In case you didn't know, Stephanie Fierce's first studio album "The Past, The Present and the Future of Pop" (A titled that first pissed a lot of pop artists within that time) explored pop sounds from the 50's, 60's, 70's and the 80's, including many electronic elements that were considered "Futuristic" at the time. The album was highly based on visuals and contemporary producers. Very much like the title of her debut album, the title for her sixth studio album makes an expressive blatant statement; "Queen of Pop Era".
Further down, the second studio album "Diary of a Pop Sinner", embraced not just the visual side but the independent artist in Stephanie for the very first time, pushing the boundaries amongst all pop artist by writing and producing her own songs, which at the time no one else was doing. The sound was highly inspired by the new wave pop sound in the 80's and debuted what Stephanie Fierce describes as "fierce-pop".
Her 'self-titled' third studio album, which focused more on lyrical content and fourth album "Newborn", became the least commercial but one of the praised efforts to date. Both albums explored organic and acoustic instrumentation as well as many other rock genres. Her fifth studio album and latest release titled "Free" contained a more experimental approach, exploring more difficult developed genres such as indie pop-rock with atmospheric, trance and ambient elements. An album in which she solely wrote and produced, including her very own instrument; "Fierce Atmosphere".
Stephanie Fierce has expressed many times, especially during the release of "Diary of a Pop Sinner" that she would never like to be considered the princess, queen of pop or any form of pop royalty. But reality is that once you make all these achievements, even being a metal artist, you are pretty much pop royalty whether you like it or not as the idea of a pop artist is to be popular.
At a point in her career, where she has basically done it all, achieved it all, it is only in her right to call herself the queen of pop. But where do we go from here?
"Queen of Pop Era" is the sixth studio album and will be released January 31, 2012. The title is derived from that and the music from the album will contain the spirit of royalty and will embrace pop music in an unique way. Stephanie Fierce will also embrace her inner mainstream artist to those fans who miss the 'pop; side of Steph. But as always, expect something innovative, and unique in contrast to what's considered "pop music" and on the radio nowadays. and most importantly, expect it to be 100% FIERCE.
Could Stephanie Fierce top her very own classics such as
'Hot Shot',
'Love Feels Like Grenades',
'Kill The Runaways' 'Crucifixion on an Innocent (Suffer)',
'Dying in the Airwaves' and
'Electric Guitar Virgin'. Find out soon, cause Stephanie Fierce is damn confident enough to step up to the challenge!
Edited by user 20 October 2011 06:18:55(UTC)
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