!
Johnny cranks out the last chord to a loud raucous noise of applause and screams as he leaves the stage. The rest of the band follows suit though. He seems to be lingering a bit. He leans against the bar and has himself a drink and a smoke while the crowd yells for more.Edited by user 13 years ago
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